Train your eye.
Girth your saddle up snug.
Does your saddle have sufficient wither clearance ALL the way through the gullet? (Get on a step ladder and look with a flashlight!) Some horses have long withers and there may not be sufficient clearance farther back.
Does your saddle have sufficient clearance on the sides of the withers, as well?
Is the lowest part of the seat in the middle of the seat? (If your horse is a very uphill mover, the balance point may need to be adjusted accordingly, as with this horse).
Does the angle of the tree match the angle of the horse’s withers?
These points of saddle fitting just scratch the surface, but if the answer is “no” to any of the questions, it means it’s time to call out a knowledgeable saddle fitter.
We ask a LOT of our horses. Proper saddle fit is paramount to horse welfare.