This little cutie is Mylo!
Mylo was referred to Dr. Clarke in Neurology for losing the ability to use all four limbs. His owner heard him yelp and found him at the bottom of the stairs, shaking and unable to move. They took him to their local ER who administered pain medications and took x-rays. They were concerned about spinal cord compression so they sent him to VRCC.
Dr. Clarke performed a neurological exam and ordered an MRI which found that Mylo had suffered an ANNPE (Acute Non-compressive Nucleus Pulposus Extrusion) in his neck. An ANNPE occurs when a disc suddenly ruptures and hits the spinal cord, usually due to some form of trauma. Fortunately, surgery is not required for this condition and most dogs get better on their own or with the help of physical therapy over time.
Mylo has been working with Karen in the underwater treadmill and has made great progress over a short amount of time! We hope that he continues to improve and is back to his old self in no time!
Congrats to Sampson who graduated from rehabilitation with Karen this week!
Sampson suffered a fibrocartilaginous embolus (FCE) back in September and has been working with Karen to regain the use of his legs. We are thrilled with his progress!
Help us congratulate him in the comments!
We posted about Sampson a few weeks ago at the start of his rehabilitation journey.
Sampson suffered an ANNPE and lost the ability to walk. He has been working with Karen in the underwater treadmill to regain the use of his legs. We are happy to report that he is now able to support himself while walking!
We're so happy to see this sweet boy making progress!
#annpe #annperecovery #caninerehab #caninerehabilitation #ccrp #petphysicaltherapy #petphysio #rvapets #goochlandpets #goochlandva #rva
Happy Friday!
Please enjoy this video of Loki walking in the underwater treadmill. She is making great progress!
#rvapets #rvacats #catsofinstagram #vetmed #underwatertreadmill #hydrotherapy #catrehab
Loki is a 14-year-old kitty who recently had FHO surgery after sustaining a femoral fracture. The surgery went well, but she has experienced some strength and range of motion deficits in the leg. She is working with Karen in the underwater treadmill to help address this.
Cats have a reputation for hating water, but Loki took to the underwater treadmill almost immediately! She is already seeing improvements after a couple of sessions. Keep up the great work, Loki!
#ccrp #animalrehab #underwatertreadmill #hydrotherapy #felinehydrotherapy #rvacats #goochlandcats #goochlandpets #rvapets
It's not every day you have a cat in the underwater treadmill!
Reginald belongs to one of our ICU Technicians, Abigail. Back in January, Dr. Trevor performed a fracture repair on his left front leg. Though he healed nicely, he has still been experiencing some intermittent limping.
Reginald recently started working with Karen in the underwater treadmill. The goal is to stretch out his ligaments and tendons in the hopes that he will begin to walk normally more consistently.
He's doing great so far and doesn't seem to mind the water!
#rvacats #rvakittens #rva #rvapets #goochlandpets #ccrp #petrehabilitation #pethydrotherapy
Wolf is a working dog who was injured after falling into a ditch while herding sheep. He had surgery with Dr. Trevor to repair a ligament in his left front leg and has been working with Karen in the underwater treadmill for almost two months.
We are happy to say that Wolf has healed nicely and is back to doing what he loves!
#caninerehab #sheepherding #herdingsheep #workingdog #rvadogs #goochlanddogs #goochlandpets #rvapets #ccrp
A few weeks ago we posted the amazing story of Miso, who was a victim of one of the worst dog attacks we've ever seen. (You can view that post here:
After seeing Dr. Schneider and the surgery team over several months for serial wound care, Miso is feeling great again!
Her parents sent us this awesome video showing how much Miso is loving life! We're so glad this sweet girl pulled through and is thriving again.
Sam came to our rehabilitation technician Karen with a lot of pain and stiffness in his hind end. During his first visit, it was so bad that he was putting the majority of his weight on his front legs and hopping with his hind end.
After working with Karen for the last two months, Sam is feeling much better. His pain has decreased, his range of motion in his hind limbs has improved, and he is generally able to get around much easier!
#caninerehab #ccrp #caninerehabilitationt #physicaltherapy #petphysicaltherapy #hydrotherapyfordogs #rvadogs #rvapets #goochlandpets #goochlandva #rva
Brewski is an Internal Medicine VIP
Brewski is an Internal Medicine VIP. π
He's such a chill and relaxed dude that he gets to hang out and make biscuits while the IMED team gets their paperwork done.
Brewski has been seeing Dr. Fallin for years to have his chronic Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia managed. Fortunately, he remains in remission. But, we make sure to get him in every so often to make sure that trend continues!
We posted about Sam the other week after he had his first day of rehabilitation with Karen. With Degenerative Joint Disease in his left hip and a torn CCL, Sam has had a hard time getting around lately. During his first visit with Karen, his hind end was very stiff and he hopped more than walked in the underwater treadmill, using his front end to compensate.
Sam had his third visit yesterday and he's still stiff at the beginning of the session, but loosens up over time and has more flexibility in his hind legs. We love the progress that he has made so far and are hopeful that he will continue to improve!
#underwatertreadmill #caninerehab #caninerehabilitation #ccrp #rvapets #rvadogs #goochlandpets #goochlanddogs #caninearthritis #caninedjd
Hank has been making strides in physical therapy with Karen after having two surgeries last year with Dr. Trevor to address his bilateral elbow dysplasia. He has also been receiving injections of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into the joints to promote healing and decrease inflammation. He's made great progress and we hope he will be good as new in no time!
#elbowdysplasia #mastiffsofinstagram #mastiff #rvadogs #rvapets #goochlandpets #goochlandva #rva #vetmed #caninephysicaltherapy #physicaltherapy #plateletrichplasma