Hi, everyone! Jessa here, with a little update for y'all about Miss Fable.
As Fable’s second birthday approaches, I’ve begun seriously assessing whether or not we will plan to breed her in the future. I wanted to share where we’re at in our decision making process at the moment, as it’ll still be some time before we know for certain. After much consultation with trusted veterinary professionals and established breeders, the consensus seems to be that the Windsprite gene pool is too small for us to wash an otherwise exemplary dog because of such an incredibly mild, easily managed issue. With that in mind, we are leaning heavily in the direction of breeding her. However, we are determined to meet certain requirements before we’ll be willing to move ahead with a breeding plan.
1️⃣ - *We will continue to be completely transparent with the public and all other parties about Fable’s health, including any changes in the way her food allergy presents or any additional diagnoses as she ages.* As of now, the bilious vomiting that was her primary symptom has completely resolved. She has still never vomited any food content and she has a voracious appetite. Her only symptom at this time is minor itching around her mouth and eyes, which only presents when she’s exposed to an allergen in her food for multiple weeks. Because her reactions are so mild and take so long to present, we are still working on pinpointing exactly what her triggers are.
2️⃣ - *We will aim to have Fable on an over-the-counter kibble, rather than a pricey prescription diet, prior to breeding her.* Fable does perfectly on the hydrolyzed diet, with no itchiness at all. However, the difference in cost for hydrolyzed diets at this time is significant and we are not trying to produce puppies that will pose a financial burden to their future families. Fable will remain on the prescription hydrolyzed kibble until we can find a food that works well for her, without causing any of the mild facial itchiness we’ve been coming across in our experiments. I feel confident that this is doable, but it is slow going, as mentioned above.
3️⃣ - *We will only accept a pairing that results in an eCOI of 15% or lower, in accordance with research that indicates a low COI may help reduce the risk of autoimmune issues like allergies.* Thus far, the lowest eCOI we’ve found for Fable in long-haired Windsprites has been between 16-19%. Most likely, we’ll be choosing a Smooth Windsprite for Fable, though we’re also considering backcross options. In addition, we’ll be doing careful pedigree research to try to ensure that the male and his relations are without allergies.
4️⃣ - *We will still be waiting until Fable is a bit older before we make a final decision about whether or not she will be bred.* The earliest we will consider this is at 3 ½ years of age (Summer 2026), but most likely we will be waiting until she is at least 4 years old, bearing in mind the possible increase in risk of complications for a first pregnancy in a dog much older than 5 years. The timing of Haven being ready for breeding is also a factor, particularly as she hasn’t had her first heat yet. We hope to breed Haven first, when she’s old enough, and then Fable.
I hope this helps the folks who are wondering what our plans are for Fable and what our thought process is like on this topic! I think I can speak for both Nikki and myself when I say that it's our goal to do what is best for the breed as a whole, not just for our breeding program, and certainly not just for ourselves. In my heart, I very much hope that Fable is able to be a breeding candidate in the future. But I am fully prepared to make the difficult decision to wash her, if necessary. In the meantime, we're keeping our fingers crossed that our sweet, mellow, clever, confident, resilient, optimistic, outgoing girl will whelp some equally incredible puppies someday.