Went for a hike, met 3 handsome A. steindachni gentlemen on the way
Ouch….When you use all your best moves and she still doesn’t like you😢
I am very happy to see this beautiful P. nikites moving around! He came out of his mature molt yesterday and went straight into a death curl. He stayed like that all of yesterday while I placed him into a deli cup with a moist napkin and gave him sugar water on qtips. Today he started moving around. His movements are still sloppy but I am hopeful he will continue improving! It took him exactly 1 year and 1 month to reach maturity.
Would you ever keep isopods (rolly pollies) as pets? These little pearls are Armadillidium vulgare, the Japanese Magic Potion Morphs. I started with a group of 10 about a year ago and now my colony numbers hundreds! Favorite foods? Zucchini squash and dried riverbed shrimp 🦐
Poor Basil (P. otiosus) really needs a lady! we threw a fly in with him expecting an epic hunt, what we got instead was an epic mating display. In his defense, that was a pretty sexy fly.
Can we all just take a moment out of our busy day and laugh at Garfield failing to catch her roach THROUGH THE BOTTOM OF HER FEEDING CUP?!
She’s been at it for about 15 min so far lmao
When you know you’re too short but you’re too lazy to jump...
Do you guys know how badass the little Phidippus nikites is? One of the strongest, toughest, most resilient and cutest species I’ve had the pleasure of owning ❤️
Feeding my backyard, free range orbweavers. Its their lucky day!
Ever seen regius i2 babies learning to crawl?
Mona babies
My blue death feigning beetles ❤️ squash
Don’t you hate it when the webs you spun keep getting all over your face and your legs? Starring lovely Cricket, P. regius
P. regius babies
Every morning I chose one of my spiders to come out on the balcony with me and enjoy some sunlight while I drink my morning coffee. While sunlight can be dangerous, we sre out here esrly in the morning, while sunlight is gentle and they’re in partial shade. Today I took out Friday, my orange P. regius with her 5th egg sack of babies. This is the first time these babies felt sunlight and it seems to have “activated” them. They started moving around, shifting position, even coming out to the edge of their hammock and peeking outside for the very first time. Friday enjoyed a little time off from mothering to crawl around, sunbathe and to check her feeding cup for food about 10 times or so before returning to the hammock and putting an end to all the ruckus.