Welcome, Claire Oestreich, CTRI, ATRI, ESMHL, Mentor, PATH International Pennsylvania State Ambassador, to Team Thorncroft!
Claire’s passion for horses started at a young age, and only grew with time. Her journey truly began with the Delaware County 4-H Horse club and was deepened with her attendance to Lake Erie College for Equine studies. Her first introduction to Thorncroft was in the summer of 2009, when she applied for an internship to learn more about the therapeutic riding industry. And, as they say, the rest is history!
Claire earned her PATH Instructor certification in 2012, and went on to teach at both Special Equestrians and Green Chimneys. She earned her Advanced level certification with PATH in 2021 and continues to seek knowledge and learning from any person and place she can. Returning to Thorncroft has brought her full circle, and Claire is excited to be a part of the Thorncroft community once more.
We are thrilled to welcome Claire to the Farm!