I'm a sucker for #JarsOfDirt and that means getting one of my wishlist #TrapdoorSpiders
Liphistius sp Yangae (Rainbow Armored Trapdoor) and that also means buying everyone in stock from a friend, The Spider Room yep got 3 of them and was able to film many a misses but then (drumroll) what all Trapdoor keepers truly enjoy, the takedown and take down.
#ExoticPets #PetApp
#JOMapp #PetTracker
JOM gives Exotic Pet owners a seamless customizable pet tracker and a personalized JOM wishlist. JOM community of users will provide novice keepers with knowledge base, tips, and techniques that will enable your exotic pet to thrive in your care. The Bazaar, our exclusive marketplace, will match your wishlist with reputable vendors and private breeders to add to your growing collection.
Apple iOS https://apps.apple.com/us/app/jom-pet/id1626429772
Android Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app.jompet
Today a friend came by to pick up a Cyclocosmia torreya (American Hourglass), the trapdoor spider that has an oreo bootah. I wanted to show him that the trapdoor is there, and not a jar of dirt; so I filmed two of the C.torreya that I have and see which one will bite. And lucky for me, I didn't have to dig any up and was able to give POL (proof of life) on the little sucker. Hahaha, always good to make friends know you're honest.
#ExoticPets #PetApp
#JOMapp #PetTracker
I have so many Ts, I can post a dozen feeding videos a day, but I much enjoy just being a old fashion voyeur and watch my beauties. Kind of takes away the pleasure of just enjoying them (when trying to get the right shot).
BUT I do enjoy watching other people feeding their Ts. There I go being the T voyeur I am.
Here's a red roach that played to close to "Goldie" and got pulled into the dark den of despair. We'll happy for her, but not the prey.
#Neoholotheleincei #TrinidadOlive #TribidadOliveGold
#ExoticPets #PetApp
#JOMapp #PetTracker
Pet Care is not always glamorous and exciting, but I do it cause I find peace in caring for my tarantulas. And I sure you do too.
Enjoy using JOM app to track your care, such as Feeding, Water, Cleaning, Molts and also customize your own tasks.
JOM gives Exotic Pet owners a seamless customizable pet tracker and a personalized JOM wishlist. JOM community of users will provide novice keepers with knowledge base, tips, and techniques that will enable your exotic pet to thrive in your care. The Bazaar, our exclusive marketplace, will match your wishlist with reputable vendors and private breeders to add to your growing collection.
** You're getting on the ground floor (beta), so yes there's a lot of bugs. We're still developing new functions, so hang in there and hope to see you part of the JOM community. **
#ExoticPets #PetApp
#JOMapp #PetTracker
According to research, having a pet helps you handle stress that helps lower your blood pressure and releases feel-good chemicals in your brain for happiness.
#ExoticPets #PetApp
#JOMapp #PetTracker
Tarantulas are fairly easy pets.
Most owners feed them once or twice a week, keep species' humidity at proper levels, and barely need any enclosure cleaning
#ExoticPets #PetApp
#JOMapp #PetTracker
#Tarantulas #Snakes #Frogs #Birds
Fleas Got Hops
Fleas are jumping machines. They can jump up to 13 inches, which is like a human jumping 200 times their body length. Think 1,100 feet up in the air for the average five-foot, six-inch person!
This means that fleas can easily jump onto human, pets, and even through screened doors and windows.
This week's #LuckyDraw winner is Jon Michael Cu
Thanks for posting about our JOM Exotic Pets tracker app
Please DM us to select one of our prizes:
Marshall Arachnids any size Purple Enclosure
or $150 gift certificate to one of the below partners.
Exotics Unlimited
Fanghub Tarantulas
Micro Wilderness
Paladin Exotics
Spider Shoppe
The Spider Room
1) Download JOM app
2) Share a screenshot of your collection
3) #JOMapp to enter
4) YES even complaining about the app counts, and is appreciated
*** Post on your profile and as many groups ***
Each post increases your chase to win...!!!
1 post - 1 entry
2 post - 2 entries
3 posts - 4 entries
4 posts - 8 entries
...and so forth and so on.
- Only available to 18+ users in the United States
- Select from enclosures, products, and more "etc"
- Shipping & Taxes are additional
- Prizes must be claimed within 30 days or winning