Our newest baby girl, Sapphire, is enjoying eating her bedding. Silly Bunflower! She has been such a sweet, adventurous, new love of our household. So excited to see her grow up!
I'm grateful for the joy these beautiful bunflowers bring me everyday!
Every new mother's biggest worry, "Is my baby getting enough to eat!" Because rabbits only feed their babies for 5 minutes 2x a day, feedings are a mystery, as it is rarely a witnessed event. Here is exclusive footage of my Doe feeding and bathing her wiggly Bunflower's.
So how do you know if the babies are being fed and thriving? Check their bellies twice a day, they should be full and round, and noticed if their features are smooth. A baby with wrinkles in the skin, is dehydrated and malnourished and requires close monitoring and potentially intervention. I recommend weighing the Bunflower's once a day to monitor progress and you'll see clearly if any are falling off the curve.
Check out our Instagram, Save.Pierre.The.Rabbit to share our experience with rescuing a baby that wasn't thriving. https://instagram.com/saving.pierre.the.rabbit?igshid=851t7jq1oaw1
Please like my page if you enjoyed this content and found growth in caring for your Bunflower's.