Daylight savings begins on Sunday and as much as we are all look forward to longer days and warmer weather, the loss of an hour can really throw everyone off...especially our routine-following pets. ⏰ Here are a couple ways you can help your pet adjust to the change.
📅Keep in mind your pets are creatures of habit and thrive on routine, they use daylight to tell them when it's time to eat, sleep, and wake up.
⏰If you have to make adjustments to your pet’s routine, do it gradually. Slowly shift their feeding and walking times each day.
💊Talk to your vet about when to administer your pet’s medications. Some medications, shifting administration an hour isn't a big deal, but for others you may need to adjust a bit slower.
🐶Consistency is key! Once the change happens, stick to the new routine as much as possible!
🌞 More daylight means more time for fun activities! Use this opportunity for some extra fun with your pet!
😃Be patient and stay positive! It can be difficult to adjust to any change in routine, even more so for pets.