When you teach your dog to work in reverse your guidance has to give them a place to go. Join us. We have the best dog and handler teams. Enroll at kramerk9training.com
It's all about control--dogs and puppies--it's the same process. Train for and reinforce the behaviors you want. Enroll at kramerk9training.com
Controlled heeling on a leash. It’s basic to all dog sports. When you have your dog’s attention you have success. Watch. The handler’s gaze never leaves her dog. It’s constant communication. Come join us and you can do it too. Enroll at kramerk9training.com. New sessions begin January 6 and 9, 2025.
Socialization + Control = Successful Kramer K9 training
Train socialization skills first and then you can successfully train obedience skills. It’s based in control. Come learn the difference with us. Enroll at kramerk9training.com
Control, communication, attention and guidance. It’s all there. Give your dog expectations and train for the behaviors you want. Join us and enroll at kramerk9training.com. New training sessions begin in January 2025.
Christmas puppies or older dogs, we do it all. Come join us and your dog can do this too. Enroll at kramerk9training.com. Enjoy time with family and friends from Kramer K9 training.
When you have your dog’s attention you have everything you need. Congratulations to Ashley and Echo, one of our newest AKC Advanced Rally Title holders at KK9. You are amazing.
Training at Home Depot is wonderful and we thank you. Perfect training in and around all kinds of distractions creating positive training experiences. Handler control means you have your dog’s attention. When you have your dog’s attention—you have everything you need. Enroll at kramerk9training.com. You are always welcome to join us.