It’s Monday, which means it’s time for a big photo dump of the past week 🥳📸 It’s been awhile since I’ve done a thorough recap… so here we go!
•(photo 1) Everyone say hi to Walter! This cutie pie has joined my recurring drop-in crew and I’m SO excited. He’s the best boy and I’m loving getting to know him🥹
•(photos 2, 3, 4) A week long slumber party with Sammi, Charlie, and Star. We had a great week together and these three were the best snuggle buddies🫶
•(photo 5) Recurring drop-ins with Penny and Daisy! These two make me laugh more than anyone else. They’re just so silly, especially in the snow🤣
•(photo 6, 7, 8) A week of daily hour long visits with the cutest brothers, Winston and Ollie. I loved hanging out with these two sophisticated kitties 💚🐱 They’re so handsome!
•(photos 9, 10) Recurring drop-ins with Haiden and Zulu. I love spending my lunch with these sweethearts. They were extra brave this week and pottied despite cold and snowy weather🥳
✨I hope my website has been useful to those that have messaged through it! Just a reminder that you can check my availability on my website ( KalisPetSittingServices.com ) and see if any months are reaching capacity.
🚨January, February, and March are full for overnight care. My books are open through September!
✉️As always, I have room for drop-in visits, so feel free to shoot me a message if this is something you may need!