“REAL FRIENDS HAVE FANGS!”, It’s more than just a clever slogan I came up with for a small business fueled by my passion for jumping spiders. Truthfully, I didn’t start out with a love for spiders...in fact, I despised them. I hate that I felt this way, but the only option for a spider was the bottom of my shoe or raid bug spray! About a year ago, my dear Great-Grandfather, Alexander Horton Jones Jr. passed away. One of the many things I inherited from him was a gently used canon camera. I have always been amazing at photography, I'm never in pictures at events because I'm always the one taking the pictures.
(You're probably wondering where I'm going with this, there's a point I promise)
I started taking pictures every day of everything that I could. I then realized I had a macro lens, I bought some extension tubes and started taking macro photos in my backyard. One day there was a tiny fuzzy spider on my aloe vera with a big set of puppy dog eyes staring right back at me. He was a patient and willing model, we had several photoshoots over several days. One day he was just GONE, I couldn't find him anywhere. I searched for a week or two to no avail. I started doing research to find out exactly what type of spider I encountered, It was a Phidippus Audax jumping spider. I then started doing research on where to buy one because I was so intrigued by the little eight-legged guy who stole my heart.
My first jumpers were a bold orange, almost red female Phidippus Regius Soroa from Cuba (My daughter named her Crispy Bacon), And a bright yellow female Hyllus Diardi whom I name Bananas. Bananas was an adult when we got her and has unfortunately passed away since. Crispy Bacon is doing fine and her slings will be the first of many spoods sold by Friendly Fangz. Our mission is not only to provide the best eight-legged experience but also to rid the world of the irrational fear of these beautiful creatures. We cant wait to do business with you here at Friendy Fangz, and always remember, REAL FRIENDS, HAVE FANGS!!!