I just love snow. Mommie was trying to push the front storm door open against the snow and ice. I zoomed past her and ran down the freshly plowed street of invisibility with cars coming in both directions. She fell and bounced back up waving her arms at cars and yelling stop. Both of them stopped. A man tried to lure me in his car, but I said no (stranger danger!) and turned and ran back to mommie. She had to carry me thru the sides of the plowed roads. A nice lady stopped and offered her a ride cuz she looked a red hot mess. We were just 10 feet away from our yard at that point. She opened the garage door and tossed me in the kitchen. God was on my side cuz the kitchen door didn't latch. I came back out and watched her beat our car with a broom. You should have seen her face when she saw me sitting at the edge of the driveway in the garage. I ran back into the kitchen with her hot on my tai.l Snow is really fun and exciting. I've attached a video of going home from the vet yesterday to further illustrate that I'm an adorable jackass.