We have been having a blast playing Whack A Mole here at the dog den. Be sure to check our story for more fun pics and videos #enrichmentfun #thedogden #thedogdendogs #dog #dogs #doggo #doggy #dogsofinstagram #instadog #dogsofig #dogsofmadison #doggydaycare #thedogdendogs #doglovers #saferinapaccc
You can nominate The Dog Den *every day* for Best of Madison!🐶🐕
📝Write us in under Home & Lifestyle for Pet Daycare & Boarding! We appreciate you!💞
https://www.channel3000.com/best-of-madison-2021/#/gallery?group=373963 🐶🐕
Some of our friends are so excited for Whack-A-Mole #sillyfrenchie #thedogdendogs #dog #dogs #doggo #doggy #dogsofinstagram #instadog #dogsofig #dogsofmadison #doggydaycare #thedogdendogs #doglovers #saferinapaccc
You can nominate The Dog Den *every day* for Best of Madison!🐶🐕
📝Write us in under Home & Lifestyle for Pet Daycare & Boarding! We appreciate you!💞
https://www.channel3000.com/best-of-madison-2021/#/gallery?group=373963 🐶🐕
The Dog Den dogs are enjoying some Whack-a-mole this week and showing that groundhog that we prefer an earlier spring!
🏆 Don’t Forget to Nominate!🏆
All month long, you can nominate The Dog Den for Best of Madison 2025! 🐾
📍 Category: Lifestyle – Pet Services
📅 Nominate daily through February 28
🔗 Vote here: madisonmagazine.com/BOM
#BestOfMadison #VoteForUs #TheDogDen #ThePuppyDen #DogDenTraining #MadisonWI #SupportLocal #BOM2025 #Lifestyle #PetServices #MadisonMagazine #channel3000
Sometimes all you need is bubbles and a friend #bubbletime #friendsthatplaytogetherstaytogether #dog #doggo #dogsofinstagram #dogsofig #instadog #dogsofmadisoun #doggydaycare #thedogdendogs #saferinaPACC
🎄 Merry Christmas and Day 12 of the 12 Days of Holiden! 🎁
Avett is celebrating the holiday with his new favorite treat puzzle toy from the Enrichment Shop at The Puppy Den! 🧩🐾 Keeping his brain busy and his tail wagging—what a perfect Christmas morning!
We’d love to see your pups enjoying their favorite presents today! Share a pic in the comments below. 🎅🐶
#Holiden #thedogden #thepuppyden #thedogdentraining #MerryChristmas #20YearsOfTheDogDen
The Dog Den dogs are celebrating National Cookie Day with delicious doggie gingerbread cookies all week!! #nationalcookieday #cookiesfordogs#thedogden
Pattie Mae approves of our Pumpkkn Pie for dogs treats this week! #pumpkinpiefordogs
Learning Trick or Treat #learnandplayeveryday #enrichmentfun #dog #doggo #dogsofinstagram #dogsofig #instadog #dogsofmadisoun #doggydaycare #thedogdendogs #saferinaPACC
We’re getting ready for spooky season around here and the dogs are having a blast! #thedogden #thedogdendogs #happyhalloween
Enrichment fun with Ellie!
#thedogden #thedogdentraining #saferinapaccc #thedogdendogs #doggydaycare #dogsofmadison #dogenrichment