Santa Elena Ranch

Santa Elena Ranch The premiere source for quality American Red Brahman and Quarter Horses genetics in the United States Se habla espanol.

Santa Elena's herd is built on proven sound genetics, progressive breeding practices, strong conviction to the seedstock business and a powerful desire to continue to improve our genetic base. We are committed to raising beef bulls for the commercial cattlemen. In addition to the red herd, Santa Elena also operates and international shipping business.

Santa Elena Ranch, Inc is offering high-quality Brahman heifers recognized for their VL brand, which signifies a commitm...

Santa Elena Ranch, Inc is offering high-quality Brahman heifers recognized for their VL brand, which signifies a commitment to exceptional quality, genomics, performance, and parentage verification. With such attention to these critical factors, it's hard to go wrong with these heifers if you're looking for top-tier breeding stock.
By ensuring their Brahman heifers are genetically superior and performance-tested, Santa Elena Ranch sets itself apart. Their focus on verified parentage also adds a level of trust, making their animals a reliable choice for breeding programs or beef production.

Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) are critical in the selection and breeding of registered cattle. EPDs provide valuab...

Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) are critical in the selection and breeding of registered cattle. EPDs provide valuable data that helps breeders make informed decisions to improve the genetic quality and performance of their herds. Here’s why EPDs are important:

1. Predictive Accuracy
Genetic Predictions: EPDs offer an estimate of the genetic potential an animal will pass on to its offspring. This includes traits like growth rate, milk production, calving ease, and more.
Comparison Tool: EPDs allow breeders to compare the genetic potential of different animals, making it easier to choose the best breeding stock.

2. Objective Selection
Data-Driven Decisions: EPDs provide an objective way to select animals based on measurable data rather than relying solely on physical appearance or pedigree.
Trait-Specific Selection: Breeders can focus on specific traits that are important for their operation, whether it’s increasing weaning weights, improving carcass quality, or enhancing fertility.

3. Improving Herd Performance
Targeted Breeding: By selecting animals with favorable EPDs for certain traits, breeders can systematically improve the overall performance of their herd.
Generation Advancement: EPDs enable faster genetic progress because breeders can predict and select for desirable traits across generations.

4. Economic Impact
Profitability: Traits like feed efficiency, carcass weight, and maternal ability, which are measured by EPDs, directly affect the profitability of a cattle operation.
Market Value: Animals with superior EPDs often have higher market value because they are expected to produce more valuable offspring.

5. Risk Management
Reducing Uncertainty: EPDs help reduce the uncertainty in breeding decisions by providing reliable predictions of an animal's genetic merit.
Balanced Selection: Breeders can avoid extremes and unintended consequences by using EPDs to balance traits, ensuring that one trait is not overly emphasized at the expense of others.

6. Customization for Specific Goals
Tailored Breeding Programs: Different operations have different goals—whether it’s producing beef with high marbling or cows with excellent maternal traits. EPDs allow breeders to tailor their breeding programs to meet these specific objectives.
Crossbreeding Decisions: EPDs are also useful in crossbreeding programs to combine strengths from different breeds, enhancing hybrid vigor and overall herd performance.

7. Benchmarking and Industry Standards
Standardization: EPDs provide a standardized method of evaluating cattle across different herds and environments, making it easier to benchmark against industry standards.
Genetic Improvement on a Larger Scale: The use of EPDs contributes to the overall genetic improvement of cattle breeds within the industry, benefiting the entire sector.

8. Continual Improvement
Updated EPDs: As more data becomes available, EPDs are continually updated, providing breeders with the most current and accurate information for making decisions.
Technological Advancements: With advances in genomic technology, EPDs are becoming even more accurate, combining traditional data with DNA information for more precise predictions.
In summary, EPDs are a powerful tool in registered cattle breeding, enabling breeders to make informed, data-driven decisions that lead to improved herd performance, greater profitability, and long-term genetic progress.

Para nuestra familia es importante seguir trabajando el legado que por años hemos forjado, son más de 65 años en Santa E...

Para nuestra familia es importante seguir trabajando el legado que por años hemos forjado, son más de 65 años en Santa Elena cómo criadores de la raza Brahman Rojo, dedicados a la selección y mejoramiento genético. Hoy, agradecemos de manera especial por la invitación a compartir la experiencia cómo jueces en la pista de la segunda muestra de ganado cebú en la ciudad de Tabasco - México

Alfredo Muskus & Alfredo Alejando Muskus .muskus juntos en la pista!! Que orgullosos nos sentimos de haber recibido esta invitación y de poder disfrutar de estos momentos Brahman.

Momentos que nunca se olvidarán!
Gracias México 🇲🇽

Santa Elena Ranch,Inc.65 YEARS BREEDING REGISTERED RED BRAHMAN IN TEXAS-USAPolled genetics refer to cattle that are natu...

Santa Elena Ranch,Inc.


Polled genetics refer to cattle that are naturally hornless due to specific genetic traits. The incorporation of polled genetics in the cattle business offers several significant benefits:

1. Animal Welfare
No Dehorning Needed: Polled cattle are born without horns, eliminating the need for dehorning, a process that can be stressful and painful for the animals. This enhances animal welfare and reduces the risk of injury to both cattle and handlers.

2. Safety
Reduced Injuries: Horned cattle can cause injuries to other animals and humans. Polled cattle lower the risk of injuries in the herd, leading to safer handling and management.

3. Economic Efficiency
Cost Savings: Dehorning requires time, labor, and resources. By breeding polled cattle, producers can save on these costs and potentially increase profit margins.
Better Growth Rates: Research suggests that polled cattle might have better growth rates due to reduced stress and fewer injuries, leading to improved overall herd performance.

4. Market Demand
Consumer Preference: There is a growing consumer and retailer preference for beef produced with higher welfare standards. Using polled genetics can appeal to these markets, potentially leading to premium prices.
Export Markets: Some countries have strict animal welfare regulations. Polled genetics can help meet these requirements, opening up additional export opportunities.

5. Genetic Improvement
Selective Breeding: By integrating polled genetics with other desirable traits (like high milk yield or fast growth rates), producers can achieve a more balanced and efficient herd.

6. Regulatory Compliance
Meeting Welfare Standards: As animal welfare standards become stricter, using polled genetics helps ensure compliance with regulations that may limit or ban painful procedures like dehorning.

7. Environmental Impact
Sustainable Practices: Fewer injuries and stress in the herd can contribute to more efficient resource use, reducing the environmental footprint of cattle production.
Incorporating polled genetics into a cattle breeding program can lead to safer, more efficient, and more marketable operations.


Ganado Brahman Registrado en USA con Verificacion de Parentaje, Pruebas de Progenie (DEP) y GenomicaSANTA ELENA RANCH, I...

Ganado Brahman Registrado en USA con Verificacion de Parentaje, Pruebas de Progenie (DEP) y Genomica


La tecnología del ADN en el ganado ofrece numerosos beneficios, especialmente en las áreas de crianza, gestión de la salud y productividad general. Estas son algunas de las principales ventajas:

1. Mejoramiento genético
• Cría selectiva: las pruebas de ADN permiten una selección más precisa de los animales de cría. Al identificar el ganado con características deseables, como mayor producción de leche, mejor calidad de la carne o resistencia a las enfermedades, los ganaderos pueden mejorar la calidad general de su ganado de manera más eficiente.
• Ganancias genéticas más rápidas: los métodos de crianza tradicionales pueden ser lentos. La tecnología del ADN acelera el proceso al permitir la selección de animales con la mejor genética a una edad más temprana.

2. Resistencia a las enfermedades
• Identificación de enfermedades genéticas: las pruebas de ADN pueden identificar a los portadores de enfermedades genéticas, lo que permite a los agricultores tomar decisiones informadas para reducir la incidencia de estas enfermedades en el rebaño.
• Selección de animales resistentes: determinados genes están asociados a la resistencia a enfermedades específicas. Al seleccionar animales con estos genes, los rebaños pueden volverse más resistentes a las enfermedades comunes del ganado.

3. Mayor productividad
• Mejor eficiencia alimentaria: las pruebas de ADN pueden ayudar a identificar el ganado que convierte el alimento en masa corporal de manera más eficiente, lo que conduce a menores costos de alimentación y mejores tasas de crecimiento.
• Calidad mejorada de la carne y la leche: los marcadores de ADN asociados con una carne (por ejemplo, marmoleado, ternura) y leche (por ejemplo, contenido de grasa, niveles de proteína) de mayor calidad se pueden utilizar para mejorar los productos finales.

4. Trazabilidad y seguridad alimentaria
• Trazabilidad animal: los marcadores de ADN se pueden utilizar para la identificación de los animales, lo que garantiza la trazabilidad desde la granja hasta la mesa. Esto es fundamental para la seguridad alimentaria y el control de calidad en la cadena de suministro.
• Autenticación del producto: la tecnología del ADN puede verificar la raza o el origen de la carne y los productos lácteos, lo que es importante para la marca y el marketing.

5. Conservación de razas raras
• Diversidad genética: el análisis de ADN ayuda a conservar razas raras de ganado al identificar y preservar sus rasgos genéticos únicos. Esto es importante para mantener la diversidad genética dentro de las poblaciones de ganado.

6. Gestión reproductiva
• Rendimiento reproductivo mejorado: Las pruebas de ADN pueden identificar rasgos relacionados con la fertilidad, ayudando a seleccionar animales que tienen más probabilidades de producir crías sanas, mejorando así la eficiencia reproductiva del rebaño.
• Determinación temprana del s**o: La tecnología del ADN permite la determinación temprana del s**o de la descendencia, lo que puede ser útil para gestionar la composición del rebaño de acuerdo con las demandas del mercado.

7. Rentabilidad
• Costos veterinarios reducidos: al seleccionar ganado resistente a enfermedades y evitar a los portadores de enfermedades genéticas, los agricultores pueden reducir la necesidad de intervenciones médicas, disminuyendo así los costos veterinarios generales.
• Decisiones de inversión informadas: Las pruebas de ADN proporcionan información valiosa que puede orientar las decisiones de inversión, como qué ganado comprar o criar, optimizando el retorno de la inversión.

8. Sostenibilidad
• Impacto ambiental reducido: El ganado con mejor eficiencia alimentaria y mayor productividad contribuye a prácticas agrícolas más sostenibles al reducir los recursos necesarios para la producción.
• Mejora del rebaño a largo plazo: el uso de la tecnología del ADN apoya las mejoras a largo plazo en los rebaños de ganado, contribuyendo a prácticas agrícolas sostenibles que pueden satisfacer las demandas de una población mundial en crecimiento.
En general, la tecnología del ADN en el ganado es una herramienta poderosa que puede mejorar la productividad, mejorar el bienestar animal y contribuir a prácticas agrícolas más sostenibles y eficientes.

Santa Elena Ranch, Inc Donor Cows and our female to produce better offspring every single date and for many more years

Registered Red Brahman Cattle made in the USA with proven genetics, genomics and parent verified.DNA technology in cattl...

Registered Red Brahman Cattle made in the USA with proven genetics, genomics and parent verified.

DNA technology in cattle offers numerous benefits, especially in the areas of breeding, health management, and overall productivity. Here are some of the key advantages:

1. Genetic Improvement

Selective Breeding: DNA testing allows for more precise selection of breeding stock. By identifying cattle with desirable traits such as higher milk production, better meat quality, or disease resistance, farmers can improve the overall quality of their herd more efficiently.

Faster Genetic Gains: Traditional breeding methods can be slow. DNA technology speeds up the process by allowing for the selection of animals with the best genetics at an earlier age.

2. Disease Resistance

Identification of Genetic Diseases: DNA testing can identify carriers of genetic diseases, enabling farmers to make informed decisions to reduce the incidence of these diseases in the herd.

Breeding for Resistance: Certain genes are associated with resistance to specific diseases. By selecting animals with these genes, herds can be made more resilient to common cattle diseases.

3. Improved Productivity

Better Feed Efficiency: DNA testing can help identify cattle that convert feed into body mass more efficiently, leading to reduced feed costs and better growth rates.

Enhanced Meat and Milk Quality: DNA markers associated with higher-quality meat (e.g., marbling, tenderness) and milk (e.g., fat content, protein levels) can be used to improve the final products.

4. Traceability and Food Safety

Animal Traceability: DNA markers can be used for animal identification, ensuring traceability from farm to fork. This is crucial for food safety and quality assurance in the supply chain.
Product Authentication: DNA technology can verify the breed or origin of meat and dairy products, which is important for branding and marketing.

5. Conservation of Rare Breeds

Genetic Diversity: DNA analysis helps in conserving rare cattle breeds by identifying and preserving their unique genetic traits. This is important for maintaining genetic diversity within cattle populations.

6. Reproductive Management

Improved Reproductive Performance: DNA tests can identify traits related to fertility, helping to select animals that are more likely to produce healthy offspring, thus improving the reproductive efficiency of the herd.

Early S*x Determination: DNA technology allows for early determination of the s*x of the offspring, which can be useful in managing herd composition according to market demands.

7. Cost Efficiency

Reduced Veterinary Costs: By selecting for disease-resistant cattle and avoiding carriers of genetic diseases, farmers can reduce the need for medical interventions, lowering overall veterinary costs.
Informed Investment Decisions: DNA testing provides valuable information that can guide investment decisions, such as which cattle to purchase or breed, optimizing returns on investment.

8. Sustainability

Reduced Environmental Impact: Cattle with better feed efficiency and higher productivity contribute to more sustainable farming practices by reducing the resources required for production.
Long-term Herd Improvement: The use of DNA technology supports long-term improvements in cattle herds, contributing to sustainable agricultural practices that can meet the demands of a growing global population.
Overall, DNA technology in cattle is a powerful tool that can enhance productivity, improve animal welfare, and contribute to more sustainable and efficient farming practices.

The brand that made a difference on the Register Red Brahman Bloodlines in the USA.

VL ROJO APACHE 1/50            VL Rojo Apache 1/50 sounds like an impressive bull with a lot to offer to breeders! His s...


VL Rojo Apache 1/50 sounds like an impressive bull with a lot to offer to breeders! His strong pedigree, exceptional muscling, and conformation make him a standout choice. It’s great to hear that his daughters are expected to be heavier milkers and reach puberty earlier, contributing to increased lifetime production.

VL Elena 12/4 also seems to be a remarkable donor female with her maternal ability, fertility, and red color. Her lineage, going back to VL Rojo Designer 10/9, adds even more value to her pedigree.

The combination of VL Rojo Apache 1/50’s eye appeal, strong EPDs, and international appeal makes him a must-use sire for improving muscle and conformation in medium to large frame cows. It’s no wonder he’s caught the attention of many breeders and is expected to become a legend in the red Brahman breed.

If you have any specific questions or need further information about VL Rojo Apache 1/50 or his lineage, feel free to call

VL ROJO APACHE 1/50 can produced champions around the world, they are few females weaning the Grand Champion Titles on Argentina and Ecuador follow as on social media Facebook and Instagram

El tiempo de verano en casa 🏡 Disfrutando de la cría de caballos cuarto de milla para visitar nuestro Brahmán Rojo 🔴 San...

El tiempo de verano en casa 🏡 Disfrutando de la cría de caballos cuarto de milla para visitar nuestro Brahmán Rojo 🔴

Santa Elena el lugar completo ☀️

Hoy, las vacas donantes de Santa Elena Ranch sienten los días de verano de Texas calientes, húmedos, pero con mucha hier...

Hoy, las vacas donantes de Santa Elena Ranch sienten los días de verano de Texas calientes, húmedos, pero con mucha hierba verde allí cualquier duda es el clima ideal para la raza Brahman.

Hoy despedimos con profundo dolor y tristeza a nuestra Madre, Suegra, Abuela y bisabuela 🌷FINA SARRIA DE LECUNA🌷Nuestra ...

Hoy despedimos con profundo dolor y tristeza a nuestra Madre, Suegra, Abuela y bisabuela 🌷FINA SARRIA DE LECUNA🌷

Nuestra casa y corazón siente este espacio tan importante que 🌷BIBI🌷 como le decíamos de cariño deja en cada uno de nosotros.

La Hacienda Santa Clara en Venezuela 🇻🇪 sentirá tu ausencia y te despedimos dándote las gracias por tus enseñanzas, resiliencia y espíritu aventurero.

Gracias 🌷 FINA 🌷

Dear Southern Comfort from Florida, Chris Shivers, and the entire Brahman Cattle Community,We are thrilled to share our ...

Dear Southern Comfort from Florida, Chris Shivers, and the entire Brahman Cattle Community,

We are thrilled to share our immense gratitude and satisfaction following the recent Lot 48 Semen Sale on VL Rojo Mocho 92/2 at the Camellia Sale by Infinity Cattle and Cattle in Motion.

The serene evening at Santa Elena Ranch was made even more special by the support and dedication from passionate individuals like yourselves. The Muskus family extends our heartfelt thanks to Southern Comfort from Florida for investing in our genetics. Your trust and belief in our cattle mean the world to us.

We also wish to express our deep appreciation to Chris Shivers for his unwavering commitment and hard work in promoting USA Brahman Cattle. Your efforts continue to elevate our community and industry.

Thank you all for being an integral part of this journey. We look forward to many more successful endeavors together.


"Polled" Brahman cattle refer to Brahman cattle that are naturally hornless due to a genetic trait. Traditional Brahman ...

"Polled" Brahman cattle refer to Brahman cattle that are naturally hornless due to a genetic trait. Traditional Brahman cattle often have horns, but breeding efforts have produced hornless, or polled, varieties. This polled trait is desirable in some cattle operations for several reasons:

Safety: Hornless cattle are less likely to injure other animals or handlers.

Ease of Management: Polled cattle do not require dehorning, a procedure often performed on horned cattle to prevent injury and to make them easier to manage.

Market Demand: There is a growing demand for polled genetics in the cattle industry, as many producers prefer hornless animals.

The Brahman breed itself is known for its heat tolerance, resistance to parasites, and adaptability to various environments, making them a popular choice in tropical and subtropical regions. The development of polled Brahman cattle combines these qualities with the added benefits of being hornless.

Would you like more detailed information on our Polled Genetics welcome to come by Santa Elena Ranch,Inc.


June 26, 2024Maximum USA, LLC prepared and organized the final details for the Brahman cattle shipment. The USDA conduct...

June 26, 2024

Maximum USA, LLC prepared and organized the final details for the Brahman cattle shipment. The USDA conducted the final inspection at the federal quarantine facilities. The cattle were loaded into wooden crates and transported to the Miami International Airport in Florida. With the crates, cattle, paperwork, and attendant on board, the plane was closed, the air conditioning was turned on, and the final departure from the USA to a beautiful country in South America cattle will be arriving on few hours into their final destination

Verano en Santa Elena con nuestras donadoras Brahman Rojo de líneas top

Verano en Santa Elena con nuestras donadoras Brahman Rojo de líneas top



To talk about livestock improvement is to refer to a series of factors through which current livestock farming has been transformed into a more productive one. To speak of livestock farming is to refer to profitable and consequently remunerative animal exploitation.
For livestock farming to be a remunerative exploitation, it is essential that the performance obtained from it far exceeds the production cost derived from it. This also depends on a series of factors that, like those that affect other industries, are essential to take into account, otherwise, what is conceived as an industry becomes a bad business.
Among the factors that govern a livestock farm, the primary one is the quality of the herd, that is, the group of animals that form the basis of the farm. In the past, the quality of animals was appreciated by their morphological appearance, by their type, by their external beauties, and "zootechnics" was governed by a series of measurements and indices that defined the value of the animals. Today, the quality of animals is not valued by their morphological traits, but by the effective performance obtained from them. In the dispute between morphological and functional, what values ​​judgment is performance.
From the contrast between the scientific applications of zootechnical methods and practical achievements in the field, the economic concept has emerged, full of robustness, as a vital factor of the livestock industry. Consequently, it became imperative to value production.
Practice has shown that the assessment of performance cannot be measured by what is obtained raw, but rather, in good economics, the value of production must be compared with what it cost to obtain it. In other words, the farmer of a modern livestock farm cannot be satisfied today by closing his accounts saying "I have earned so much", if in those accounts the line of what it has cost him to produce that "so much" of profit is missing.
In simplistic terms, the score depends on three essential factors: good animal, good feed and good performance. And in this very simple formula, the value of the food that the animal consumes, compared to the value of the animal's performance, has become the economic key to any livestock industry considered.
Of these three factors of the formula, the first, "good animal", will be the one that, discounting the value of the production it yields the cost of the food it consumed, provides a useful benefit in sufficient amount. In modern livestock exports, this value is determined for each animal, and in all zootechnical Experimental Stations, it constitutes the basic foundation of all the studies that are carried out."
Ref. Carlos Ruiz Martínez. Venezuelan Veterinarian. Thirty years of livestock promotion, animal health and veterinary hygiene. 1936-1966. Sucre Publishing. Caracas, 1966

Josefina Lecuna



Hablar de la mejora ganadera, es referirse a una serie de factores mediante los cuales se ha logrado transformar la ganadería actual en otra más productiva. Hablar de ganadería es referirse a una explotación animal rentable y consecuentemente remuneradora.

Para que la ganadería sea una explotación remuneradora es indispensable que el rendimiento que de ella se obtenga, rebase en mucho el costo de producción de ella derivado. Esto también depende de una serie de factores que, como los que afectan a las demás industrias, es indispensable tomarlos en cuenta, pues de lo contrario, lo que se concibe como industria, pasa a ser un mal negocio.

Entre los factores que rigen una explotación pecuaria, el primordial es la calidad del rebaño, es decir, del grupo de animales que construyen la base de la explotación. Antiguamente la calidad de los animales se apreciaba por su estampa morfológica, por su tipo, por sus bellezas exteriores, y la "zootecnia" se regía por una serie de medidas e índices que definían por sí mismo el valor de los animales. Hoy día, la calidad de los animales no se valora por sus rasgos morfológicos, sino por el rendimiento efectivo que de ellos se obtiene. En la disputa entre los morfológico y los funcional, lo que valoriza el juicio es el rendimiento.

Del contraste entre las aplicaciones científicas de los métodos zootécnicos y las realizaciones prácticas en el campo, ha surgido, pleno de robustez, el concepto económico como factor vital de la industria pecuaria. En consecuencia se hizo imperativo valorar la producción.

La práctica ha demostrado que la valoración del rendimiento no puede medirse por lo que se obtiene en bruto, sino que, en buena economía, hay que comparar el valor de la producción con lo que ha costado conseguirla. Dicho en otros términos, al ganadero de una explotación pecuaria moderna no puede satisfacerle hoy cerrar sus cuentas diciendo "he ganado tanto", si en esas cuentas falta el renglón de lo que le ha costado producir ese "tanto" de ganancia.

En términos simplistas, la cuenta depende de tres factores esenciales: buen animal, buen alimento y buen rendimiento. Y de esta fórmuía tan sencilla, el valor del alimento que el animal consume, comparado con el valor del rendimiento del animal, ha pasado a ser la clave económica de cualquier industria pecuaria que se considere.

De estos tres factores de la fórmula, el primero, "buen animal", será aquel que, descontándole al valor de la producción que rinda el costo de la alimentación que consumió, proporcione un beneficio útil en suficiente cuantía. En las modernas exportaciones pecuarias se determina este valor por cada animal, y en todas las Estaciones Experimentales de tipo zootécnico, constituye el fundamento básico de cuantos estudios se realizan."

Ref. Carlos Ruiz Martínez. Veterinaria Venezolana. Treinta años de fomento ganadero, sanidad animal e higiene veterinaria. 1936-1966. Editorial Sucre. Caracas, 1966


Josefina Lecuna

VL Elena 155/2 is an example of breeding replacement female to improve our cattle every date for the futureTo leverage o...

VL Elena 155/2 is an example of breeding replacement female to improve our cattle every date for the future

To leverage our proven bloodlines, Apache 1/50 and VL 1/48, for breeding replacement females that excel in maternal and carcass traits.

In today's competitive market, it is crucial to use reliable information to breed productive cattle. Below are the key points to consider for optimizing our breeding program:

Performance Data:

Maternal Traits: Focus on maternal ability, calving ease, milk production, and longevity to ensure females can effectively raise their calves.
Carcass Traits: Prioritize growth rates, feed efficiency, marbling, and muscle composition to enhance the market value of the offspring.
Genetic Evaluation:

Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs): Utilize EPDs to compare potential breeding stock. EPDs provide valuable estimates of an animal's genetic potential for specific traits.
Genomic Testing: Integrate DNA testing to identify genetic markers associated with desirable traits, enhancing selection accuracy.
Breeding Strategies:

Line Breeding: Continue using the Apache 1/50 and VL 1/48 lines to reinforce desirable traits while managing inbreeding risks.
Crossbreeding: Introduce complementary genetics to boost hybrid vigor and overall performance.
Record Keeping:

Maintain comprehensive records of pedigrees, performance data, and health histories to support informed breeding decisions.
Environment and Management:

Tailor breeding plans to suit specific environmental conditions and management practices, ensuring cattle thrive and perform optimally.
By adhering to these guidelines, we can enhance the productivity and profitability of our cattle breeding program, ensuring that our replacement females from VL Elena 155/2 are top performers in both maternal and carcass traits.

VL Ranch Breeding Team

Amigos en Colombia 🇨🇴 Ya se encuentra disponible en Bogotá y para entrega inmediata el semen de nuestro toro VL ROJO MOC...

Amigos en Colombia 🇨🇴
Ya se encuentra disponible en Bogotá y para entrega inmediata el semen de nuestro toro VL ROJO MOCHO 92/2

🛑 Para adquirir material genético 🧬
Contacte directamente Dra Liliana Quevedo 📲 3115990241

Mr. V8 724/8 Conventional Semen and Females S*xed Semen available both Foreign and Domestic  He has a combination of phe...

Mr. V8 724/8

Conventional Semen and Females S*xed Semen available both Foreign and Domestic

He has a combination of phenotype, pedigree, and performance . Most breeders quickly gravitate to his dark pigmented, deep ribbed, heavy muscled, and eye appealing build. His sire the legendary +MR. V8 380/6 "THE MACHINE," who holds the prestigious title of the number one lifetime sire in the ABBA Register of Renown.

As for the dam, she is +MISS V8 464/6, the esteemed matriarch of V8 Ranch. She is the daughter of +JDH Mr. Charley Manso 590/6 and +Miss V8 188/5, who comes from the prestigious Claydesta 807U5 lineage. The Claydesta 807U5 lineage is renowned in V8 Ranch for consistently producing champion offspring from generation to generation, with numerous championship titles up to the present day. +Miss V8 464/6 herself has accomplished impressive feats, including being crowned the 2007 International Brahman Champion Female and the 2008 World Brahman Congress Champion Female.

Contact: Alfredo Muskus 936-661-0001 or email [email protected]

Mr. V8 724/8 Semen Convencional y Semen S*xado de Hembras Mr. V8 724/8 tiene una combinación de fenotipo, pedigrí y rend...

Mr. V8 724/8

Semen Convencional y Semen S*xado de Hembras

Mr. V8 724/8 tiene una combinación de fenotipo, pedigrí y rendimiento. La mayoría de los criadores se sienten rápidamente atraídos por su pigmentación oscura, costillas profundas, musculatura pesada y aspecto atractivo. Su padre es el legendario +MR. V8 380/6 "THE MACHINE", quien ostenta el prestigioso título de ser el número uno de todos los tiempos en el Registro de Renombre de la ABBA.

En cuanto a la madre, ella es +MISS V8 464/6, la estimada matriarca de V8 Ranch. Ella es hija de +JDH Mr. Charley Manso 590/6 y +Miss V8 188/5, quien proviene de la prestigiosa línea Claydesta 807U5. La línea Claydesta 807U5 es reconocida en V8 Ranch por producir consistentemente descendencia campeona de generación en generación, con numerosos títulos de campeonato hasta la fecha. La propia +Miss V8 464/6 ha logrado hazañas impresionantes, incluyendo ser coronada como la Campeona Internacional de Brahman en 2007 y la Campeona del Congreso Mundial de Brahman en 2008.

Contacto: Alfredo Muskus 936-661-0001 (Whatsapp) o por correo electrónico a [email protected]


7020 Highway 75 S
Madisonville, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm




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