Did you know, most dogs should be conditioned every time they are groomed??
When I first started grooming, conditioning was only used in special cases, such as impacted coats or for skin conditions. Or just as a boujee add-on. However one thing I’m passionate about is continued learning in EVERY aspect of life, especially your career! One thing I’ve learned recently is the importance of conditioning dogs every groom.
Long explanation short: When you shampoo a dog, even with high quality natural products like I use, you are stripping essential protective oils from the skin and coat. Rehydrating that top layer of skin quickly is important to help protect it from pollutants, bacteria, yeast, and allergy causing agents.
Is your dog ever itchy after a bath? Maybe seems dried out after a couple weeks, or develops flakes? Conditioning after every bath can help!
Not only is it beneficial to the health of the skin, it leaves the coat softer, adds shine, and can aid in reducing shedding in double coated breeds.
While most groomers work conditioning into their base price, I would have to raise all my prices another $5-10 to cover my cost and time, and I don’t want to do that to people. Instead I’m going to HIGHLY encourage people to add it to their dogs groom every time.
Below are a couple examples of dogs that you might not think need conditioning, but actually really do! (Yes it’s different dogs, they are just similar in color lol.) The first is a dog whose skin is dry and flakey under a healthy seeming coat. The second pic shows a dog whose coat is extremely dry and frizzy after a bath. All the frizzy hair will get cut off with his haircut, and his owner will never know how damaged his coat actually was!
Make sure to ask at your next grooming if conditioning would benefit your dog!