Purple-Collar female is 1 of only 2 females of this special litter of six black boerboels. At only 9 weeks old she already weighs 25 pounds!
Purple is very playful and energetic. She loves to literally bounce like a little deer and play and be silly. She is so much fun to watch. She has a feminine face and she is very beautiful. She has a well-balanced structure and a soft, velvet-like coat of fur/hair. We have considered keeping her for our breeding program. She is very loving, and I could stare at her for hours. She is gentle and will curl up with you in your lap/arms to cuddle after tiring out from playing. It is amazing to know that she will grow up to be a very loyal and capable protector. She already knows sit and doing very well on potty training!
Though she is feminine, her potential power and absolute beauty shine through as a true representative of the breed. She is "purple" a true AdoraBoerboel!