Twin Oaks Farm - Horses and Fun

Twin Oaks Farm - Horses and Fun Farming a love for horses since 1981. Check us out at


From Jasmine Moody

Stop listening to people, and start listening to horses.

Starting horses in ridden work at 2-3 years old has never felt right to me, but after listening to Lockie Phillips' podcast with Becks Nairn, I am unequivocally sure that we are spending horse's bodies before they have reached maturity.

At the time of the episode of April last year, Becks had dissected over 40 horses, mainly off the track gallopers and trotters. She explained that she, a person of average body strength, can break apart a 2-3 year old's pelvis like a lego. That a horse's pelvis is in two halves until it is six years old.

Now, there are a lot of studies out there promoting early movement in horses to help the formation of their bony structures. But, this information is not matching up with what Becks is seeing in the horse's body. We have to think about who is financing these studies.

Conformation bias - you look for information that supports your beliefs, and ignores information that doesn't. You can choose to publish only the information that you find valuable to your work.

I'm not proud to admit it, but I've ridden a few youngsters. They're wiggly. Like riding a gummy worm. I was told that's normal, and it's good that they're flexible.

Now I know that what I was feeling was instability. I was driving on an unfinished bridge that had just enough foundation to handle the weight of one car, but would fold into itself once rush hour hit.

And that is exactly what a hunters bump is: the pelvis collapsing inwards making the tuber sacrals the highest part of the pelvis.

I've had conversations with people that agree that horses aren't finished maturing until at least six years old, but think the horses are "good enough" to ride. I know people who start colts that mean well and think they're going easy on the horses.

In my experience, groundwork and husbandry skills are an afterthought, something you spend a chunk of time on and "get out of the way". But groundwork never ends. There are endless things to teach your horse, endless ways to help them from the ground. But we've taught people that a horse without weight on its back is just spending your money with nothing to show for it.

It’s the start of the road to the end of a horse’s autonomy. This road is not lonely.

This is a problem, and we're seeing it in the horse's bodies.

This is why we need to be listening to the people who are taking apart these horses and witnessing the damage. It's why we need to talk to people who take in the sport horses and race horses after their bodies have fallen apart. It's why we need to urge the heads of equine sport to stop incentivizing competitions before the horse's body is ready.

If wanting to wait until a horse reaches skeletal maturity makes me a snowflake, a coddler, or wimp, then so be it. I am fine being a pariah, if it means that the horses I interact with will have their longevity and structural health prioritized.

I will continue listening to the studies, the body workers, the people who dissect, the osteopaths, and most importantly:

The horse.


Love this….from Gabi Neurohr

Why I will keep using a stick with my horses and recommend my students to use a stick

Not to beat them up or to force them into submission. Also not to force my will onto them. And also not to scare them.

No. None of that.

Fun fact: When I lift my stick towards my horses, they stop and relax instead of running scared and anticipating punishment.

They have learnt that the stick is used to clarify, to be precise, to reassure and even to tell them “well done” from a distance when my hand is too short to reach over for a rub.

Using a “stick” or a “whip” has become smothered with guilt lately on social media.

And I get it because yes, indeed, there are MANY people out there that misuse the whip, who abuse horses with it, who use it to force horses and to inflict pain.

That is never right.

But does this automatically mean that anybody who prefers to use a stick is automatically beating up her horse ? No, it doesn’t!

Now the argument is that most horses are naturally afraid of sticks.

Well, think about it:

Horses are prey animals and naturally sceptical of ANYTHING new, unknown or suddenly approaching them.

If you have ever worked with an untouched horse, for example a foal, you will know about that fact.

It doesn’t matter if you show a brush or a stick to that horse - it will be sceptical at first.

Are brushes bad? No. Would you ever come up with the idea to “drop the brush”? Sure not.

Or just think about all those horses who get fidgety when you try to put the saddle on. Who starts dancing and even nipping. The horse is scared of discomfort.

How many horses are listened to? Not many - people would rarely come to the idea of saying “saddles are bad, just look how many horses are scared of saddles. Let’s ride bareback.”.

No, rather the logical conclusion is that the saddle doesn’t fit, or the horse has ulcers or back pain or some other form of discomfort that needs to be addressed!

It’s not about the stick!

The stick is just “bad” in your mind and it is what you make out of it.

And of course, if a horse has had bad experiences in the past during training with whips, it will be rightfully afraid of sticks in the future!

Just like a horse who was ridden for years in an ill-fitting saddle that hurts his back is going to be fidgety for saddling!!

That’s not a surprise. But it doesn’t mean that you should “drop the stick” because sticks are bad in general.

It means that you should restore that horse’s confidence in people and their tools. It means that you need to seriously question how you use the stick!

There are very very few horses who had the luck of having been handled by competent, caring, empathic horse people only and never made the experience of a person losing his/her temper and as a result misusing the stick. (btw, ropes and hands can be misused for slapping and whacking too.)

But once you meet such a horse - you will notice that this horse is in full confidence with the tools that person uses to communicate.

That leads me to the next train of thought:

Can YOU be trusted with a stick or a rope in your hand?

Can your horse trust you that you won’t lose your temper when things don’t go right?

Will you then in such situations abuse the stick? Or abuse the end of your rope?

Just like a kitchen knife can be used to chop veggies for a delicious dinner or to murder somebody, the stick can be used to clarify communication, rub and reassure from a distance OR to beat a horse!

I love cooking and own quite a few big and sharp kitchen knives - my husband isn’t worried to come for a chat in the kitchen when I am busy with the big knife. Nor are my horses when I have my stick with me.

Just like using a big kitchen knife doesn’t automatically turn me into a killer, using a stick with my horses doesn’t automatically turn me into a horse abuser.

Belief me, I get the thought behind “dropping the stick”.

The idea is to become very aware about what we are communicating, how we use body language, intention and energy. Because these are the primary ways how horses communicate.

But it takes YEARS to master this! These are high ideals and goals to get to a point where you can communicate seamlessly with your horse using just intention, energy and body language.

What about the years it takes to learn this? To gain this high level of self awareness, timing and skill?

What I see in the meantime are people who are unsafe with their horses. Who don’t dare to ask anything from their horses anymore. Who are hesitant in their questions towards the horse because of this stick and pressure debate.

Horses who are confused and frustrated due to unclear communication.

Using a stick allows people to be more clear in their communication. And not because they can tap or smack the horse and inflict pain to get what they want.

Because it allows them to direct their energy precisely towards the body part they want to influence.

Because the stick allows them to visualize their bubble when they didn’t develop yet the strength of willpower and intention that horses take them seriously.

Because a stick allows them to be safe when teaching a touchy, kicky horse to be confident to have the back feet handled.

Because a stick allows tactile cues in a very precise way. I can touch the hindleg to initiate a sideways movement when I am standing at the horse’s head.

Because a stick allows me to draw the horse’s attention towards a specific body part by gently touching or rubbing over it.

Because the stick allows me to guide the horse to back out of the trailer straight without falling off the ramp on the side.

And when riding, the stick helps me to not pull and kick on my horse. I can give visual cues to help with turning what is helpful especially with young horses.

Guess what people do that ride without a stick when the horse doesn't turn or doesn't go forward?

They kick the horse in the sides and pull on the bit! Is that nicer than using a stick as visual cue or gentle touch behind the leg to ask for forward? Just answer that question to yourself honestly.

Sticks have their place in horse training. They make communication more clear and daily interactions safer.

And NOT because you can use it to smack the horse! Just saying one more time to be clear and this post can’t be misunderstood that I advocate for smacking horses with a stick to be safe.

Do you trust yourself with a stick in your hand? That should much rather be the question here.

If the answer is currently no, it should be an invitation to learn more about horse psychology, how horses learn, react and see the world.

Knowledge is power and will allow you to become patient and a better trainer.

pic is a pony who was traumatized and came to me for rehab.
THE key for him was that I proved to him that he could trust me with a stick in my hand.
Once I manage to convince him that sticks aren't there to beat him but to reassure and guide him, he found total trust and relaxation.

I agree!

I agree!

Backing your horse does what…? 🤨

I was scrolling through Facebook the other night and came across a post that’s getting a ton of attention—hundreds of shares, tons of comments. And the problem? It’s not true.

The post claimed that backing up a horse causes lumbar, SI, hock, and stifle issues. That backing goes against their natural movement. That horse’s are being forced onto their hind end causing them to suffer.

Now a good friend of mine acknowledged this person that made the post is a wealth of knowledge so I’m glad this post, despite being wrong on this topic, brought her onto my radar so I can learn from her. Just because we don’t agree on everything doesn’t mean we can’t learn from each other (it’s called being an adult😉). I’m a firm believer that together we all rise.

So here’s the real deal. Backing a horse up does not go against their natural movement patterns, it strengthens them.

The exact same issues blamed on the rein back/backing up occurs in horses that move forward with poor posture.

Because it’s not the back up that’s the issue…

Trail horses, hunter-jumpers, reiners—it doesn’t matter the discipline or the breed.

If a horse is moving heavy on the forehand, hollow through the back, not engaged from their hind end, they’re putting unnecessary stress on their SI, their hocks, their stifles, and creating long-term soundness problems.

The exercise of backing up does NOT cause these issues.

It’s how the horse is using their body—in ANY direction.

When done correctly, backing is one of the BEST ways to strengthen a horse’s body.

And some of the leading equine biomechanics experts and horsemen with real experience developing horses will tell you too back is one of the most beneficial exercises for developing balance, strength, and preventing injuries.

Proper Backing Requires & Strengthens…
- Engagement of the hindquarters (instead of trailing out behind)
- A lifted back (instead of sagging and straining the spine)
- True collection (for many horses, it’s their first real experience of it)

Of course, too much of anything done poorly will cause problems. And too much of anything can be a bad thing.

Backing in bad posture, just like moving forward in bad posture, creates compensation patterns and strain.

But when done correctly, the rein back teaches a horse to use their body properly, builds their strength, and improves their ability to carry a rider forward with softness, better balance and strength.

If you want a stronger, more balanced, more engaged horse, go back them up.

Not just a few sluggish steps—really make sure they are putting in some effort, that they are balanced, reaching (not dragging) with their legs, and engaging their core.

And if you want to see how rein back builds your horse’s top line, I did a YouTube video last fall that many of yall loved where I show the importance of backing. If you comment YES and I’ll send the link to you.

The bottom line? The internet is full of misleading information and I’m always looking for what is principally true.

I try to look beyond emotional language and even those that use fancy words to sound qualified.

The question we have to ask ourselves is- Is what is being said principally true because true principles stand the test of time and all situations.

Now, go back your horse up. Properly.

Together We Rise.

-Colton Woods


Slow down your hands. Move smoothly around and on your horse - don’t make quick jerky movements just to adjust a stirrup, tighten a girth, adjust a bridle. Remember that everything is connecting us to the horse, or disconnecting us. Nothing is unimportant in the way we move, think and handle ourselves around the horse.

Don’t wait til you are riding to get worried about being finessed - offer it to the horse from the minute you go out to the pasture with your halter, to the time you take them out and slip off the lead.


This past weekend, I declined a request to take a 3yo on my farm to start under saddle this summer.

The owner of the horse was kind, understanding and appreciative of my reasoning why, and I'm grateful for that. It gives me hope that the tides are changing.

But I also recognize that this person isn't the norm. In most cases, the youngster would get started one way or another, by whomever was willing to take it in the timeline the owner wanted.

I have personally owned more than my fair share of broken horses, and with decent regularity I work with horses owned by others that I suspect have some significant physical issue contributing to the reason I was called out in the first place. A focus on the foundational aspects of horsemanship tends to highlight problems a horse has, and my personal ethics dictate that I not move past, gloss over or otherwise ignore something I see as problematic. I used to do this all the time because when you train for the public, the pressure to do so is enormous.

The reality is that we KNOW that horses do not skeletally mature until the age of six, at the earliest. And yet horses "on the payroll" well before that is still common and accepted.

We KNOW study after study is showing that kissing spine, pelvic fractures, boney degeneration and arthritis is occuring earlier and more often in working horses. And yet the industry continues to push the idea that stressing young, growing joints early on is a positive, beneficial thing.

I think a lot of us still struggle with that space between what has been so acceptable for so long, and all the new understanding we have, and the wide availability of this information. I certainly do. I am grateful I don't train full time, because I'd probably be disappointing a lot of people.

But from my standpoint, seeing what I see, most people would benefit from spending more time on the ground with their young horses, getting a lot of things working a lot better, in preparation for when the horse is ready to start being ridden. There are so. many. things that happen in the saddle that can be well-prepared from the ground. There are so. many. accidents that happen while sitting on a horse that could be avoided with better preparation that doesn't require being astride. There are so. many. injuries that occur that could be avoided by taking the time to develop the animal properly before adding weight to their back.

I'm willing to die on this hill. We don't see enough strong, solid, sound twenty-something year old horses, still fit and being ridden and ridden well. It seems that there has never been a point in history for the horse where living has been so easy, and yet it also seems like living does not equal truly thriving.


❌️✅️[Correct & incorrect placement of the bit]✅️❌️


I ran a lesson program years ago, and got really burned out. My horses did too.

I did a lot of things wrong and I am trying to learn from those now -

A big part of what went wrong was not controlling the general attitude people took to riding and horses. The horses became a vehicle for people, or a tool, and as tools are used, they become used up. As horses respond to the poor feel they are offered, students describe these objections as the horses personality - “hes so stubborn, so ornery!” And so on - and this is how the cycle of poor feel, over aiding, and handling horses like a rock deepens, and continues.

Of course there will always be some “taking from” a horse we all do when learning how to post, how to steer, or how to manage problem solving issues. Mistakes will be made, horses will be bumped, thumped or accidentally pulled.

But the attitude makes up for a lot I believe. If the school insists on the general spirit being not just riding but riding even the school horse with feel, Handling the gentle horse with respect and tact, assuming nothing about their tolerance and being fair and smooth in our handling, that goes a very very long way.

Horsemanship is the art of managing the horse: from haltering to picking hooves to feeding to good riding - not just to get those tasks done, but to get them done in a way that can make a horse feel safe, feel good, feel honored. And even if an amateur makes mistakes here, the intention matters.

Slow down, pay attention, do all things with care and respect. Acknowledge your mistakes but don’t beat yourself up about them. Acknowledge when you get something right, you’ve made a horse feel better, move better, live better. That’s something to be proud of, and take back into the world away from the school.

That’s what riding schools should be teaching - and I believe if we could manage that, if we could insist on that, school horses and instructors both would last a lot longer.

Pictured is Tressa Boulden from Traditions Farm Classical Dressage explaining how to guide the horse with the whole body


Yoga for horses!


What do you have? Student looking for a family horse. Quarter/stock type. Geldings only (I love mares but based on turnout situation a gelding would work best.). Young only if exceptionally quite-up to 15 yrs old. Enjoys trail riding but will also work in the arena. Budget $2500-5000. Within reasonable driving time of Louisville, KY. Thanks for reading!

Really good article!  Well worth the read.

Really good article! Well worth the read.

Do you or your horse struggle at the canter?

These are my top 5 canter hacks. Whether you’re just starting out and learning to ride the canter for the first time, an experienced rider dealing with a loss of confidence, or an advanced rider training a green horse, these hacks are for you!

I’ll discuss some of the most common canter problems I see in less-experienced riders and green horses, I’ll give you some quick fixes, and I’ll share some horsemanship secrets that you may not know. It’s not likely that you’ll need all of these hacks, but it is likely that at least one of them will help propel you and your horse to a higher level.

Welcome to this gorgeous new horse-name coming soon🥰Rolo

Welcome to this gorgeous new horse-name coming soon🥰


Do horses understand respect??

Many say NO horses do not understand the concept of respect while also saying the human should respect the horse… Practically speaking that doesn’t quite make sense.

How can one respect the other when one party lacks the ability to understand what respect is…? Now I’m NOT going to allow this post to be a whole post about the meaning of words - I’m going to get into the practical application here in a second- but if our perspective is off we cannot be effective.

The idea that horses cannot respect us because they don’t understand the concept of respect is a line of thinking that holds us back.

The truth is, whether or not your horse understands what respect is doesn’t change the fact that we, as humans, understand it.

I’ve worked with thousands of horses and riders, and time and again, I see the same thing: when people call a horse ‘disrespectful,’ they’re often reacting emotionally to behavior that’s dangerous, undisciplined, or out of line in a domesticated environment.

What happens next? Emotions run high. Some riders get angry, others frustrated or scared. But here’s the problem: Those emotions don’t fix the issue. If we can’t separate our emotions from the situation, we end up focusing on the wrong thing — such as feeling disrespected instead of solving the problem at hand.

Respect in the human sense is a concept that we understand clearly. If a horse is pulling, pushing, crowding your space, or not yielding when asked, it doesn’t matter if the horse ‘understands’ respect. What matters is that the horse’s actions are unsafe and undesirable in our world. And we need to address it. The issue isn’t about whether a horse knows what respect means; it’s about how we respond to the horse’s behavior.

And here’s the reality — when we get stuck arguing semantics over whether horses understand respect, we miss the point entirely. The question isn’t whether the horse grasps the concept of respect. The real question is: What are we going to do with the behavior we deem disrespectful or respectful?

As professionals and for all horse people, our job is to understand the horse’s needs — physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. And then we have to channel that energy into something productive. That’s what real horsemanship is: Recognizing the needs of the horse, creating a vision of what you and that horse can and will accomplish together, developing your understanding, developing and responding with skill, and leading the horse in a way that serves both them and us.

When we focus on fixing the behavior, not the emotions attached to being ‘disrespected’, we stop getting hung up on whether the horse “respects” us, and we start building a partnership based on clear communication, expectations, understanding, trust and purpose. We start solving the problem, not spinning our wheels in emotional frustration.

I’ll leave you with this. Don’t get distracted by the semantics. As horsemen and women, it’s our job to lead, to guide, and to communicate in a way that’s clear, fair, and effective. We’re not looking for blind obedience. We’re looking for a partnership based on mutual understanding — one that focuses on real solutions for the horse and rider alike.

Respect is a human construct that is surface level in the horse world.

We must go deeper if we want us and our horses to have the skills and partnership that we can depend on and enjoy together regardless of discipline, regardless of what you enjoy doing with your horse.

And it all starts with us making a change. The horse will respond accordingly.

Together We Rise.

-Colton Woods


A cartoon saying so much about the coexistence of two completely different realities in the equestrian world, two realities that just will never meet.
One is focused on the sport simply using horses as a tool and the other is focused on the animal instead, wanting to live horses just as friends.
And friendship, any kind of friendship, always puts the other's happiness first.
Let's make our own choice ❣️

Picture source unknown


I am afraid this is all too true. I love our horses, students and boarders. Whether it’s here or somewhere else if you want horses to remain in your life support your barns!

The Downfall of the Professional Horse Barn: What It Means for the Future of Horse Sports
By S.S. Johnson

The equestrian world is changing, and not for the better. In just six hours, I witnessed the closure of five professional barns—facilities that once provided training, boarding, and lessons to riders of all levels. These were not fly-by-night operations; they were established barns, both English and Western, that had spent years building programs and serving their communities. Yet, despite their fighting dedication, they couldn’t survive the growing storm of economic hardship, difficult clients, rising costs, and overwhelming stress of it all.

This pattern isn’t new, but its acceleration is alarming. The barns that are disappearing aren’t just businesses—they’re the foundation of equestrian sports, responsible for shaping the next generation of riders and horse owners. Their loss isn’t just a blow to individual communities; it’s a looming crisis for the future of the horse industry.

Why Are Professional Barns Closing?

While every barn’s situation is unique, common themes emerge when we examine why so many are shutting down.

1. Financial Strain

Horse care has always been expensive, but today’s costs are reaching unsustainable levels. Hay, grain, bedding, farrier care, vet bills—everything has increased in price, yet lesson and boarding rates haven’t kept pace. Many barns are reluctant to raise prices too high for fear of losing their already dwindling clientele.

On the other hand, many horse owners and lesson riders are tightening their wallets, cutting back on non-essential spending. Unfortunately, for many, that means fewer lessons, delayed training, and skipping out on premium care. With barns unable to charge what they need and clients unwilling (or unable) to pay more, the financial gap is crushing small and mid-sized operations.

2. Poor or Non-Existent Clients

The equestrian world has always had its share of difficult clients, but in today’s economy, barns are dealing with a mix of entitlement, unrealistic expectations, and a general lack of commitment from many riders and boarders.
• Some clients expect premium care for bottom-dollar prices. They demand full-service boarding with quality hay, top-tier footing, and expert management—while paying rates that barely cover basic care.
• Lesson clients frequently cancel last-minute, show up late, or simply stop coming, often without notice. These no-shows cost barns money in lost income and wasted trainer time.
• Many horse owners no longer invest in training or education, leading to poorly handled, unsafe horses that barns are then expected to accommodate.

A barn can’t survive without reliable, respectful clients, and too many have found themselves dealing with the opposite.

3. High Stress and Burnout

The romanticized image of running a barn rarely matches reality. Long hours, physical exhaustion, and emotional tolls are standard. Many professionals in the industry are walking away simply because they can’t take it anymore.
• Barn owners and trainers often work 12- to 16-hour days, seven days a week, with little to no time off.
• Dealing with demanding clients, difficult horses, and non-stop financial pressures takes a serious mental toll.
• With rising costs and shrinking margins, many are questioning if it’s even worth it anymore.

There comes a point where passion isn’t enough to outweigh exhaustion and stress. More and more professionals are choosing to leave before they reach total burnout.

4. Location and Land Issues

Many equestrian businesses are finding themselves squeezed out of their areas due to urban expansion and shifting demographics.
• Land prices and property taxes are skyrocketing, making it nearly impossible for smaller barns to afford staying in business.
• As suburban sprawl pushes further into once-rural areas, neighbors who don’t understand horses are quick to file noise complaints, object to the smell, or push for zoning changes that make it harder to operate a barn.
• Fewer people have easy access to riding facilities, making it harder to attract new students or boarders.

Without land, there are no barns, and with each closure, the available space for horse sports shrinks further.

The Bigger Picture: What This Means for Horse Sports

The barns that are shutting down aren’t just random businesses—they’re the backbone of equestrian sports. These are the lesson barns, the mid-level training facilities, the family-friendly operations that introduce new riders to the horse world.

The problem? These riders are the future.

1. Losing the Next Generation of Equestrians

Upper-level barns cater to a specific type of rider: the elite, well-funded competitor. But not everyone starts out there. Most riders begin in small, affordable programs before progressing to higher levels. When those programs disappear, so does the opportunity for new riders to enter the sport.

Without beginner and mid-level training barns, fewer people will learn to ride. Fewer will move on to become serious competitors. And, eventually, the entire industry will feel the effects.

2. Decline in Horse Ownership

Owning a horse isn’t something most people do on a whim. They start with lessons, lease a horse, then make the jump to ownership. If lesson barns and mid-tier training facilities disappear, fewer people will take that first step, leading to fewer horse owners overall.

A decline in horse ownership means a decline in demand for everything that supports the industry—farriers, veterinarians, tack and feed suppliers, show organizations, and more.

3. The Sport Becomes Even More Elitist

Equestrian sports already suffer from an image of being exclusive and unaffordable. If only high-end barns survive, that image becomes reality. Riding will shift even further toward being a luxury activity for the wealthy, shutting out those without deep pockets.

Without accessible lesson programs and training facilities, the gap between those who can afford the sport and those who can’t will grow wider. And eventually, fewer people will care about preserving or supporting equestrian activities at all.

Where Do We Go from Here?

The future of horse sports depends on finding ways to support small and mid-sized barns before they disappear entirely. Some possible solutions include:
• Adjusting pricing to reflect actual costs – Barn owners need to charge what their services are truly worth, even if it means losing some clients.
• Reworking business models – Offering memberships, partial leases, or other structured payment plans can create more predictable income streams.
• Educating clients – Riders and horse owners need to understand what goes into keeping a barn running. Transparency about costs and expectations can help filter out problematic clients.
• Finding community support – Creating local riding clubs, hosting educational events, and partnering with organizations that promote equestrian access can help keep barns alive.
• Advocating for equestrian spaces – If we want horse sports to survive, we need to fight for zoning protections, affordable land access, and public awareness.

The loss of lesson and boarding barns is not just an industry issue—it’s an existential threat to the future of equestrian sports. If we don’t find ways to support these businesses, the ripple effects will be felt for generations.

For now, though, we watch as more barns close their doors, leaving behind empty arenas, unused stalls, and a sport that is quietly shrinking from the ground up.


4402 Potts Road
Louisville, KY


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