Archie Entertains Himself
Have you ever wondered what the energy level of a typical Springer puppy is? Take a look.
She’s a very smart girl 😊❤️😂
Good girl Starbuck. Those are big puppies!
Here’s a short video of the drama that happens when the puppy pen is being cleaned. You might want to turn the volume down 😏
Eventually they decided the new place wasn’t so bad… and met some toys for the first time. Oh, 4 weeks old today.
First day in the big pen. They’re not too sure about this yet. Only Ethel is willing to explore. I’ll follow up with a video when they’ve decided it’s all OK.
As puppies get bigger they become more entertaining every day.
Who’s two weeks old today? This bunch!
Patient Starbuck will stay in one spot for hours while the puppies are eating. Left to right: Shirley, Elaine, Striker, Rex, Ethel.
Volume up for sweet puppy sounds.
Jake and Bruno are not just neighbors and litter mates, but buddies. Love seeing videos like this!
Sometimes if we’re good at the groomer’s we get lunch on the way home.
Maggie Loves to Run
Thank you Robin Bibo for sharing Maggie’s runabout.
Starbuck and sister Delenn had a play date today. Delenn is from the litter born in 2018. We loved the puppies from that litter so much we did a repeat breeding with the Peanuts litter.
Hanging in the shade with half-sister Ella.
It’s a beautiful day to visit puppies in their newly expanded outdoor pen. They will be out most of the day. Local folks, message me before you come over if you want to be sure they’re still outside.
It’s a beautiful day to watch puppies play. 😏 Local folks, we’ll be out back much of the day so stop by. Message us first if you know you’re heading over. You’ll find the pen off the end of the driveway. Bring a chair.
Our puppies are extremely well socialized. Humans of all ages and dogs of many sizes. This is our Clumber Spaniel Sulley. He’s the “fun” uncle.