#supportwhatwedo #savinglives #thanksforyoursupport #reptilerescue #501c3 #wildliferescue #donatetoday #nonprofitorganization #animalsanctuary #dubiaroaches #russiantortoise #russiantortoise #redearedslider #boxturtle #lizard #cornsnake #chameleon #superworms #chameleon #leopardgecko #crestedgecko #sulcatatortoise #beardeddragon #beardeddragon #reptilesupplies #opentoday #reptilesupplystore #bluetongueskink #donatetocharity #uniquegiftideas
Sorry, we are closed for the week. We are prepping for our summer expos!
#adopttoday #supportwhatwedo #savinglives #thanksforyoursupport #reptilerescue #wildliferescue #donatetoday #creepycrittersrescue #nonprofitorganization #animalsanctuary #dubiaroaches #reptilesuppliesforsale #superworms #reptilesupplystore #donatetocharity
We will be at the San Jose expo in a couple weeks, so we wanted to let you guys know how to go about adopting from us. Forgive the abrupt editing, social media is not our strong suit.
#uniquegiftideas #shoplocal #donatetocharity #reptilefood #reptilesupplystore #reptilesupplies #beardeddragon #ballpython #crestedgecko #leopardgecko #cornsnake #lizard #boxturtle #dubiaroaches #animalsanctuary #nonprofitorganization #creepycrittersrescue #donatetoday #wildliferescue #501c3 #reptilerescue #thanksforyoursupport #savinglives #supportwhatwedo #adopttoday #sanjosereptileshow
We have far too many animals to bring them all to the expo so here is a slideshow of some of our available animals. If you see an animal you are interested in please fill out an adoption form before Thursday, so that we can be sure to bring that animal to the show for you.
#donatetocharity #beardeddragon #ballpython #sulcatatortoise #crestedgecko #leopardgecko #boxturtle #animalsanctuary #nonprofitorganization #creepycrittersrescue #donatetoday #wildliferescue #501c3 #reptilerescue #thanksforyoursupport #savinglives #supportwhatwedo #adopttoday #reptileexpo
Thank you for your support this past year!
#uniquegiftideas #shoplocal #donatetocharity #reptilefood #reptilesupplies #dubiaroaches #animalsanctuary #nonprofitorganization #creepycrittersrescue #donatetoday #wildliferescue #501c3 #reptilerescue #thanksforyoursupport #savinglives #supportwhatwedo #adopttoday #relocating #downtownlosbanos
The hawk we rescued last week. Healed up and flying free!! #donatetocharity #adopttoday #supportwhatwedo #savinglives #thanksforyoursupport #reptilerescue #501c3 #wildliferescue #donatetoday #creepycrittersrescue #nonprofitorganization #animalsanctuary #hawk
We are open today and tomorrow at 3:30 PM. Come on out and mention this post and you will receive 25% off all habitat supplies. This includes all of our really cool tank, decorations, as well as our light fixtures and heat lamps UVB lights, hammocks, backdrops, plants, caves, dishes, etc.. Hope to see you soon!
Today (Thurs) 3:30-6:30pm
Tomorrow (Fri) 3:30-9pm
1435 West I St. Los Banos
#donatetocharity #reptilefood #reptilesupplystore #opentoday #reptilesupplies #beardeddragon #ballpython #sulcatatortoise #crestedgecko #leopardgecko #superworms #reptilesuppliesforsale #iguana #chameleon #cornsnake #lizard #boxturtle #dubiaroaches #animalsanctuary #nonprofitorganization #creepycrittersrescue #donatetoday #wildliferescue #501c3 #reptilerescue #thanksforyoursupport #savinglives #supportwhatwedo #adopttoday #holidaysale
FLASH SALE!! 10% off everything (except insects) in store!!
Today Nov 22nd only!
#donatetocharity #reptilesupplystore #opentoday #reptilesupplies #beardeddragon #ballpython #leopardgecko #superworms #reptilesuppliesforsale #dubiaroaches #animalsanctuary #nonprofitorganization #creepycrittersrescue #donatetoday #wildliferescue #501c3 #reptilerescue #thanksforyoursupport #savinglives #supportwhatwedo #adopttoday
Store is Opening again thanks to the cooler weather!!
#bluetongueskink #reptilesupplystore #opentoday #reptilesupplies #beardeddragon #ballpython #sulcatatortoise #crestedgecko #leopardgecko #superworms #iguana #chameleon #cornsnake #lizard #boxturtle #russiantortoise #dubiaroaches #animalsanctuary #nonprofitorganization #creepycrittersrescue #donatetoday #wildliferescue #501c3 #reptilerescue #thanksforyoursupport #savinglives #supportwhatwedo #adopttoday
Thank you for your patience while we deal with property issues. Don’t hesitate to text 408-561-9561 if you need any supplies for your Reptiles.
#bluetongueskink #reptilesupplystore #opentoday #reptilesupplies #beardeddragon #ballpython #sulcatatortoise #crestedgecko #leopardgecko #superworms #reptilesuppliesforsale #iguana #chameleon #cornsnake #lizard #boxturtle #russiantortoise #dubiaroaches #animalsanctuary #nonprofitorganization #creepycrittersrescue #donatetoday #wildliferescue #501c3 #reptilerescue #savinglives #supportwhatwedo
Store is open from now until 9 PM. Unless we get a lot of Rescue calls and not a lot of customers. As always feel free to text your orders to 408-561-9561 then we can pack it up and have it ready for you when you arrive.
#reptilesupplystore #opentoday #reptilesupplies #beardeddragon #ballpython #crestedgecko #leopardgecko #superworms #reptilesuppliesforsale #iguana #cornsnake #lizard #boxturtle #animalsanctuary #nonprofitorganization #creepycrittersrescue #donatetoday #wildliferescue #501c3 #reptilerescue #thanksforyoursupport #savinglives #supportwhatwedo #dubiaroacjes
Come check out our festive fall habitats! We have Shelter transfers tonight, so just a reminder WE WILL BE CLOSING AT 4:30 TODAY. Make sure to get here early for all your reptile needs.
#reptilesupplystore #opentoday #reptilesupplies #beardeddragon #ballpython #sulcatatortoise #crestedgecko #leopardgecko #superworms #reptilesuppliesforsale #iguana #chameleon #lizard #boxturtle #russiantortoise #animalsanctuary #donatetoday #creepycrittersrescue #nonprofitorganization #animalsanctuary #thanksforyoursupport #savinglives #supportwhatwedo #fall #halloween
Open til 9
#beardeddragon #opennow #superworms #kingmealworms #reptilefood #LosBanos
Check out these amazing 3-D printed critters we have in store.
#reptilelove #fundraiserstore #reptilesupplystore #opentoday #reptilesupplies #ballpython #superworms #reptilesuppliesforsale #cornsnake #lizard #animalsanctuary #nonprofitorganization #creepycrittersrescue #donatetoday #wildliferescue #501c3 #reptilerescue #savinglives #supportwhatwedo #3dprinting
Here’s a few of our critters waiting for homes!! #bluetongueskink #cornsnale #fundraiserstore #reptilesupplystore #reptilesupplies #beardeddragon #ballpython #sulcatatortoise #crestedgecko #leopardgecko #superworms #reptilesuppliesforsale #iguana #chameleon #boxturtle #russiantortoise #animalsanctuary #nonprofitorganization #creepycrittersrescue #donatetoday #wildliferescue #501c3 #reptilerescue #savinglives #supportwhatwedo #adoptionday
The store will be open for a couple hours ( now until 6:30) while we get some administrative work done. Feel free to come by if you need anything. Here’s a video showing some of the things we have in store! #bluetongueskink #cornsnale #fundraiserstore #reptilesupplystore #reptilesupplies #beardeddragon #ballpython #sulcatatortoise #crestedgecko #leopardgecko #superworms #reptilesuppliesforsale #iguana #chameleon #boxturtle #russiantortoise #animalsanctuary #nonprofitorganization #creepycrittersrescue #donatetoday #wildliferescue #501c3 #reptilerescue #supportwhatwedo
Open Today 3-5pm for all your reptile needs.
#bluetongueskink #cornsnale #fundraiserstore #reptilesupplystore #reptilesupplies #beardeddragon #ballpython #sulcatatortoise #crestedgecko #leopardgecko #superworms #reptilesuppliesforsale #iguana #chameleon #boxturtle #russiantortoise #animalsanctuary #nonprofitorganization #creepycrittersrescue #donatetoday #wildliferescue #501c3 #reptilerescue #savinglives #supportwhatwedo
Here are just some of the things we have at our store. Our prices are less than the local pet stores, we do not charge sales tax, and the money goes directly to the rescue. Stop by for all your reptile needs!!
#animalsanctuary #nonprofitorganization #creepycrittersrescue #donatetoday #wildliferescue #501c3 #reptilerescue #savinglives #supportwhatwedo #reptilesupplies #taxfree #supportnonprofits #beardeddragons #iguanas #geckos #turtles #tortoises #snakes #calcium #aquariumplants #aquariumdecor #aquariumdecorations #reptilehammocks #superworms #frozenrodents #reptilelights #UVB
What do you need to adopt…
#animalsanctuary #nonprofitorganization #creepycrittersrescue #donatetoday #wildliferescue #501c3 #reptilerescue #savinglives #adoptdontbuy #beardeddragon #snake #ballpython #lizard #turtle #tortoise #chinchilla
Come on out!!
Grand Opening!!
1435 West I St Los Banos
#animalsanctuary #nonprofitorganization #creepycrittersrescue #donatetoday #wildliferescue #501c3 #reptilerescue #savinglives #supportwhatwedo #cincodemayo #grandopening