JOM - Tim Sher

JOM - Tim Sher JOM gives Exotic Pet owners a seamless pet tracker and community to discuss our collection. Looking forward to sharing experiences with everyone.

My son wanted a tarantula as a first pet in 2017, and now we're hooked on the beauty and care we have for our collection.

Paired 3 species all a couple months apart with earliest Oct, 2022 WOWI guess it's spring, weather warming and the gravi...

Paired 3 species all a couple months apart with earliest Oct, 2022 WOW
I guess it's spring, weather warming and the gravid females got triggered to lay their sac.

My Avicularia avicularia sealed up her corkbark 2 months after a (successful) pairing. Fingers crossed, she's in there w...

My Avicularia avicularia sealed up her corkbark 2 months after a (successful) pairing. Fingers crossed, she's in there with an eggsac. I'll check in 2-3 weeks.

Feeding date for my springtail culture, enjoy the Thai sticky rice.Why? It has higher glucose then long grain.

Feeding date for my springtail culture, enjoy the Thai sticky rice.
Why? It has higher glucose then long grain. wish that our spouse would be interested in the caregiving of our an...
We wish that our spouse would be interested in the caregiving of our animals, but I don't expect her to enjoy everything I do. The same with sports, we just accept the difference; so the same should be the same for many other things.

I talked to my wife, and I don't think we're 100% the same; but what we do agree on is to concentrate and share what we have in common. Sounds a bit weird, but really - I have interests that she does not, and vice versa.

So with animal caregiving, I talk with people from so many backgrounds; and we just keep our discussion on the care and passion we have. And that's good enough for me.

Hope to meet and talk with you one day too. listen to a lot of podcast on business and mentoring, and just thought tha...
I listen to a lot of podcast on business and mentoring, and just thought that there is a correlation with the hobby. I've been meaning to start a podcast, but I tried recording and I know I will get better as time goes; but I think I can better focus my mind when I write. (but if you know me, I love talking with people)
This newsletter will just a a feel good couple paragraphs on stuff I learned about the hobby (whether it's tarantulas, tennis, gardening) but one thing for sure is there's someone there that loves the same thing you do. And then what? Where do you go from there?
We might not have much more in common then the hobby and a few other things, but that's the thing; imagine a concert - everyone there is loving the same band or singer. Same thing as going to a reptile show; but unfortunately there's not much opportunity just be open and start talking to people.
Myself? I was able to connect with hundreds of people; and this is my stories about how one thing led to another; and making friends.
What's your story?

Last year, I figured to avoid the egg crate from stacking on top of each other I cut the edge of a square box 12x12", an...

Last year, I figured to avoid the egg crate from stacking on top of each other I cut the edge of a square box 12x12", and then with the lids I cut panels that would insert between the egg crates. From seeing online, I see many people using double the numbers of crates cause of stacking so hope this nice and neat tip will help you with your colony. Anything to save a couple crates.
Tip 2: I hate to use a whole egg crate, it's too hard to shake so many roaches off a big full tray, so for my nymphs I would use 1/3 (2x5 eggs) and for my full colony I would do halved (3x6 eggs).
Tip3: I save finished toilet paper rolls, and place them on top of the trays. Why? There's aways a bunch of roaches in there that I can shake into a 32oz deli cup. Again nice and clean. Easy to get a few out without disturbing the tray.
Hopefully this helps, and remember

Check out more tips on JOM Pet App
JOM gives Exotic Pet owners a seamless customizable pet tracker and a personalized JOM wishlist. JOM community of users will provide novice keepers with knowledge base, tips, and techniques that will enable your exotic pet to thrive in your care. The Bazaar, our exclusive marketplace, will match your wishlist with reputable vendors and private breeders to add to your growing collection.

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Android Play


I'm a sucker for and that means getting one of my wishlist
Liphistius sp Yangae (Rainbow Armored Trapdoor) and that also means buying everyone in stock from a friend, The Spider Room yep got 3 of them and was able to film many a misses but then (drumroll) what all Trapdoor keepers truly enjoy, the takedown and take down.

JOM gives Exotic Pet owners a seamless customizable pet tracker and a personalized JOM wishlist. JOM community of users will provide novice keepers with knowledge base, tips, and techniques that will enable your exotic pet to thrive in your care. The Bazaar, our exclusive marketplace, will match your wishlist with reputable vendors and private breeders to add to your growing collection.

Apple iOS

Android Play


Today a friend came by to pick up a Cyclocosmia torreya (American Hourglass), the trapdoor spider that has an oreo bootah. I wanted to show him that the trapdoor is there, and not a jar of dirt; so I filmed two of the C.torreya that I have and see which one will bite. And lucky for me, I didn't have to dig any up and was able to give POL (proof of life) on the little sucker. Hahaha, always good to make friends know you're honest.

Why are dreamcatchers like vendors?TAG A VENDORI've been caring for Ts for about 3 years, and it's been an incredible jo...

Why are dreamcatchers like vendors?

I've been caring for Ts for about 3 years, and it's been an incredible journey of learning. I contacted many vendors over the last year to understand their business, and blessed to meet a few friends in person and many more thru comments in posts.

We are ao passionate about the Ts in our lives, and I hope we continue to build a great community. Do not let bad apples of last year discourage us; there's so many more great people and reliable vendors.

A friend posted the following:
"A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.”

I guess we always come back full circle and either repeat good habits, or look to break bad cycles. So, back to my question at the beginning, did anyone guess the answer?

I feel that vendors and breeders provide us with dreams, which are our precious Ts (and other pets). In a way they care for our soon to be pets; kind of like catching (our) dreams until they come true. That's why we are so joyous to receive a package from these wonderful "dreamcatchers".

TAG A VENDOR TO WISH THEM THE BEST FOR 2023, and thank them for a WONDERFUL 2022. Hope to introduce people on this thread to great vendors.

PLEASE NO NEGATIVITY let people be grateful.


I have so many Ts, I can post a dozen feeding videos a day, but I much enjoy just being a old fashion vo**ur and watch my beauties. Kind of takes away the pleasure of just enjoying them (when trying to get the right shot).

BUT I do enjoy watching other people feeding their Ts. There I go being the T vo**ur I am.

Here's a red roach that played to close to "Goldie" and got pulled into the dark den of despair. We'll happy for her, but not the prey.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.It's been a tough year, and I can say caring for our tarantulas has been my peace. I ...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
It's been a tough year, and I can say caring for our tarantulas has been my peace. I just want to wish everyone the best. Let's continue to be kind to each other and welcoming to people joining our hobby. We all find solice with our Ts, and this unites us.
2023 will be amazing, cause I'm going to make it so. Hope I meet you along my journey.

I recall how people can train dogs to balance a treat on a dog's nose and restrain from eating it until allowed. So when...

I recall how people can train dogs to balance a treat on a dog's nose and restrain from eating it until allowed. So when I saw Miranda 's photo of a dead cricket on her T's head I just had to laugh, and all I can think of was let's see a photo or video of the hahaha

What's stronger than gravity?The attraction to buy Just One More pet...!!!

What's stronger than gravity?
The attraction to buy Just One More pet...!!!

Blame it on tonight "Full Moon" as I keep repeating this excuse to myself when I walked in the door with 22 more Ts in h...

Blame it on tonight "Full Moon" as I keep repeating this excuse to myself when I walked in the door with 22 more Ts in hand. I went to meet Jacob Arroyo to grab two Ts from him, yes two Ts only. But problem is that we met The Spider Room and then I grabbed another 20 from Matt. Learn the valuable lesson from me, don't meet at a go to a bank or park or supermarket. Why did I think meeting a friend at a T store would be the right idea. I know Jacob walked out with just as many too.
Guess the 3 adults I got? 2 are females? and 1 is a male?
Last photo is my mail order from Spider Shoppe that I just received this morning (21 slings); and the unplanned buy. Blaming it on the

Thank you Tyler  Shoppe for the   deals and making this holiday season 21 Ts brighter...!!!Yeah, a dent in the wallet bu...

Thank you Tyler Shoppe for the deals and making this holiday season 21 Ts brighter...!!!
Yeah, a dent in the wallet but worth every penny on 10 species (see list below).
And yes highly recommend always to use a water dish with slings (here I'm using tattoo ink caps - sanitized and ready to use).

Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Grammostola pulchra
Grammostola rosea
Heteroscodra maculata
Nhandu chromatus
Nhandu tripepii
Pterinochilus murinus Mikumi DCF
Pterinochilus murinus Mozambique DCF
Stromatopelma calceatum

Today Orkin dropped by to do their monthly pest station check, and I talked to him about my T room and try to not do any...

Today Orkin dropped by to do their monthly pest station check, and I talked to him about my T room and try to not do anything to affect my babies. He was interested to check it out, and was pretty amazed at all the Ts.

Since he deals with pest (like bugs), he said he had a friend that has snakes; but never anyone with tarantulas. He mentioned that many of them try and catch and release if they can, even if they're in the business of getting rid of pests. I felt he would be a good person to introduce into the hobby, so I gave him a holiday gift of a 1" Tliltocatl vagans aka Mexican red rump with enclosure and full setup.

(wish I took a photo)
argh, I was so happy about sharing my passion about Ts to him, I just forget. I need to be better about taking photos of moments.

(hours passing)
oh yeah, I should make a post about it. ARGH.

I think I will do better in 2023, and continue to introduce our hobby to people on the outside, and show them that Ts are really amazing animals.

Tip: always give your number to them, ARGH again I didn't think about it; but should have given him my contact so he can come back and ask questions.

CAN WE PIN THIS POST?I got my credit card company to credit my purchase from January.I talked to my friend that is a deb...

I got my credit card company to credit my purchase from January.

I talked to my friend that is a debt collector, and he told me what credit card companies always asked for so you have to be smart.

1) when is the delivery?
If you said it was July then why did you wait? They wont help, BUT even if payment was earlier this year or last year; banks go by deliver date and thats why you're reporting it now.

2) Proof?
next they will email you a link to upload receipts and hopefully screenshots of discussion, timeliness discussion
AGAIN stick by delivery of November

3) if you used PayPal credit then you're out of luck, PP is only 180 days

4) if you used your bank account (not credit card) - I don't know didn't ask since it didn't pertain to my situation

the word is scam (not fraud) just to get the lingo straight; we intentionally paid so it's called a scam

Don't mention me, I don't have the answers just what worked for me.

After hearing a s**t load of other people got scammed I wanted to do something rather than accept I lost. I did give up, but then with so many of us I asked my friend how we can representation; and thus his recommendations and IT WORKED.

Just sharing that I did get my credit card "credited" but they will still take 90 days review and try and reach out to Dustin for information and if the business (Simply Spiders) doesn't reply, then the credit stays.

BEST WISHES. I believe in our community, I believe there is more good then bad. Please post on social, again I don't want credit - just sharing.

SCAMMED By Simply Spiders? WATCH THIS! (Deleting Soon)
Simply Spiders has disappeared from the internet, along with tens of thousands of dollars of their customers money! Here is what WE can do as a community to make things right!

This weekend Tom's Big Spiders covered winter worries, and reminded me what I did last winter. I do use a oil-filled rad...

This weekend Tom's Big Spiders covered winter worries, and reminded me what I did last winter. I do use a oil-filled radiator, but I also put a chafing dish tray on top that keeps the water warm and evaporates just enough water to keep the room at a nice 20-25% humidity. I thought I would just add that tidbit to his podcast about investing in an oil heater.
Also if you plan to use a on/off temperature controller, PLEASE make sure to buy a manual radiator or else the digital one won't turn off after power cuts off and on again.
I only fill about 1-2inches of water so the heater doesn't work as hard to warm up the water.
I also connected a fan to the sensor that will circulate the heat in the room when power kicks on. Make sure the fan is also manual on/off.
As Tom, I'm a firm believer that we need to keep sharing tips to better ourselves as keepers or how else can we better the lives of our Ts. I hope this helps.

These are examples, and not necessarily what I got.
Oil-filled radiator
Chafing dish tray 1/3 size about 3x7x12

Collection & Wishlist** my one self promotion a week (agreed by group admins) **We all have two list when we keep exotic...

Collection & Wishlist
** my one self promotion a week (agreed by group admins) **
We all have two list when we keep exotics; our care collection, and the big one - our wishlist. Hahaha, because all we want is "Just One More."

Being a keeper, breeder and seller; I built this app to accommodate for different keepers. The big one is to be able to transfer pets from one collection to a friend's collection. By being diligent in logging in your tasks, you will be able to transfer your care information to the next keeper.

I've been transferring pets to friends, and their jaws always drop with this function...!!!

This is the coolest part, because as I said, "Just One More." So your wishlist will connect directly to our Bazaar marketplace. And you'll be able to find reputable vendors. This has always been my issue with trying to find the best pricing, opening half a dozen websites and creating an excel to compare pricing. ARGH.

Now finding your next pet on Bazaar using your wishlist is seamless and will take but a button.

BETA we're still struggling to build users and vendors, but we'll get there. I believe in what the community stands for, and what we need to keep us sustainable.

Thank you for reading. There's so much more functions to cover, so I'll continue to post about bugs, updates and my joy for my tarantulas.

Enjoy using JOM app to track your care, such as Feeding, Water, Cleaning, Molts and also customize your own tasks. JOM gives Exotic Pet owners a seamless customizable pet tracker, and a personalized JOM wishlist. JOM community of users will provide novice keepers with knowledge base, tips, and techniques that will enable your exotic pet to thrive in your care. JOM Bazaar, our exclusive marketplace, will match your wishlist with reputable vendors and private breeders to add to your growing collection.

YEP, so true...!!I enjoy all the small nuances that come with the care of my tarantulas. I've been keeping for 6 years, ...

YEP, so true...!!
I enjoy all the small nuances that come with the care of my tarantulas. I've been keeping for 6 years, but really got crazy with my collection 3 years ago. However, I still enjoy feeding them and even more excited when they take down a prey. ESPECIALLY love watching the slings take down their first prey and struggle and roll around. Then there's the molts, I have a container called "Skin Bin" and have hundreds of them in there, and thousands that were too small to keep (and threw away). But for molts, it's like finding a present - and seeing how much bigger is my tarantula. How could you not enjoy keeping and caring for a pet.

Enjoy using JOM app to track your care, such as Feeding, Water, Cleaning, Molts and also customize your own tasks. JOM gives Exotic Pet owners a seamless customizable pet tracker, and a personalized JOM wishlist. JOM community of users will provide novice keepers with knowledge base, tips, and techniques that will enable your exotic pet to thrive in your care. JOM Bazaar, our exclusive marketplace, will match your wishlist with reputable vendors and private breeders to add to your growing collection.

Any good pet quotes?I have to agree, that pets help us connect back to nature. We're in a cement jungle, but I personall...

Any good pet quotes?
I have to agree, that pets help us connect back to nature. We're in a cement jungle, but I personally feel we long for nature again. And having pets give us back and inkling of that nature.
Let's all take a hike, garden, surf, and care for an animal. I mean really care for them. There's a peace that I get from caring for my tarantulas.

Enjoy using JOM app to track your care, such as Feeding, Water, Cleaning, Molts and also customize your own tasks. JOM gives Exotic Pet owners a seamless customizable pet tracker, and a personalized JOM wishlist. JOM community of users will provide novice keepers with knowledge base, tips, and techniques that will enable your exotic pet to thrive in your care. JOM Bazaar, our exclusive marketplace, will match your wishlist with reputable vendors and private breeders to add to your growing collection.

Being a exotic pet keeper, in my case 200+ tarantulas; I have friends that keep many other exotic pets. It's cool to lea...

Being a exotic pet keeper, in my case 200+ tarantulas; I have friends that keep many other exotic pets. It's cool to learn about their care. We all have the same passion for animals, and their well-being. I hope we can continue to learn from each other.

Correlophus ciliatus (Crested Geckos)
One of few reptiles that do not need special UVB lighting because they are nocturnal (active at night). Although, there is not enough research that can prove either argument; you do what is best for your Crestie.

Enjoy using JOM app to track your care, such as Feeding, Water, Cleaning, Molts and also customize your own tasks. JOM gives Exotic Pet owners a seamless customizable pet tracker, and a personalized JOM wishlist. JOM community of users will provide novice keepers with knowledge base, tips, and techniques that will enable your exotic pet to thrive in your care. JOM Bazaar, our exclusive marketplace, will match your wishlist with reputable vendors and private breeders to add to your growing collection.

Who migrates farther?I wonder.

Who migrates farther?
I wonder.

  FactI love learning about facts. It's one of those "huh" moment that makes you smile, and say "that's cool."Do you kno...

I love learning about facts. It's one of those "huh" moment that makes you smile, and say "that's cool."
Do you know of any animal facts that you can share?

JOM pet app would like to continue to collect user data on pet care, and hopefully in a couple days continue to provide information to researchers and our community.

Enjoy using JOM app to track your care, such as Feeding, Water, Cleaning, Molts and also customize your own tasks. JOM gives Exotic Pet owners a seamless customizable pet tracker, and a personalized JOM wishlist. JOM community of users will provide novice keepers with knowledge base, tips, and techniques that will enable your exotic pet to thrive in your care. JOM Bazaar, our exclusive marketplace, will match your wishlist with reputable vendors and private breeders to add to your growing collection.

Exotics vs Everyone?We need to take the higher ground, and not always be so defensive to people looking inside. People w...

Exotics vs Everyone?
We need to take the higher ground, and not always be so defensive to people looking inside. People will always fear exotics, and in doing so react unkindly. I believe that if we are able to come together as a community, and gather all the data from experiences of keepers; we'll be able to stand by all the things we're saying about how we're saving our pets from the possibility of extinction in the wild.
It's time to walk the walk with

Enjoy using JOM app to track your care, such as Feeding, Water, Cleaning, Molts and also customize your own tasks. JOM gives Exotic Pet owners a seamless customizable pet tracker, and a personalized JOM wishlist. JOM community of users will provide novice keepers with knowledge base, tips, and techniques that will enable your exotic pet to thrive in your care. JOM Bazaar, our exclusive marketplace, will match your wishlist with reputable vendors and private breeders to add to your growing collection.

Are you a parent with kids that have pets?How frustrated is it to keep reminding them to feed the snake? walk the dog? c...

Are you a parent with kids that have pets?
How frustrated is it to keep reminding them to feed the snake? walk the dog? clean the kitty litter?
Then JOM has a solution for getting notifications for these chores, and many more. Get yourself stress-free, and allow JOM to care for your kid's pets. Lets put the responsibility back to your kids, and make pet care fun again.

Enjoy using JOM app to track your care, such as Feeding, Water, Cleaning, Molts and also customize your own tasks. JOM gives Exotic Pet owners a seamless customizable pet tracker, and a personalized JOM wishlist. JOM community of users will provide novice keepers with knowledge base, tips, and techniques that will enable your exotic pet to thrive in your care. JOM Bazaar, our exclusive marketplace, will match your wishlist with reputable vendors and private breeders to add to your growing collection.

That's a lot of bugs...!!!I'll keep posting cool facts that I think are cool (to me), but just wanted to share to my fri...

That's a lot of bugs...!!!
I'll keep posting cool facts that I think are cool (to me), but just wanted to share to my friends in hobby.

Enjoy using JOM app to track your care, such as Feeding, Water, Cleaning, Molts and also customize your own tasks.

JOM gives Exotic Pet owners a seamless customizable pet tracker and a personalized JOM wish list. JOM community of users will provide novice keepers with knowledge base, tips, and techniques that will enable your exotic pet to thrive in your care. The Bazaar, our exclusive marketplace, will match your wish list with reputable vendors and private breeders to add to your growing collection.

Caring for my 100s of tarantulas have been a very peaceful during the last few years of uncertain times. I'm very happy ...

Caring for my 100s of tarantulas have been a very peaceful during the last few years of uncertain times. I'm very happy I have them. It's really like yoga, where I can have quiet time and just feed them, care for them, clean enclosures, fill up water dish. I'm sure many of us keepers feel the same peace with our pets.

Enjoy using JOM app to track your care, such as Feeding, Water, Cleaning, Molts and also customize your own tasks. JOM gives Exotic Pet owners a seamless customizable pet tracker and a personalized JOM wishlist. JOM community of users will provide novice keepers with knowledge base, tips, and techniques that will enable your exotic pet to thrive in your care. The Bazaar, our exclusive marketplace, will match your wish list with reputable vendors and private breeders to add to your growing collection.


Los Angeles, CA



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