Working Equitation Friends - have you heard about the wonderful opportunity to gain insights into what the judges are looking for at all levels coming up this August in Eugene, OR?
Although priority registration is given to Licensed Officials, the seminar is also open to members with a passion to learn more about the sport.
Here's the info!
Calibration Seminar- video, live rides, shadow and silent judging with WAWE judge Antonio Vicente, Portugal
Dates: August 15, 16, 17, 18, 2024
Where: Oregon Horse Center, 90751 Prairie Road, Eugene, OR 97402
Stay: Holiday Inn Express (use code “Oregon Horse Center Rate”)(many hotels in the area, search- Springfield, Gateway)
Airport: Eugene (+/- 20 minutes away) & Portland (+/- 2 1/4 hours away).
Sign Up:
Please complete this application to enroll in the Calibration Seminar- video, live rides, shadow and silent judging with WAWE Judge Antonio Vicente at the WE Oregon August Show licensed competition at Eugene Horse Center, Eugene, Oregon. August 15-18, 2024. The seminar will provide attendees with th...