Thank you for the bond you have allowed me to create with you. You show me resilience through all of our struggles. You show me love through all of my flaws. You bring me light on my darkest days. And you trust me when others would flee. Thank you for being my partner. For this, I promise to do everything in my power to ensure your life includes only 100% love and gratitude until your last breath. ❤️
VC 📹: Sunsoar Photography
Outfit: Style, by Starbound Equine
Saddle/bridle: MacRider Saddlery
#beStarbound #ridersinSTYLE #horse #canter #younghorse #dressagetraining #kwpn #negro #georgeclooney #feiprospect #dressage #dressagerider #trot #DressageHorse
I can't help it.. I absolutely adore this dork! I'll hold on as long as I can, my man. ❤️
#beStarbound #dressage #FEIprospect #mathador #dressageprospect #kwpn #negro #georgeclooney #horse #younghorse #love #truelove #catchingfeelings
I've always known I need to believe in myself more, but something I've come to realize about myself in the last month is that I often discredit my horses' abilities or potential simply so that no one can tell me "I told you so." I think my gelding has been trying to tell me something for a while now, and I haven't BELIEVED him. Some recent changes in our situation have forced me to see things in a different light. I've decided to take a few steps back, break things down into much simpler terms, and BELIEVE that he can do it if I just don't rush.
Matty is coming into his 6 th year, and he is about a year behind the top in the sport his age - AND THATS FINE.
The dressage queen in me wanted to try that transition a third time, but I had to tell myself, "progress NOT perfection," and make it clear to him that he was on the right track. I've made huge strides in just the last 2 weeks sticking to this philosophy. If he gives me an INCH of progress, our ride is over. This is incredibly difficult considering how much I enjoy riding him. But being greedy has never helped me with this horse. In fact, it typically bites me in the arse.
#beStarbound #ridersinSTYLE #dressage #FEIprospect #mathador #dressageprospect #kwpn #negro #georgeclooney #canter #younghorse #dressagetraining #horse
When dressage horses jump Part Trois. Someday maybe somebody will work on his technique. But can we just give the big guy some credit seeing as this is his 1st time ever jumping any of these jumps. And I mean ever. There was no 2nd take. That was the 1st time he was ever asked to go anywhere near that Liverpool. I know Grand Prix jumpers that would hesitate more than he does. Best attitude ever!
It must have been the amazing breeches I am wearing. Style, by Starbound Equine
Dagge Dressage LLC
#BeStarbound #ridersinSTYLE #equestrian #dressage #DressageHorse #MydressageHorseIsCoolerThanYourJumper #WhenDressageHorsesJump #EquestrianApparel
You can be gorgeous too with the Pleiades Breech in Navy by Style, by Starbound Equine and the Gio top by Novella Equestrian . Get yours today! You deserve it!
PC 📸: Sunsoar Photography
#BeStarbound #ridersinSTYLE #EQUESTRIANAPPAREL #equestrian #dressage #dressagerider
We take things VERY seriously around here...
#starboundequine #BeStarbound #younghorse #dressage #FEIprospect #mathador #dressageprospect #kwpn #negro #georgeclooney #hurricaneian #monkeyseemonkeydo
When dressage horses jump, Part Duex. Took Matty on an adventure the other day and as per his usual character, I said jump, and he said how high. He's definitely a dressage horse, but the kids got HEART. ❤️
First time ever and my first time back in a jumping saddle in over a year. 🤷♀️
#starboundequine #BeStarbound #younghorse #dressage #FEIprospect #mathador #dressageprospect #kwpn #negro #georgeclooney #notajumper
You may have been wondering why you haven't heard anything about Matty. After I started him, I sent him up to Ocala to enjoy some more time just being a horse. He is now back in lox and back to work even better than before. True to his usual form just hacking around the farm after a great ride. LOVE 💘 this guy!
#starboundequine #BeStarbound #younghorse #dressage #FEIprospect #mathador #dressageprospect #kwpn #negro
14 stalls available for the 2021 season in private community in loxahatchee just outside of White Fences
COVERED DRESSAGE ARENA with GGT footing and mirrors, irrigated and raked daily
Round pen with GGT footing, irrigated and raked daily
Grass paddocks
12x12 matted stalls with fans and window
Air conditioned tack room
Plenty of trailer parking available
Private bathroom
14' matted breezy aisleway
Courtyards with seating and fans overlooking ring
Access to trails
Furnished Studio apartment also available
PM for details or contact Melissa @ 248-760-3004
#starboundequine #BeStarbound #dressagefarm #globaldressagefestival #wef2021 #farmforrent #stallsforrent
And just like that... he's all grows up!
#starboundequine #BeStarbound #younghorse #dressage #FEIprospect #mathador #dressageprospect #kwpn #dressagehorsesofinstagram #younghorsetraining
Brag brag brag, brag brag brag.... Instead of bragging about Matty, I think I will brag about how stylish my awesome trainer @nicholasfyffe looks with his popped collar and shades while long lining. 😎
#starboundequine #BeStarbound #dressage #dressagehorse #younghorsetraining #younghorse #feiprospect #kwpn #mathador #ggtfooting
3 1/2 yrs old and safe enough to hack out alone AND take video while trotting! NEPTUNO Lusitano stallion owned by Kathy Von Ertfelda and Peakrock Farm.
#starboundequine #BeStarbound #younghorse #dressage #FEIprospect