In Memory of Sykora
Our greatest condolences to Sykora's family:
"It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of Sykora. She was one of the large group rescued from the farmstead near Center. ND. She had burrowed under a granary to survive. The large dog Pony was her play mate at your shelter. We first met Sykora on April 2nd 2011. She was a black and white with small amount of brown. A Corgi/Jack Russel cross. As you may recall Sykora was found nearly dead after fight over food when sent to one of the assistant's homes when the number of dogs rescued exceeded your capacity. Sykora required surgery from your vet. The first year we had her home in rural Minot, she made no sounds. We thought she mute from being mauled nearly to death. As Sykora and Lizzy became sisters, Sykora came out of her shell. The two of them were inseparable. We lost Lizzy a year ago to a stroke. Sykora was a devoted little girl. Followed dad all around the house, with her own bed in his room. She would often at night shake her head to get him off the computer and go to bed. She also had her own couch in the living room. When using the bathroom, Sykora would lay down outside the bathroom door guarding Dad. She did require two hip surgeries about a year apart from a specialist flown in from twin cities at a cost of $2700 for each hip. She recovered nicely. Lizzy often wanted to play, but Sykora was half the height of Lizzy and really did not know how to play. Yet they were inseparable. We loved Sykora dearly and spoiled her rotten. On Tuesday morning February 11th, we found Sykora unable to hold her back end up, pulling herself across the bedroom floor. We took her immediately to West Oaks and lab work revealed she was much sicker than any of us knew. Her organs shutting down. Vet surmised Sykora had Cushing's disease and had done her very best to hide it. Sykora never complained always so happy to greet us in the mornings as we took her out to her fenced back yard to potty. She never ch
Stunning Stella, trying her best to look casual. #caturday #adoptdontshop #sheltercat #cats #pets
Stunning Stella, trying her best to look casual.
#caturday #adoptdontshop #sheltercat #cats #pets
Look at this beauty! Ziva is such a playful and happy girl!
Marguerite says: What do you mean, this is all for the dogggs?!?
Sorry, Marguerite, but the dogs need nice things too. Thank you, Max and Neo, for the sweet donations for our shelter dogs!!
With a name like Starburst, it’s the least we could do.
With a name like Starburst, it’s the least we could do.
From Mother Goose's family:
"Mother Goose was adopted about 5-6 months ago from the humane society. She was very fearful and would hide for hours at a time, but within a couple weeks, she made significant improvements and now currently enjoys greeting everyone who walks in the door to get some snuggles!"
Tigris would like to remind everyone to take some time to enjoy the little things. And if yummy, treat-stuffed dog toys are your thing, she totally understands you.
These kittens are definitely as cute as can be - and messy, too! They recently had their first vet visit and what we had been suspecting was confirmed - that they have varying degrees of cerebellar hypoplasia (CH), with Paprika having the most severe symptoms (seen in the video).
CH is a condition in which the cerebellum in the brain of the cat does not develop properly while in utero, causing the kittens' fine motor skills to be affected. It is often caused due to momma having the panleukopenia virus during pregnancy, but can also be caused by momma's malnutrition.
Rosemary came to us sickly and very skinny, with one eye that was eaten away from infection and a massive healed over wound on her back. It was when we took her in to have surgery on her eye that we discovered she was pregnant.
These kittens are active and playful, and don't seem to care about any differences they may have. (As you can see and hear, Paprika has a lot to say.) CH is not contagious and symptoms do not progress. There is also no cure, just accommodations to help shaky kitties get around (like rugs on bare floors that they can grasp with their claws).
Kittens Paprika, Basil, Poppy, and Ginger have a while before they will be available for adoption visits. They are nursing, gobbling lots of cat food mixed with chicken pudding, eating crunchies, using the litter box, playing, climbing, and napping. They still need to work on cleaning themselves, but in the mean time, we are helping by being mom's backup. They are as sweet as ever and will definitely someday fill someone's life with joy.
Dexter can literally play fetch. Forever.
From Luna and Bellatrix's family:
"Luna and Bellatrix (formerly Noosa and Oikos). Always wrestling with each other. 😂"
“Look what I can do!” — Mackerel
“Look what I can do!” — Mackerel