This wagon o’ Frenchies rolled in to the clinic today for their next round of vaccines. The whole staff had to take a moment and soak in the cuteness!
Awesome job cleaning our very dirty panels by A1 Solar Cleaning after all the dust from the almond harvest. Call Ryo at 559-551-8635 for a quote.
What’s better than a puppy appointment? How about a 10 puppy appointment? These little ones were here for their litter check up and we had our hands full!
Smalls loves his treats!
Smalls is doing very well so far. He has had his second procedure to remove even MORE foxtails, to close the large wound on his thigh and to get neutered. We can tell he received very little attention and socialization in his past life. He is somewhat timid but is learning to trust people and is becoming more friendly by the day. We will also post some photos in a separate post. He will need at least one additional surgery to find a few remaining stubborn foxtails. PLEASE consider donating to our MVC Angel Fund. The total cost for his care will be about 1100 (three full anesthesia procedures and many hours of treatment.) We are also now open inquiries for fostering or adopting him. We would like to have someone with some experience caring for abused animals and has the time to really show him the love he needs. If you are interested, please email [email protected]. Donations can be made in person, over the phone via credit/debit or sent as a check.
We’d say little Chocolate Ice Cream is doing well in her splint so far....
(she was in for her weekly splint change)
Jake was so calm for his preventive care visit today. He stayed perfectly calm and relaxed for his blood draw and X-rays. He received a luxurious brush and lots of attention from the team. MVC offers wonderful preventive health care packages for senior pets. We love catching disease, arthritis, and other age related problems early so that we can help your pets live longer, more comfortable lives.
Facebook friends we need your help! **WARNING GRAPIC VIDEO** This sweet, 8mo old German Shepherd we are calling “Stevie” was found dumped in a field. Some good Samaritans found him and took him to the shelter. He was brought to us after it was discovered he had a collar embedded and cutting deeply into his neck! It was puppy collar that was never loosened. He is severely malnourished and underweight and seems to have some visual deficits. We are asking our wonderful Facebook followers to consider making a donation to the Friends of Madera Animal Shelter or stop by our office and leave a small cash donation in his name. Costs to repair his injured neck are about $650. The good news is that we expect a full recovery!!
Hello Facebook friends! We hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving. At MVC we love giving back to our animal friends. Thanks to donations of time and money from our team and our wonderful clients, we are able to occasionally help animals without homes that are in true need. We are currently working with this little fellow below. He is tentatively being named Joker as Dr D had to make liberal incisions into the side of his mouth to reach and repair the fracture in his lower jaw.
Please consider donating a small amount to our MVC Angel fund to help with him and other animals in need. You can stop by the office or mail in a donation. These donations are used for unowned animals in true need only. We want to especially thank Kathy Kropp Walsh Jackson and Brenda Clark whose recent donations are covering about half of the costs of Jokers care. Dr. D donated her time for the surgery.
If all goes well over the next few weeks (there are still a lot of possible short term and long term complications) Joker will go up for adoption and hopefully one of our great clients will provide him a forever home.
Fall Focus on Prevention
Special Savings Offer Ahead!
Meet Brook! She is almost 13 years old and is going strong thanks to wonderful preventive care and arthritis management. We cherish the bond with our aging companions and strive to provide the best preventive health care possible
From now until Dec. 31, we will be offering $30 off our awesome Senior Wellness Package! The Package includes: Full examination, bloodwork, heartworm test, core vaccinations, nail trim, deworming, nutritional counseling, and arthritis and dental evaluation for $229 (normal $259). X-rays and a heart disease blood test can be added for additional low clost. Full bloodwork testing alone normally costs $200! Call the office to make an appointment today!
(*this offer is not available to acutely or seriously ill animals)
Madera Veterinary Center - Pyometra
Emergency surgery time! Dr. Dougherty walks us through a pyometra surgery. **This video contains graphic surgery video*** Skip over (or skip to) minute 4:22 if you are easily grossed out. Pyometra surgery can run from $800 to over $3,000 and the condition is life threatening! It is 100% preventable if you spay your female dogs!!! Please Share so we can encourage more responsible ownership by spaying our pets!