Let's Go K9 Training

Let's Go K9 Training Let's Go! K9 Training is in the Los Angeles, CA area where we help dog owners create a healthier re

K9 Training offers In-home, Board N' Train dog training services that focus on obedience, behavior modification, socialization, and aggression rehabilitation. My unique and effective dog training approach helps change the state of mind of your dog which will help remove unwanted behaviors using balanced training methods. To learn more go to:

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://www


Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/LetsGoK9Training

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/letsgok9

Meet April 💜! She’s a young   girl whose here for her 2 week Board n Train program to work on setting a solid foundation...

Meet April 💜! She’s a young girl whose here for her 2 week Board n Train program to work on setting a solid foundation down to allow her to relax her mind, have better manners, walk nicely on leash, having a solid recall, proper social skills with other dogs and people, and much more!

April has some issues in the home where she needs to learn to relax more, have better boundaries, learn to be independent from her owners to not freak out and bark when they leave, and addressing issues like biting/nipping at their daughter along with barking at men(especially) when they walk towards her direction or want to come up to interact with her or pet her which has resulted in nipping at their hands.

We’ll get her to learn to coexist, feel more at ease when men are around her and not allow her to go into an reactive state all while still advocating for her space to be fair to her when she’s setting off cues she’s not interested in interacting at that moment in time.

Stay tuned for her progress over the next few weeks! She is a total sweetheart, I swear!

We’re going to help her get in a good space mentally so she can make the best choices all around with the lifestyle training approach so she can relax and enjoy life no matter what’s going on around her.

This is Gunner. He’s a spunky, fun cattle dog mix boy who here for the for the day. He’s a sweet boy and is learning he ...

This is Gunner. He’s a spunky, fun cattle dog mix boy who here for the for the day.

He’s a sweet boy and is learning he cannot be super pushy when it comes to exiting/entering the crate, rushing out for door, and being pushy on the walks.

He definitely tried all those things when he first got here last night. Dogs are opportunists, they will take advantage of situations and see what they can get away with.

With giving him direction and making him wait calmly in each little moment, Gunner was able to let go of being pushy to relax his mind and body than be all antsy to go, go, go!

And now when we went out for our mid morning walk, he was in a better space mentally to follow my lead and guidance during the teaching phase of having him walk nicely by my side.

The key components are mindset and structure in your dog’s daily life that will create a healthy balance in the home and the relationship you have with your dog.

Puppy Training series: Why you should Crate Train your puppy 🐶Swipe through the 3 reasons why it’s a good idea to crate ...

Puppy Training series: Why you should Crate Train your puppy 🐶

Swipe through the 3 reasons why it’s a good idea to crate train your puppy so you don’t create a problem behaviors down the line that could of been prevented.

Set your dog up for success in life with teaching your puppy the kennel is a good thing! 🙂

Consistency and believability are the keys to having success with your dog. How you communicate and speak to your dog wi...

Consistency and believability are the keys to having success with your dog.

How you communicate and speak to your dog will determine how well they listen and comply with what you want from them.

If you’re not direct to the point or don’t sound convincing, your dog will likely blow your commands off and/or not take you seriously.

Remember to keep your tone neutral but firm when necessary for commands to not prolong how you say ‘sit’, down, or when correcting unwanted behaviors.

You can use softer but higher pitch voices when you’re teaching and encouraging your dog to come to you to make you the more important, valuable person around.

Just be careful to not be too soft in certain moments like when dealing with reactivity, resource guarding, aggression, and so on. This is where the neutral tone but being firm comes in to be clear wjen telling your dog, “No” to a behavior you disagree with paired with a consequence.

The other moments of softness can be when rewarding good behaviors with praise and affection as long as it doesn’t encourage your dog to break commands or raise their excitement level when you need them to be calm.

I hope this helps! Reach out if you need more help with your dog. We’re here for you! 🙂

Everyone, Meet Mr. Canelo the  . He’s a young 1 year old pup who’s here for his 2 week board and train program to learn ...

Everyone, Meet Mr. Canelo the .

He’s a young 1 year old pup who’s here for his 2 week board and train program to learn to:

•calm himself down
•have better manners
•not get into things he shouldn’t
•stop counter/table surf
•stop barking at small animals 🐿
•stop digging
•stop biting wheels of scooters, bikes,ect.
•stop jumping on people
•have overall good obedience
•solid recall & listening skills
•nice loose leash walking
•and more!

Stay tuned for this happy, handsome boy’s progress in the next 2 weeks. He’s gonna be a fun one! 🐶

During the past two years with the pandemic, it’s been a journey of going through it all, like most people have. Lots of...

During the past two years with the pandemic, it’s been a journey of going through it all, like most people have. Lots of unknowns.

My story is about the courage it took to not go back to my comfort, safety net and work towards going after what I want in life even if life got turned around a little bit these past few years.

It begins with moving out to Los Angeles back in October 2019 where I had an opportunity that unfortunately fell through at the same time the pandemic started around March 2020. I was left to start over and the unknown of what to do or where to go.

I fortunately had a friend I could stay with for the month of April to figure out what my next steps were going to be. It was rough. I was feeling stressed, anxious, and uneasy(some days of panic)- I knew I didn’t want to go back to my home state, I would of felt unhappy and taking the risk to challenge myself is what I truly needed in life. After all, it took my a long time to have the courage to finally move out to LA.

I wasn’t going to let the pandemic ruin all that I have worked towards. Even if I have to start over again.

I reached out to friends and family for support and did lots of searching(I wasn’t going too cave in) and towards the end of that month, I found a new place to call home back in Los Angeles with my dog pack. 🐶

Once I came back up to LA, I had to figure out what I was going to do for income. I originally came out here to work with dogs and owners. I was also doing that back in my home state of Ohio. It’s always been my passion to help dog owners keep their dogs in their homes.

So I decided I was going to reopen my dog training business out here in LA. I knew I could do it, just needed to take the steps to work towards letting people know I am here to help you and your dogs out.

I started by walking dogs for a dog walking app and worked my way to getting everything set up(website, social media) so people could see I’m open for business. It took months of feeling uneasy if I could even do it- especially when most of LA was shutdown. After a few months went by, dog owners started to find out about LGK9T and off I was to helping them create better relationships with their dogs.

I was feeling good and with the strong mentality to keep going- everything started coming into place. With connecting and networking in the dog community, I was able to broaden the distance of reaching more people to help.

And now I’m thriving and continuing to help many dog owners create the life they want with their dogs. It’s so rewarding getting to support and encourage dog owners that anything is possible when you dedicate yourself to doing the work to seeing the endless possibilities they can have with their dogs.

I still have my days of ups and downs if I’m even doing enough. However I keep pushing through and working towards my goals each day. Taking the safe, easy route is no longer an option!

The moral of the story is, training your dog is a journey. It’s about the set backs, the good moments, and being okay that it’s not always going to be perfect and flawless. It’s the time, effort, and work you do to be courageous enough to not take the safe route of just accepting your dog’s behaviors are just that. No, no, no!

If you want your dog’s behaviors to change, you have to get uncomfortable and be willing to seek out help, being open to new methods or tools(if what you’re doing isn’t working), and not giving in. Knowing that on the other side of it all, anything is possible!

Take the small steps each day to work towards what you want in life not matter how long it takes or what road blocks are ahead. You can push through and keep going after your goals with your dog, your job/career, relationships, family, ect.

The safe route isn’t always the best. When you go through the uncomfortableness, it allows you to up level and grow in life. ✨

You got this! We’re all working through our stuff. Keep going! 🙂 👍

Had the honor of working with Oliver And his owners to create more peace in the home and having a well mannered dog they...

Had the honor of working with Oliver And his owners to create more peace in the home and having a well mannered dog they can enjoy during his lifetime!

I have the best clients! Love seeing their dedication to their dogs and continuing to do the daily work so they can have a thriving relationship with them and the best part-keeping dogs with their families. Brings joy to my heart. Heart ❤️

I’m looking forward to seeing updates on this boy. 🙂

-Meredith (LGK9T)

Just a little motivation and encouragement for dog owners who may be struggling with their dog’s behaviors. We won’t sha...

Just a little motivation and encouragement for dog owners who may be struggling with their dog’s behaviors.

We won’t shame or blame you. We’ll help empower you along the way to let you know, “we got you, we’ve been where you been before, and we know you can do this!

We want you to strive to grow to your fullest potential so you can become the best version of yourself and do the same for your dog.

What does an Board and Train program offer? Read our Q&A’s to find out more information about our Board & Train Programs...

What does an Board and Train program offer?

Read our Q&A’s to find out more information about our Board & Train Programs and how to get your puppy started on the right track, need some help resolving your dog’s behavioral issues, or dream of having an off leash, reliable dog to go on adventures?

We got you covered! Swipe left to read each one. Do you have other questions pertaining our programs? Comment below or DM us!

Training looks different for every dog. Don’t compare your dog’s progress to another. Everyone is at different stages in...

Training looks different for every dog. Don’t compare your dog’s progress to another.

Everyone is at different stages in their dog’s training journeys, the behaviors they’re dealing with, and the goals they have for them.

Focus on what your dog needs from right now and not where other dogs are at.

Be proud of all you’ve accomplished so far with your dog.

And keep going forward!
I know you got this! :)

FAQ: “How long do I have to train my dog each day?”A: Don’t think of how many sessions or the length of time you need to...

“How long do I have to train my dog each day?”

A: Don’t think of how many sessions or the length of time you need to train your dog. Use the time in your day with how you’re interacting with your dog and make it meaningful.

What does this look like:

Letting your dog out of the crate? When you open the crate door, have your dog sit and wait until you tell them they can come out. If they try to rush out, close the door and try again. After a few attempts, your dog will catch on!

This only takes a few minutes of your time when your dog needs to come out of the crate. You’ll form good habits for your dog in return and not even think about it the next time you do because you’ve patterned your dog to be calm and wait patiently for your direction. This also will keep your dog in a calmer space to follow your next direction than to be rushing out the crate and running around the house causing complete chaos.

Other examples:

Hanging out in backyard with your dog? Use that time to do some recall with your dog (1-3 reps) off distractions and practice sits, downs, or place command.

Feeding time? Have your dog sit, wait for them to give you eye contact, and then release them to eat.

Walking your dog? Have them heel nicely by your side. Incorporate auto sits, downs, or even short recalls on a longer leash.

Cooking, cleaning, guests over? Have your dog practice Place Command on dog bed/cot or in a Down command.

Think of training as a lifestyle way of living with your dog. It’s how you interact and live with your dog on a daily basis. The effort and work you put towards your dog’s training is what you’ll get in return from them, behavior wise.

The time you spend with your dog each day, use it to practice with them in each situation for the few minutes it will take which can help grow your dog’s obedience skills and build your relationship with your dog for the better!

Don’t wait any longer, start by implementing these tips with your dog and see how much more time you can enjoy living with them!

I promise, you won’t regret it! :)

Do you allow people, kids, or dogs to meet your dog on walks or when out in public settings? How does your dog act? Exci...

Do you allow people, kids, or dogs to meet your dog on walks or when out in public settings? How does your dog act? Excitable? Reactive?

One of the best things you can do for your dog(or especially with young puppies) is to teach them to be calm and ignore all the distractions around them when out in public settings. This could be when you’re walking your dog or just having them in a down/stay command to observe what’s going on around them without any interactions.

When you’re walking your dog out in public, it’s best to have your dog walk with you in a calm demeanor where they’re moving with your pace while only focusing on you.

Not allowing people or other dogs to interact constantly with them. When you do that, you’ll end up teaching your dog to always be in an excitable, over arousal state every time you want to go on a walk, to the park, and so on. And then wondering why you’re seeing these behaviors:

-Pulling on leash
-Jumping/lunging towards or on people, dogs, objects
-Zig zagging all over the place
-Can’t settle

Start by having your dog be calm before you even begin the walk. Then focus on getting a nice, structured heel down where your dog walks by your side, correct for any barking/whining or pulling when you pass by people or dogs, and praise when they do and your dog remains calm. This way you can pattern the good habits and behaviors on your walk with your dog.

The same goes for when your dog is in a down/stay. Advocate for your dog by not allowing people, kids, or dogs to come up to your dog. When they do pass by, reward or praise for staying in command and remaining calm.

Of course, this doesn’t mean your dog can never meet or interact with people or dogs. But be aware of what you allow in that moment.

If you want your dog to have people come up to pet them, do these steps:

1. Walk your dog up to person or child.
2. Have your dog be in a Sit command.
3. Tell adult or child to pet your dog calmly without amping them up.
4. Praise your dog for good behaviors verbally or with food afterwards.
5. Start walking again and limit the interactions your dog gets each time to keep them in a good, calm space.

Meet Ozzy! 🐕 He’s a young, sweet 10 month old yellow Labrador Retriever who’s here for his 2 week board and train progra...

Meet Ozzy! 🐕
He’s a young, sweet 10 month old yellow Labrador Retriever who’s here for his 2 week board and train program.

Ozzy is your typical happy go lucky young dog who lives with a nice family with children. However his high energy and rambunctious ways have made the family’s children become nervous around him.

And although his family have down some training during his puppyhood as a good starting base like obedience commands, walking on leash, and even place command-they’ve become a little overwhelmed with how to get him to settle down, listen to them more, and not rule the house.

The good news is this can change so he can learn to have better manners in the home and outside the home, settle his mind down, find outlets to get his drive out in a healthy way, and work towards off leash freedom as they love taking him on hikes, to the park, and their kids sport games.

We’ll be working with Ozzy to have him understand the rules and boundaries to follow in his everyday life while still getting to be that fun, happy go lucky lab that he is!

And showing his owners were the missing gaps are in their relationship with him and how to better communicate what they want from him and don’t want after his training program is over so they can continue to implement everything into their daily lives with him.

This will allow Ozzy’s family to have more peace of mind in their home, having their children feel more comfortable around him where they’ll be able to play with him, and enjoy having him around while being able to go on fun adventures, having guests over without Ozzy jumping on them, and more! 👍🏻

Ozzy is gonna be a fun boy to work with and my dog pack will love him, too! Stay tuned for his progress during these next two weeks. 🙂


Q: How can you include your dog but create independence from them in your home?

A: Teach them Place Command to help your dog learn to relax in one spot until they’re allowed to be released off.

This will help your dog to learn impulse control, waiting for directions, and building up duration at the same time.

By having your dog learn to be independent from you will help prevent behaviors like separation anxiety, clinging to you, as well as keeping them out of the way but where they can still be in same area as you.

You can incorporate Place in many ways in your daily routine when you are cooking, cleaning, exercising, working at your desk, having guests come over, gardening, out in yard, kids playing, eating dinner, and so on. So many possibilities! 🙂

Also once you feel that your dog is solid on place in the home while building up duration and adding in distractions- try including your dog with you by testing them on place or in a down/stay in public settings such as coffee shops, restaurants, parks, kids sport games, ect.

Place is one of the best training tools you can teach your dog to calm the mind down, create independence from you, and having them learn self control no matter what’s going on around them. 👍🏻

*This was Lucca’s first time doing place while I moved around the house . Not bad!

Overtime doing this more and more with him, he will learn to relax more by putting his head down on cot for majority of the time. Today was a good test to see if he could stay still while observing me from a distance.

Good job, Lucca! 👏🏻

Meet Lucca! 💕He’s a young   boy who’s here to get him to learn appropriate manners and choice making with more structure...

Meet Lucca! 💕

He’s a young boy who’s here to get him to learn appropriate manners and choice making with more structure being put into place in his daily routine.

We’ll be working to get him in a calmer space overall with addressing behaviors like his leash reactivity towards dogs and people, incorporating place Command especially when guests or family comes over, learning to coexist around other dogs without lunging at them, finding a outlet to release his energy and drive in a healthy way, and more!

In his training program, I’ll be using the ecollar so his owner can use it in addition when communicating to him of what behaviors she wants from him and doesn’t. Along with having solid recall and off leash reliability.

Stay tuned for Lucca’s progress into next week. 🙂


Here’s how to teach your dog Place Command which will help your dog understand boundaries, impulse control, and relaxing the mind down.

Step 1: Walk your dog to middle of cot for them to step onto it. Then sat, “let’s go” and repeat back and forth going both directions. (Not videoed, will help dog to go onto cot).

Step 2: Walk your dog to middle of cot and say marker word, “Place” at same time. Once your dog steps onto cot, praise them with, “Good” and you may use food/treats in beginning. Add a Sit for you dog during these reps.

Step 3: Walk your dog to cot and say, “Place” while you continue to walk past cot at same time. This is a good test to see if they step onto cot and won’t follow you off. If they do, say, “No” and have them go back onto cot in.

Step 4: Walk your dog to place cot/bed and add in a Down command by either using your hand to guide them into a down from their nose to straight down to cot/bed or step on leash adding some downward pressure until they down and release.

You may praise them if they go into a down command and wait a few seconds or a minute.

Step 5: When your dog is in a sit or down on place, walk around cot holding leash to test if they will stay. Then drop leash to step away from cot. If they don’t break command, try walking away farther or around area you’re in to see if your dog can control their impulses to not break.

If they don’t break and stay, praise them.

Step 6: Once your dog understands the boundary setting of Place Command and can stay in a down position without popping up or breaking- try building up duration time with 10, 20, 30, 1 hour or more.

If your dog does break command during learning phase or duration time, tell your dog, “No” and use leash to guide your dog back onto Place.

Place Command can be used for when you’re cleaning, exercising, office work, cooking, dinner time, having guests come over. It helps to have your dog included but creating independence from you while calming their minds down to relaxation.

Happy Training! 🙂


Ozzy waiting at Door/Gate Thresholds. We go from keeping Ozzy in a calm state on Place all geared up to head on a walk.

But first….he must walk up to the door or gate(like demonstrated in video) and stop when I do. Then we proceed to walk out the door and do the same at the gate.

When we come back from a walk, he must do the same. It only takes a second but it lets me know he is focused with me and following my lead then dragging me ahead which can lead to other pushy or unwanted behaviors.

Once we walk bask through the door, I put him back on Place to wind down before going back into either the crate, yard, or training session.

The same applies to have your dog get in and out of the car. They must wait for your direction to allow them to enter or exit the car after you open the door instead of being pushy to jump right in or out. This can also be dangerous for the doc if on a or near a busy street.

These little moments of respecting to wait to come out of crate, doors, gates, cars, and so on will make a difference in how your dog views your relationship with you. They either respect you enough to wait for your direction or they disrespect and do as they please. This causes the dog to take advantage and display other bad behaviors down the road if you don’t address small moments of pushy or bratty behaviors from your dog.

Remember, a calm and focused mind can be proper choices. A arousal or amped up mind full of chaos won’t be clear enough to make good choices.

You choose what you allow and won’t allow from your dog, but it’s up to you to teach, guide, and follow through to having a dog with good manners and a healthy relationship with you. 👍🏻


Here is Ozzy doing some Place work while I knock, walk in and out of the door, and keep it open to test his impulse control skills while making sure he stays nice and relaxed.

The same would go if you had guests coming over. Ozzy should be calm on Place while you his owners let their guests in so you prevent him from going into arousal state where he would want to jump, nip, and be all over everyone’s space.

After all not all your guests are coming over for Ozzy. So he needs to have house rules and boundaries put into place so he knows how to behave and make good decisions.

Once Ozzy is relaxed, he can be released off Place to either roam free(as long as he continues to make good choices) or give him some direction on what to do next.

This exercise is also good for testing him while you need the door open to bring things in or out of your home where he can be out of the way but still included in the same space with his family.

Place is a valuable tool that can be used in many ways like eating at the table, guests over, cleaning the house, exercising, working in your office, used out in back yard, and so forth.

Ozzy did a wonderful job! 👏🏻

Does your dog have an off switch?Having an off switch for your dog is beneficial to calm their minds down even they come...

Does your dog have an off switch?

Having an off switch for your dog is beneficial to calm their minds down even they come back into the house from say playing, exercise, an activity, ect.

It allows your dog to go from amped play to doing things like putting your dog on Place or in a Down/Stay to let them wind down instead of rushing back into the house to cause chaos.

This teaches them to relax, have impulse control, boundaries, and follow your direction so they can make good decisions and having peace of mind.

If you allow your dog to stay in a amped up, arousal state and they get to do as they please- this can be destructive and cause you frustration.

Instead, be clear on how you want your dog to behave and give them a off switch to living with your dog in a calm, peaceful home. It will make the experience and relationship you have with your dog more enjoyable! 🙂


Meet Ford!
He’s a young pup here for his 3 week board & train program.

Ford is here to work on his barking and lunging at 🏍, 🚘, 🛹, 🚲, strollers, or anything that moves on wheels. He also will bark at people he’s unfamiliar with and reactive on leash towards dogs.

We will work on calming his mind down, getting him comfortable to not react towards moving objects as they passing him by, socializing with dogs, and working towards off leash freedom.

His owners want to be able to take him camping with them as well as including him on more adventures where he can feel more at ease then unsure, nervous, or anxious when it comes to being around people, bikes, and such.

Stay tuned for his progress! He’s going to be fun to work with! 🙂


This morning we went to the park to do some off leash drills of:

•Recall from Sit and Down commands
•Off leash heeling by my side
•Follow me (looser heel)
•Heeling to stopping to see will Ruthie stop with me.
•Running with me
•and so on!

The test was to see how tuned in she was with me. Did she want to go with my flow and direction or do her own thing.

I made it fun by mixing in some running around and being silly and then back to heeling or recall drills. I did make her slow down in her recall drills on the path and in the grass area so she doesn’t think she can run full blast to me every time and made sure my tone was changed if I wanted her to slow down.

Afterwards we went and walked around the lake and did some down/stays by the edge of the lake where plenty of distractions of people walking, dogs walking, and 🦆 and geese were swimming in the lake.

Of course we respected everyones space by moving out of the way or creating a bubble when people or other dogs were passing by.

Overall, Ruthie did a fantastic job and had a good time! Good job! 👏🏻


Meet Bodie! He just arrived here for his Board & Train Program. 🐶

Along with getting him a solid foundation during his stay, we’ll also be addressing these issues he’s currently having:

-Leash pulling
-Lunging & barking on leash towards dogs
- Overall listening with distractions
- Excessive barking (this just started but especially towards men)
- Hu***ng dogs
-Whining in crate
-Good Recall
-And more!

Stay tuned for Bodie’s progress over the next week! 🙂


Los Angeles, CA


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What are we all about:

Let's Go! K9 Training offers In-home, Board N' Train dog training services that focus on obedience, behavior modification, socialization, and aggression rehabilitation. My unique and effective dog training approach helps change the state of mind of your dog which will help remove unwanted behaviors using balanced training methods.

What are we about:

Welcome to Let’s Go! K9 Training and Rehabilitation, your personal Cincinnati, Ohio Dog Trainer specializing in Board and Train Dog Training services for dogs of all breeds, ages, and behavior issues.

​Take a look around the site to get familiar with what we're all about, if you're ready to see extraordinary results with your dog, send us your contact form, and we’ll get in touch so you can stop struggling with your dog’s behavioral issues that have caused you unwanted stress. We can't wait to share our knowledge of dog behavior, and the training methods we use that are very practical and easy to keep up with that will help you restore the freedom and peace of mind that you have truly have desired and CAN achieve!

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