Always love when you see copperband butterfly’s constantly picking and ready to eat❤️
We have some absolutely Stunning discus right now🚨
3” Ghost Yellow
3” Heckel Vietnam
3” Pigeon Blood Polkadot
3” Pigeon Blood Yellow
Lots of new babies in! Stock list for fresh and saltwater will be posted shortly
Saltwater Fish Stock
‼️(Updated list October 25,2024)‼️
🚨(Please view bottom of post for temperament and reef compatibility chart breakdown explanation)
1-Sailfin (Md 3-4”)✅
1-Powder Blue (Md 3.5”-4.5”)✅
1-Lavender Tang (Md 2.5”-3.5”)
1-Half Black Tang (Sm 2”)✅
3-Blue hippo Tang ‘Indo’ (Tiny/Smalls 1.5”)✅
1-Powder Brown Tang (Md)✅
1-Blue Unicorn Tang (Sm)✅
1-Naso Tang (Md)✅
1-Wild Yellow Tang (Md)✅
1-two bar rabbit fish (sm 2-3”)✅
1-Lemon Peel (Md)✅
1-Flame Angel (2”)✅
1-Multicolor Angel (3”)✅
1-Bicolor Angel (2”)✅
1-Regal Angel (4”)
2-Diamond Goby ✅
1-spotted Mandarin Goby (Sm)✅
1-Green Mandarin✅
3-Purple Firefish Gobies✅
2-citron goby✅
1-black clown goby✅
1-baby sleeper golden head✅
2-Ruby Dragonets✅
2-Wheeler watchman goby paired w/ yellow pistol shrimp✅
1-Bella Goby
3-Tailspot Blenny✅
1-Red spotted Blenny✅
1-Midas blenny✅
1-Green Canary blenny✅
1-Flame Hawkfish ✅
1-Longnose Hawkfish✅
1-Black Storm✅
1-Picasso Clown✅
1-Black ice Clown✅
1-Frostbite Clown✅
1-Fire Cleaners✅
5-Coopers fairy Anthia✅
3-Goldie Anthia✅
2-Dispar Anthia✅
1-Hutchi Anthia✅
6-Dispar Anthia✅
24-Green Chromis ✅
1-saddle Valentini puffer❌
1-Fuzzy dwarf lionfish❌
1-Yellow Goatfish✅
2-Copperband Butterfly✅
1-pintail Fairy wrasse✅
1-Yellow band Velvet Wrasse✅
5-Six line wrasse✅
1-8 line wrasse✅
1-Spottail corrís wrasse✅
1-Green corris wrasse✅
1-Redfin Fairy Wrasse✅
4-Cleaner Wrasse✅
1-Undulated Trigger❌
1-Niger Trigger❌
~Inverts/Clean up crew~
5-Sand sifter starfish✅
4-Chocolate Starfish❌
2-Arrow Crabs✅
XX-Nassarius snails✅
XX-Margarita Snails✅
1-Red Urchins✅
2-Spider Decorator Crabs✅
2-Red stripe Pistol shrimp✅
1-Red Linckia starfish✅
❌= Not Reef Safe
✅= Reef Safe
Come check out all the changes happening!
Yellow Tang up for grabs😍
-Quarantined for 5 months and eats like a pig!
It’s our 2 year anniversary 🔥🔥🔥
🎉Come on in and enjoy the deals🎉
Address- 4711 W loop 289 Lubbock,Tx
2️⃣0️⃣% off Saltwater Fish
1️⃣0️⃣% off Coral
2️⃣0️⃣% off Freshwater Fish
1️⃣0️⃣% off Plants
🐠👶🏻Video of the new babies👶🏻🐠
The tig pods have landed and are bouncing around looking for their new home😎