Come see us and our new merch at Evansville Reptile and Exotics Show today!
Door are open at Indiana Reptile Breeders Expo!! Come say hi. The road are clear and the building is warm. There is no better place to be today.
Here is the results from our last waffle!
Congrats James Gang Reptiles!!!!!!!!!
I’m so sorry for the delay. I’m still down from having covid. Earlier this week I was in the hospital and they believe I have Long Covid. If you know anything about Long Covid you know it’s a miserable beast.
Thanks for your support and love ❤️
I still cannot believe this hunk still hasn’t found a home 😔
King is a monster of a male. He like long walks on the beach and yummy worms.
Door are open and we are HOT TO GO at Indiana Reptile Breeders Expo in Clarksville today from 10-4!
After a very long week I finally got my new Halloween decoration up. Who all is coming to see us at Indiana Reptile Breeders Expo Halloween show next week?!
So majestic and looking for a new tank to rule 👑
Yall!!! Look what I got!!!!!
Doors are open!!! Indiana Reptile Breeders Expo!! We are in the second room. Come say hi and take home an adorable axolotl :)
Come out to Indiana Reptile Breeders Expo and say hi!! We are in the first room right by the front door!!!