Blue Fish Aquariums

Blue Fish Aquariums Ranked Best Aquarium in Cleveland for the last 12 years
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Freshwater in this week: Angel Asst SmApisto Agassizii Double RedBarb Golden DwarfBetta Halfmoon (Female)Betta Roundtail...

Freshwater in this week:
Angel Asst Sm
Apisto Agassizii Double Red
Barb Golden Dwarf
Betta Halfmoon (Female)
Betta Roundtail Koi Galaxy (Male)
Cat Lizard Red
Cat Phantom Glass
Cat Stone Sm
Cich Acara Electric Blue Sm
Cich Afr Peacock O/B Md
Cich Afr Peacock Red Md
Cich Severum Gold Sm
Comet 1-2 Inch Sm, 2-3 Inch Md
Corydoras Emerald Green Sm
Corydoras Julii Md
Corydoras Melini
Corydoras Panda Sm
Ctenopoma Leopard Sm
Eel Spiny Tiretrack Md
Goby Stiphodon Neon Blue
Gour Dwf Blood (Male)
Gour Dwf Powder Blue (Male)
Gour Honey Gold
Gour Honey Red
Guppy Asst Fancy (Female)
Guppy Cobra Asst. (Male)
Guppy Metallic Blue (Male)
Guppy Elephant Ear Mosaic (Male)
Guppy Pink Rose (Male)
Guppy Platinum White (Male)
Guppy Ribbon Blue (Male)
Loach Clown Sm and Md
Loach Kuhlii
Mudskipper Blue Spotted
Pleco 5 Inch, 7 Inch
Pleco Ancistrus Lemon Blue Eye
Pleco Phantom Bluespot L128 Sm
Polypterus Delhezi Sm (T/R)
Polypterus Endlicheri Sm (T/R)
Polypterus Senegalus Albino Sm
Polypterus Senegalus Sm
Puffer Dwarf Indian
Rasbora Boraras Brigittae
Rasbora Galaxy Danio
Rasbora Pork Chop
Rosy Red Feeder
Shrimp Neo Cherry Red Premium
Shrimp Neo Yellow Fire
Snail Mystery Asst
Tetra Blue
Tetra Cardinal (T/R)
Tetra Neon Gold
Tetra Neon
Tetra Rummy Nose Brilliant
White Cloud Golden

Saltwater in early this week!!!Angels: Flame, YellowBasslets: Royal GrammaBlennies: SailfinButterflies: Copperband, Ocel...

Saltwater in early this week!!!
Angels: Flame, Yellow
Basslets: Royal Gramma
Blennies: Sailfin
Butterflies: Copperband, Ocellated
Cardinals: Banggai
Damsels: Chromis/Green, Yellowtail
Dragonets: Mandarin Green
Filefish: Aiptasia Eating Leatherjacket
Gobies: Watchman/Wheelers, True Yellow, Green Band, Firefish, Firefish Purple, Engineer, Cleaner, Neon Blue
Seahorses: Brazillian Longsnout, Yellow
Tangs: Mimic, Half black, Powder Brown, White-spine Surgeon, Blue Hippo, Convict, Orange shoulder
Wrasses: Cleaner, Six Line, Banana Male, Coris, Clown Twinspot, Leopard
Crabs: Pom Pom
Dolabella Sea Hare
Shrimp: Peppermint
Stars: Sand, Blue Linckia
Urchins: Blue and Red Tuxedos

We are loving these axolotls...

We are loving these axolotls...

Stay warm and shop for freshwater livestock!!!Angel Asst SmBarb Denisonii Sm (T/R)Barb Golden DwarfBetta Halfmoon (Femal...

Stay warm and shop for freshwater livestock!!!

Angel Asst Sm
Barb Denisonii Sm (T/R)
Barb Golden Dwarf
Betta Halfmoon (Female)
Betta Roundtail Dumbo Ear (Male)
Betta Roundtail Koi Galaxy (Male)
Betta Roundtail Koi Nemo (Male)
Cat Flying Fox Siamese Sm
Cat Lizard Red
Cat Redtail Sm
Cich Afr Peacock O/B Md
Cich Afr Peacock Sunburst Md
Cich Oscar Asst Md
Cich Oscar Lemon Sm
Cich Oscar Red Sm
Comet 1-2 Inch Sm
Comet Red & White 4-5 Inch
Corydoras Aeneus Albino
Corydoras Emerald Green Sm
Corydoras Julii Md
Corydoras Panda Sm
Danio GloFish Cosmic Blue
Danio GloFish Electric Green
Danio GloFish Galactic Purple
Danio GloFish Starfire Red
Danio GloFish Sunburst Orange
Eel Dragon
Frog Clawed Lg
Goby Gudgeon Peacock
Goby Stiphodon Neon Blue
Gour Honey Gold
Gour Honey Red
Guppy Albino Blue Sky Red Tail (Male)
Guppy Asst Fancy (Female)
Guppy Cobra Asst. (Male)
Guppy Endler Lime Green (Male)
Guppy Endler Red Coral (Male)
Guppy Endler Royal Blue (Male)
Guppy Grass Red (Male)
Guppy Green Butterfly (Male)
Guppy Metallic Sunset (Male)
Guppy Pink (Male)
Guppy Platinum White (Male)
Guppy Royal Blue L/T (Male)
Guppy Turquoise Blue (Male)
Killifish Clown
Koi Butterfly 4-5 Inch
Loach Panda Sm
Molly Lyretail Asst Md
Platy Asst Md
Pleco Zebra Brown L129
Puffer Dwarf Indian
Rainbow Ornate
Rainbow Turquoise Md
Rasbora Boraras Brigittae
Rasbora Pork Chop
Rosy Red Feeder
Shark Iridescent Albino Sm
Shrimp Neo Blue Velvet
Shubunkin 4-5 Inch
Snail Mystery Asst
Snail Neritina Black
Tetra Bentosi
Tetra Cardinal (T/R)
Tetra GloFish Asst
Tetra GloFish Starfire Red L/F
Tetra Glowlight
Tetra Hatchet Silver
Tetra Neon
White Cloud Golden


Due to the weather...Blue Fish will be closing early Sunday, 1/19/25 at 4pm.
Drive Safe.

Freshwater in!!!Algae Eater Garra RufaAngel Marble Blue EmeraldAngel Marble BlueBarb Denisonii Sm (T/RBetta Halfmoon (Fe...

Freshwater in!!!

Algae Eater Garra Rufa
Angel Marble Blue Emerald
Angel Marble Blue
Barb Denisonii Sm (T/R
Betta Halfmoon (Female
Cat Phantom Glass
Cich Afr Lab Yellow Sm
Cich Afr Peacock O/B Md
Cich Jack Dempsey Elec Blue Sm
Comet 1-2 Inch Sm, 2-3 Inch Md, 5-6 Inch
Corydoras Emerald Green Sm
Corydoras Melini
Corydoras Panda Sm
Corydoras Sterbai Md
Crab Halloween
Eel Fire Md
Frog Dwarf
Frog Dwarf Albino
Goby Gudgeon Peacock
Gour Dwf Blood (Male)
Gour Dwf Powder Blue (Male)
Guppy Asst Fancy (Female)
Guppy Cobra Asst. (Male)
Guppy Elephant Ear Blue (Male)
Guppy German Yellow (Male)
Guppy Grass Red (Male)
Guppy Green Butterfly (Male)
Guppy Platinum Metal Head (Male)
Guppy Platinum White (Male)
Guppy Turquoise Blue (Male)
Guppy Yellow Dragon (Male)
Koi Butterfly 4-5 Inch
Minnow Rainbow Dace (Male)
Molly Lyretail Asst Md
Celestial Eye Md
Platy Gold Twinbar Md
Pleco 2 Inch, 3 Inch, 7 Inch
Puffer Dwarf Indian
Rainbow Turquoise Md
Rasbora Boraras Brigittae
Rosy Red Feeder
Shark Bala Sm
Shrimp Ghost
Shrimp Neo Cherry Red Premium
Shrimp Neon Green
Snail Assassin
Snail Mystery Asst
Tetra Bentosi
Tetra Cardinal (T/R)
Tetra Neon
Tetra Pencil Beckfords Red
Tetra Rummy Nose Brilliant
White Cloud Golden
White Cloud

Feature Friday: We love this tank installation!!!Thankful we got to make his aquarium dreams come true.

Feature Friday: We love this tank installation!!!
Thankful we got to make his aquarium dreams come true.

Freshwater fish in this week...and new corals in today. Algae Eater Gold MdAngel Koi SmApisto Ram BlueApisto Ram GoldApi...

Freshwater fish in this week...and new corals in today.

Algae Eater Gold Md
Angel Koi Sm
Apisto Ram Blue
Apisto Ram Gold
Apisto Ruby Clown
Arowana Silver Sm
Barb Cherry
Barb Denisonii Sm (T/R)
Barb Tiger GloFish Starfire Red
Betta Halfmoon White Butterfly (Male)
Betta Roundtail Dragon Scale (Male)
Betta Roundtail Dumbo Ear
Betta Roundtail H/M Marble Blue (Male)
Cat Lizard Red
Cat Phantom Glass
Cich Afr Frontosa Red Sm (T/R)
Cich Afr Peacock O/B Md
Cich Afr Peacock Sunburst Md
Cich Jewel Turquoise Sm
Cich Oscar Asst Md
Cich Severum Gold Sm
Cich Severum Rotkeil
Corydoras Aeneus Albino
Corydoras Emerald Green Sm
Corydoras Julii Md
Corydoras Panda Sm
Corydoras Sterbai Md
Gour Honey Gold
Guppy Asst Fancy (Female)
Guppy Black 3/4 Golden (Male)
Guppy Blonde Red Tux (Male)
Guppy Cobra Asst. (Male)
Guppy Elephant Ear Blue (Male)
Guppy German Yellow (Male)
Guppy Green Butterfly (Male)
Guppy Platinum White (Male)
Koi Butterfly 4-5 Inch
Loach Clown Sm Chromobotia macracanthus
Molly B/B Asst Md Poecilia latipinna Oranda Calico Md
Carassius auratus Ranchu Black Lg
Carassius auratus Oranda Red Cap Md
Carassius auratus Platy Asst Md ^
Xiphophorus maculatus Pleco Chocolate Albino Md
Pleco Hypostomus Md
Pleco Zebra Brown L129
Rainbow Bosemani Md
Rasbora Boraras Brigittae
Rasbora Galaxy
Rasbora Pork Chop
Shrimp Neo Blue Dream
Shrimp Neo Cherry Red Premium
Shrimp Orange
Shubunkin 4-5 Inch
Snail Assassin
Snail Neritina Asst
Swordtail Asst (Male)
Tetra Cardinal (T/R)
Tetra Congo Sm
Tetra Glowlight
Tetra Kerri
Tetra Neon
Tetra Pencil Beckfords Red
Tetra Red Minor L/F Md
Tetra Rummy Nose Brilliant
Black Neon Hifin
Blue Coral Neon Hifin
Redtail Black
Variatus Sunset
White Cloud L/F

Excited to start the new year with one of our favorite things to do...local tours.This morning we have a girl scout troo...

Excited to start the new year with one of our favorite things to do...local tours.
This morning we have a girl scout troop and tomorrow we have a group from Mayfield. We have done nursing homes, extra-curricular groups, preschools, summer camps...message us for info.

Happy New Year's Eve...we close early at 5pm today.CLOSED January 1, 2025Come in today for new saltwater, freshwater, an...

Happy New Year's Eve...we close early at 5pm today.
CLOSED January 1, 2025

Come in today for new saltwater, freshwater, and drystock.
OR see you next year!!!


Freshwater and Saltwater in today! CLOSING AT 3PM
Last day for 15% off Livestock before Christmas

Algae Eater Gold
Angel Asst
Apisto Ram Elec Blue
Apisto Ram German
Arowana Silver
Barb Denisonii Sm (T/R)
Betta Halfmoon
Betta Roundtail H/M Marble Blue
Cat Otocinclus
Cich Acara Electric Blue
Cich Afr Peacock Red
Cich Afr Peacock Sunburst
Cich Convict Asst
Cich Parrotfish Red Cap
Comet 1-2 Inch and 2-3 Inch
Corydoras Emerald Green
Corydoras Julii
Corydoras Panda
Corydoras Sterba
Guppy Asst Fancy (Female)
Guppy Cobra Asst. (Male)
Guppy Common Feeder
Guppy German Yellow
Guppy Golden Blue L/T
Guppy Luminous White
Guppy Platinum
Guppy Platinum Metal Head
Killifish A. Gardneri
Loach Panda
Molly Lyretail Asst
Oranda Lionhead Asst
Oranda Yun Bao
Piranha Red Belly Sm
Platy Asst
Pleco 2 Inch and 3 Inch
Pleco Zebra Brown L129
Puffer Dwarf Indian
Rainbow Bosemani
Rainbow New Guinea
Rasbora Brilliant
Rasbora Galaxy
Rosy Red Feeder
Shrimp Ghost
Shrimp Neo Blue Dream
Shrimp Neo Cherry Red Premium
Tetra Cardinal (T/R)
Tetra Hatchet Marble
Tetra Rummy Nose
White Cloud Golden

Peppermint Shrimp
Starry Blenny
Rainfordi Goby
Flame Fin (Tomini) Tang
Red Leg Hermit
Astrea Snail
Royal Urchin
Bicolor Angel
Japanese Swallow
Square (Yellow) Anthias
Square (Pink) Anthias
Flametail Blenny
Lawnmower Blenny
Copperband Butterfly
Blue Gudgeon Goby
Diamond (Sleeper) Goby
Yellow Clown Goby
Blue Spot Jawfish
Pearly Jawfish
Dragon Pipefish
Blue Spot Puffer
Blue (Hippo) Tang; T.R.
Sawtail Tang; Spotted
Sohal Tang
Clown Fairy Wrasse
Six Line Wrasse
Tricolor Fairy Wrasse
Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse (Flatworm Eater)
Barred Flagtail
Emerald Crab
Red Lobster
Sea Hare
Cleaner Shrimp
Sexy Shrimp
Blue (Linkia) Starfish

SALE till Christmas...15% off livestock, 10% of Aquarium Kits$20 bonus with $100 gift certificate Holiday Hours: 12/24 C...

SALE till Christmas...15% off livestock, 10% of Aquarium Kits
$20 bonus with $100 gift certificate

Holiday Hours:
12/24 Christmas Eve: 11am-3pm
12/25 Christmas: CLOSED
12/31 New Years Eve: 11am-5pm
1/1 New Years Day: CLOSED

Designer Clownfish in today!!! 15% off ALL livestock until Christmas Black IceFancy SnowflakeOrangeIce MochaBlack Extrem...

Designer Clownfish in today!!! 15% off ALL livestock until Christmas

Black Ice
Fancy Snowflake
Ice Mocha
Black Extreme Misbar
Maroon-Gold Flake
Snowflake Black
True Percula

More new livestock- Freshwater, Saltwater, Reptiles...15% OFFFRESHWATER: Angel AsstApisto Ram Elec BlueBarb Cherry Albin...

More new livestock- Freshwater, Saltwater, Reptiles...15% OFF

Angel Asst
Apisto Ram Elec Blue
Barb Cherry Albino
Betta Halfmoon
Betta Roundtail H/M Marble Blue
Cat Flying Fox Siamese
Cat Lizard Red
Cich Acara Electric Blue
Cich Afr Asst Md
Cich Afr Lab Yellow
Cich Afr Peacock Red
Cich Afr Peacock Sunburst
Corydoras Emerald Green
Corydoras Melini
Corydoras Panda
Corydoras Sterbai
Danio GloFish Electric Green
Goby Gudgeon Peacock
Guppy Asst Fancy
Guppy Cobra Asst.
Guppy Elephant Ear Asst
Guppy Green Butterfly
Guppy Pink
Killifish Clown
Molly Asst
Piranha Red Belly Sm
Platy Asst
Rainbow New Guinea
Rainbow Turquoise
Rasbora Brilliant
Shrimp Neo Cherry Red Premium
Shrimp Orange
Snail Mystery Blue
Swordtail Asst
Tetra Rummy Nose
White Cloud Golden

Angels: Flame, Coral Beauty
Anthias: Squareback
Butterflies: Heniochus, Black and White
Damsels: Blue Green
Gobies: Watchman, True Yellow, Firefish Purple, Cleaner, Neon Blue
Hawks: Long Nose
Hogs: Two-Spot Slender
Rabbitfish: Foxface, Magnificent
Sharks: Banded, Cat
Tangs: Powder Blue
Wrasses: Fairy, Green, Banana Male, Leopard
Crabs: Pom Pom, Emerald, Hermit:Blue Leg, Dwarf
Stars: Blue Linckia

Stinkpot Musk Turtles
Bearded Dragons

New handpicked goodies!!!Extended till 12/25...15% OFF ALL LIVESTOCK10% OFF Aquarium KitsAND $20 bonus with every $100 G...

New handpicked goodies!!!
Extended till 12/25...15% OFF ALL LIVESTOCK
10% OFF Aquarium Kits
AND $20 bonus with every $100 Gift Certificate

10 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS...15% OFF ALL LIVESTOCK 12/15/2024Fish, coral, plants, reptiles, invertebrates, copepods!!!

15% OFF ALL LIVESTOCK 12/15/2024
Fish, coral, plants, reptiles, invertebrates, copepods!!!

FLASH SALE15% OFF ALL LIVESTOCK 12/13-12/15Fish, coral, plants, reptiles, invertebrates, copepods...

15% OFF ALL LIVESTOCK 12/13-12/15

Fish, coral, plants, reptiles, invertebrates, copepods...


5379 Mayfield Road
Lyndhurst, OH

Opening Hours

Tuesday 11am - 7pm
Wednesday 11am - 7pm
Thursday 11am - 7pm
Friday 11am - 7pm
Saturday 11am - 6pm
Sunday 12pm - 5pm




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