SSK9 Training & Services

SSK9 Training & Services R+ Balanced LIMA Pet Dog Trainer


Always practicing our obedience🐶❤️

Always practicing our obedience🐶❤️

She'll herd me if I'm not going the way she wants😅😂🐶❤️

She'll herd me if I'm not going the way she wants😅😂🐶❤️

Small dogs are so misunderstood. Little 3 year old Owen just finished 8 basic obedience sessions with me. Now it's time ...

Small dogs are so misunderstood. Little 3 year old Owen just finished 8 basic obedience sessions with me. Now it's time for his owners to do their part and keep up his training. As much as I love big dogs, I'll always have a place for the small ones too🥰🐶❤️


Personally in my opinion this dog should NOT be out in public spaces if he acts likes this. I'll give props for the muzzle as the OP of the videos has stated he's a bite risk many times. OP has also stated hes a washed SD because of fear aggression, BUT that doesn't excuse the fact this dog WILL bite while the handler is on the ground and not able to control the dog in this situation. OP has also stated this isnt the first time hes done this while in stores, as the OP is on the ground unconscious. Several comments have said the dog shouldn't be there or should be outside stores or at parks where the stress of being inside of a place can overwhelm the dog. I also tried to nicely educate the OP saying public spaces such as stores may not be the best option and to try empty trails or parks, in which OP gave me every excuse why she couldn't and she blocked me just as shes done to several other people who tried as well🙄🤦‍♀️
This dog is over threshold, very stressed and extremely terrified. If a child walked by and this dog went for a muzzle punch, this dog would still end up in the back of a animal control vehicle. I'm sorry to say it but it's true! No trainer would EVER allow a fear aggressive bite risk dog inside any store knowing this is what the outcome might be for the owner! I realize the OP claims to be a "trainer" but there is no real proof of any outside training beside her own 2 possibly 3 dogs and her friends/families dogs that she's posted about.
I would NEVER take a fear aggressive bite risk dog out in public stores. Too much room for error and training can be set back very far because of this. This needs to be done slowly in an empty park or trail. Personally I'd start and work on handler engagement and eye contact in a very low distraction environment and restart all socialization training from the very beginning than work up from there slowly. It would take a while but that's what this dog needs🤷‍♀️


Abby and I having fun and a little obedience training

Got permission to post by my clients as they didnt want to be filmed/photographed during our sessions. This was the mess...

Got permission to post by my clients as they didnt want to be filmed/photographed during our sessions. This was the message from a text that was sent to me last week. I haven't worked with them in a few weeks but it's great to hear from clients that appreciate my help🥰
"Thank you for all your help, Sarah!! The past couple weeks have been absolutely amazing! Marley has changed into a completely new dog! He's only had a couple mild reactions. Overall, he's doing amazing with all the training you've shown my wife and I."

She really is a good looking pup🐶❤️

She really is a good looking pup🐶❤️


When I get told dogs don't like tools... well here's Abby getting excited about the prong and we aren't even going anywhere 🤷‍♀️
What does that tell you?? When used properly, they can be absolutely amazing.


Los Angeles, CA



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