Our guests often come wanting to work cattle. Of course, most have no idea what that means. But we all have to start somewhere and working cattle is a noble goal.
Safety is a primary concern and we don't want to have "a wreck" where someone gets hurt. So to begin, one needs to be able to identify (and avoid) aggressive behavior in cattle. I have used photographs and tried to describe his behavior, but I came across this video from Broken 3 Horses that shows it very well. It also illustrates cattle (in this case a bull) sticking to a cow path in similar terrain to ours.
I also found truth in the video's essay about patience. One cannot work to the clock when ranching. When working cattle or training and riding horses, there are so many variables that come up and need to be considered. The clock and calendars are more guidelines than schedules. That is hard to get used to. As Pat and Deb Puckett say (The Disciplined Ride ) "it takes as long as it takes."