Abby’s Farm, unapologetically is not like any farm in this area or in fact any farm I’ve visited, heard of or read about……that’s a fact!
You see, our farm in many ways reflects the stubbornly unique, different and idealistic persona of our benefactor Abby Sayler. I am fond of saying she was a hippie from the sixties that grew up bucking the system and rejecting the social norms of the day. That’s why she was so steely eyed about the importance of health and its relationship to what we eat often reminding us that “food is our medicine”!
Having said all that, here are distinctions that make us unique:
Abby’s Farm doesn’t sell anything…….all of the over 40k lbs of food grown annually is shared by our 100+ volunteer families.
Many community farms operate as a CSA or Co-op and sell subscriptions (or boxes) of food monthly to members. Often the farm is simply purchasing the produce for resale.
Abby’s volunteer families are required to spend 3-5 hours a week (over a couple of days) working, sweating, digging, planting with other likeminded families to grow their own food and help grow in community food that we all share.
Community farms are generally set up for you to simply “rent” a raised bed or growing area and you are on your own to succeed or fail. Gardening in Florida is tricky and best accomplished with community and collaboration.
Abby’s Farm is 3 acres, with over 100 raised beds, 10 row farm growing areas, over 140 fruit trees (and Moringa, neem, sugarcane), our own bee colonies, forty organic laying chickens, an open greenhouse growing areas, education/events area, farmhouse, all of which produce over 40,000 lbs of food for our farm family.
The typical community garden offering is 1/4 acre or less, with raised beds offered to 10-20 families.
Our abundance of wonderful volunteer families and food we produce enables us to have outreaches to our broader community with programs like Abby’s Helping Hands, a program to help families in need…..and Abby’s Healing Soup, a program to serve fresh healthy soup to individuals undergoing a health emergency.
We are different……on purpose. It’s exactly the way Abby would have wanted it and because of that we have attracted families from all over the world. Our current members include families representing about 18:different countries. The community achieved with such a diverse group is truly a marvel to experience and be a part of.
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