Rejensa Starter Pack
It’s in a dog’s nature to hide discomfort. You have to look for the signs.
Saying no to walks, avoiding stairs, or preferring the floor to the sofa are just some
of the indicators that they’re in need of joint support and care.
Talk to us – and ask about FREE Rejensa® joint care chews Starter pack today.
*First time users only
#rejensa #rejensachews
We are excited to carry Rejensa joint supplements! Learn more by calling us or visiting the Rejensa website.
Rejensa is the only joint supplement that contains Gluco Blu, the improved form of glucosamine.
How do you know that your pup may need Rejensa?
* Trouble getting up from a laying position
*Not wanting to climb stairs or jump on the couch
* Not as much interest in walks or playing
* Irritability or possible discomfort related behavior changes
Call us today and ask about the * FREE Rejensa Starter Pack offer.