VALLEY CANINE Specialists Non-profit specialty rescue and training center working with both traumatized dogs and service dogs.


Master of Science in Canine Studies.
Here we go!!

TPLO surgery is the current "gold standard" for CCL tears in dogs. (Similar to ACL tear in humans.) Large dogs such as m...

TPLO surgery is the current "gold standard" for CCL tears in dogs. (Similar to ACL tear in humans.) Large dogs such as mastiffs are especially prone to this injury. The longer you let this CCL tear go, the more they are at risk for damaging the other side.

JACKSON (140 lbs) is here for his TPLO today, and we are hoping he makes a full recovery. In order to help ensure this we are going to set him up with post-op physical therapy. Please send us your prayers, crossed fingers, and well wishes!

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Update: ❤️‍🩹!! REUNITED !!🥲(Via Nextdoor app- remember to post everywhere) Their daddy came to pick them up and promised...

Update: ❤️‍🩹!! REUNITED !!🥲
(Via Nextdoor app- remember to post everywhere) Their daddy came to pick them up and promised to get them ID tags!
on Harney between hwy99 and Alpine

1) All black long-haired lab/retriever type dog, UNCHIPPED but collar & friendly, matted but appears taken care of.

2) Brindle & white terrier/staffy mix, CHIPPED but unregistered. Chip was dispensed via City of Lodi Animal Services who opens tomorrow morning.

They are contained and safe for the time being.

Text: 209-280-0892
[email protected]

Don't tell me the costs are your excuse. Here's the answer: If you can't afford a dog, don't get one. SAVING ONE RESCUE ...

Don't tell me the costs are your excuse. Here's the answer: If you can't afford a dog, don't get one. SAVING ONE RESCUE DOESN'T HELP IF YOU PRODUCE 10 MORE.

P.S. If you FOSTER a dog, all the costs for any care are 100% covered by the rescue or shelter.

Also, if you adopt from a shelter or rescue, they are ALREADY neutered and spayed and vaccinated and microchipped. Please don't complain about the costs there either because the veterinary care they put into the dog cost FAR more than they are charging you. Not to mention that it is still cheaper than what you would pay a breeder.

(e.g. We have an AMAZING bully shepherd for which we spent $5,000 in vet care that we are only charging $200 as an adoption fee. Hit us up if you're interested!)

Yes there ARE free & low-cost programs out there, so please don't tell me that either. Any time you put a dog under anesthesia, it's going to cost at LEAST several hundred dollars; if it doesn't, then you are already getting a low cost surgery subsidized by the city, the vet, or a nonprofit.

ALSO, There is no such thing as an accidental litter; it's human irresponsibility. If you have an intact dog, they will more than likely breed. So please don't use "accident" or "I can keep them separated" as an excuse. Male dogs will travel over a mile and jump or break down fences to get to a female in heat. And if you didn't know yet, there is such a thing as an invisible heat where they do not show signs.
"Accident" happens FAR too often.

And the biggest part...
DON'T PAY SOMEONE TO KEEP BREEDING. There are homeless puppies of EVERY breed and age out there who need homes. Entire litters are being abandoned everywhere. Please consider rescuing instead of purchasing.

[ I'm sorry if this sounds blunt, but these are all of the many many comments that I always see under every post about spaying and neutering. Be part of the solution instead of the problem. ]

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Veterinary care is EXPENSIVE!! 💸JACKSON needs TPLO surgery for his cruciate ligament tear in his knee. 😭  This is after ...

Veterinary care is EXPENSIVE!! 💸
JACKSON needs TPLO surgery for his cruciate ligament tear in his knee. 😭

This is after we spent $5k on Gunner and $2k on Dalilah. OUT OF OUR OWN POCKET!!
We need HELP! 👇

1) Donate at...

2) Make a payment toward our VET account at Standiford Veterinary Center.

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Sammie's Friends

Everyone gets a PUP CUP on their way to the VET! 🩺 With this boy's body-handling issues that we are still working on, he...

Everyone gets a PUP CUP on their way to the VET! 🩺 With this boy's body-handling issues that we are still working on, he needed a cone and heavy sedation shot first (which he did GREAT for) and is going to be put under for a variety of things to be addressed: Hip and hind leg x-rays, tail x-ray, removal of bump on nose, ear infection cleaning, under-tail exam, teeth check, toenail trim, etc. Let's see if we can get this boy tip top!
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Like all living creatures, including us, dogs just want to feel safe – it’s a basic survival need.

When we think about feeling safe it’s natural to just think about not being harmed or being in danger, but it’s not just about physical safety - feeling emotionally or psychologically safe is just as important.

While physical safety may be obvious and simpler to address, emotional safety is far more complex and not always easy to recognise or identify.

The same applies to our dogs – they are sentient beings whose behaviour is triggered and driven by emotions.

So many behaviour problems that we see in dogs stem from the brain saying– “this is not safe!”

A dog that lunges and barks or behaves aggressively with another dog or person is probably doing so because they feel unsafe. They are trying to make the scary thing go away.

A dog that is guarding resources is doing so because they are afraid that the resource will be taken away – they don’t feel safe when another animal or person approaches that resource.

A dog that is reacting to fireworks or thunderstorms or other noises is doing so because they don’t feel safe. The same can be said for separation distress – the feelings of panic when left alone – “I am not safe!”.

Some dogs may never get over a specific fear, but doing all we can to help dogs feel safe in our world is one of the most important gifts we can give them.

Our first responsibility should not be about training, obedience or trying to change behaviour, but to focus first and foremost on building trust, self-confidence, resilience, creating a safe and secure base and being the person that our dogs can rely on and trust.

In the words of Dr. Gabor Maté - "Feeling safe is the treatment and creating safety is the work".

In my words (as it pertains to dogs) – It is our responsibility to put in the work to enable our dogs to feel safe and when they feel safe, this will be part of the treatment or the solution to the problem.



We teach our dogs all sorts of things, but maybe don’t realise that teaching “calm” is also an important behaviour that has so many positive applications for both us and our dogs.

“Calm” can be defined as the absence of agitation or excitement; a feeling of tranquility; serenity and peace. These feelings are so often lacking in both our lives and that of our dogs.

Besides teaching dogs to settle on a mat or in another place or capturing and rewarding calm behaviour, here are some other ways to promote calmness.

Scenting or sniffing is a really effective and simple way to promote relaxation. It lowers the pulse rate and creates feelings of wellbeing.

Chewing is another powerful relaxation tool. Dogs use the chewing to relieve stress, frustration or anxiety. Chewing has a calming effect on the adrenal-pituitary axis in the brain which triggers the release of endorphins. It’s like self-medication for stress or anxiety.

Relaxing music that is specifically made for dogs can also work well, especially with dogs that get over excited in a car or have storm or firework fear.

When playing an exciting, high-energy game with your dog, take frequent breaks before starting up again to help your dog wind down and become calmer.

Aromatherapy, ear or other types of massage are other ways to help create calmness.

Cortisol holidays are also really important after a stressful event to prevent trigger stacking and allow cortisol levels to return to normal.

Conventional wisdom says that the ability to remain calm is a character trait that most of us lack, but Neuroscience teaches us that remaining calm under pressure is not an inborn trait, but a skill that needs to be learnt, practiced and managed and this applies to our dogs as well.

DO IT Before the 4th!! The one day of the year by far when the most cats and dogs go missing!

DO IT Before the 4th!! The one day of the year by far when the most cats and dogs go missing!

📢You asked and we listened

We are proud to be having another FREE microchip event. The clinic will be at Tractor Supply in Lodi. We want to extend a huge THANK YOU to Lodi Animal Services Foundation for their continued support in sponsoring the microchips. Mark your calendars and save the date! This event is open to non Lodi residents. Please see the attached flyer


A dogs neck is a very delicate part of their body!

The neck and cervical spine contain the spinal cord, this is where the nerves of the front legs originate. Excessive paw licking is quite often misdiagnosed as allergies when it is in fact pain.

Putting stress on the neck can cause painful disc damage and shoulder problems

A dog has the same number of vertebrae as a giraffe (think about that before choking a dog)

One of the most important structures of the nervous system "The Vagus Nerve" originates at neck level and this controls life essential organs like lung, heart, stomach, and intestinal tract.

The Thyroid gland is located in the neck. If this gets inflamed the immune system trys to remove the inflamed cells.
The destruction of the Thyroid gland cells can lead to hypothyroidism

Increased pressure put on the Jugular vein can cause seizures
Ear and Eye issues are significantly increased

Being je**ed on a lead causes whiplash and bruising.

The epidermis of a dog is only 3-5 cells thick
A humans is 10-15 cells thick

So WHY would anyone want to use a noose ....sorry I mean a slip lead?

A well fitted Y shaped harness is the safest and kindest peice of equipment to use.

"Study after scientific study has shown that when we use punishment and aversive training on aggressive dogs, the first ...

"Study after scientific study has shown that when we use punishment and aversive training on aggressive dogs, the first side effect is increased aggression."

By Ren Volpe


MEDICAL ALERT & RESPONSE CAUGHT ON VIDEO: I was recording a very simple training game that I could do in bed (we were a few mins in before I recorded), when suddenly my service dog in training started alerting to a seizure...

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Treats for "traffic" is WORKING! Our house dogs go crazy with barking at every vehicle that drives by (whether they are ...

Treats for "traffic" is WORKING!

Our house dogs go crazy with barking at every vehicle that drives by (whether they are inside or outside) since our house is so close to the dirt road.

Been using this strategy for a few weeks now, and more and more they either just ignore or give only one alert bark... (with Lucky's usually being his little half-bark that I've been training.)

Simple: Any time a vehicle drives by on the road -- whether they ignore it or bark their heads off -- I cheerfully call it "traffic" and give them a treat.

Which means I need to not only listen out for the traffic myself so I catch it when they don't bark, but I also need to have a treat jar by the door and around the house for any time a vehicle goes by, which we do anyway since training never stops.

Certainly works better than yelling, and also less stressful for everyone! Once they are solid with this new emotional response and behavior, we will wean off the treats and only reinforce occasionally.

NOTE: No, this does not reward/reinforce the barking. You cannot "train" an emotion without addressing the underlying cause. This simply allows them to associate something different with traffic... Which now triggers positive expectations instead of stress and fear = Looking to me or ignoring instead of going bonkers. Overall, we are reducing hypervigilance in a nervous dog.

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We agree! All dogs should be muzzle trained for emergencies. Emergencies are stressful enough without adding the terror ...

We agree! All dogs should be muzzle trained for emergencies. Emergencies are stressful enough without adding the terror of having a "cage" attached to your face! We were able to buy one off Amazon that had a miniature lick mat attachment at the snout to help with training and accepting the muzzle. Worked great with our reactive rescue!!

Dogs should learn to wear a muzzle, but many people make mistakes and there’s a fit issue too, according to new research.

When we run out of wet food... Kibbles, chicken broth, fish oil, and a farm fresh egg from our own hens!

When we run out of wet food...

Kibbles, chicken broth, fish oil, and a farm fresh egg from our own hens!

All of our rescues get desensitized to livestock.   .    .

All of our rescues get desensitized to livestock.
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This was walking back from the fridge to my bedroom using "counter-balance" and a little "momentum pull", both mobility ...

This was walking back from the fridge to my bedroom using "counter-balance" and a little "momentum pull", both mobility tasks that help with walking...

I REALLY wish he did not have a hurt ankle. He would be so far along in training by now! And I'd be able to actually use him already.

(MY walking trouble has to do with partial-paralysis, seizure-like activity, myoclonic jerks.)

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🎉 FAMILY REUNION‼️ Watch Mom & her 3 pups meet up for the first time after 2.5 years apart!!We got a super fun visit tod...

Watch Mom & her 3 pups meet up for the first time after 2.5 years apart!!

We got a super fun visit today with Bonnie & Clyde (F.K.A. Tipper and BabyGirl)!! These two siblings that were adopted out together 2 years ago came back to see their mother (Chica) and brother (Finn) who are still here on the farm. A big THANK YOU to their adopters for stopping by to create this amazing reunion!

Finn was adopted by Chris who is part of the rescue, but Mama Chica is still available! She is now around 7 years old because she has been here for 2.5 years. She was our very first official rescue.

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Getting started with Cooperative Care. The concept is amazing if you are able to do it! The end result is that grooming ...

Getting started with Cooperative Care. The concept is amazing if you are able to do it! The end result is that grooming is a rewarding experience for both of you.
Time for STEP 1: Setting up a new positive grooming space.

Here is her group that is based on this book: Cooperative Care with Deb Jones

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All of our rescues have at least one safe space that they can call their own. This is BUSTER, and he relies heavily on h...

All of our rescues have at least one safe space that they can call their own. This is BUSTER, and he relies heavily on his little crate. He is almost always in there, especially if he is nervous. It is inside his pen and therefore never closed, but that's where he feels safest. He usually will bury himself underneath his blankets.

Buster is desperate to be adopted. He needs a lap all to himself, a special person with a lot of patience due to his backstory. But once he bonds with you, he will follow you wherever you go.

Age: 6
Breed: chihuahua
Weight:12 lbs
Location: Lodi, CA (we deliver)
Will be neutered before adoption

[email protected]
Text: 209-280-0892

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This girl can hardly breathe. Backyard breeders... Avoid them at all costs.


"Feel Good" for the day. What are some little things you can do to make your dog's bathing and grooming experience more like a spa than something to fear and fight over?


Harney & Alpine Area
Lodi, CA


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