ShallowCreek Maine Coon Cattery

ShallowCreek Maine Coon Cattery ShallowCreek Maine C**n Cattery is here to make being a Maine C**n owner easy as possible.

May you all have the best Christmas and New Year!

May you all have the best Christmas and New Year!

Nostalgic Trivia Day!!What is the name of Homer Simpson's cat? a. Scratchyb. Crustyc. Snowballd. ItchyThe answer is: c. ...

Nostalgic Trivia Day!!

What is the name of Homer Simpson's cat?

a. Scratchy
b. Crusty
c. Snowball
d. Itchy

The answer is: c. Snowball

Itchy and Scratchy was the cartoon Lisa and Bart watched on tv!

Nostalgic Trivia Day!!What is the name of Homer Simpson's cat? a. Scratchyb. Crustyc. Snowballd. ItchyNo Cheating! Answe...

Nostalgic Trivia Day!!

What is the name of Homer Simpson's cat?

a. Scratchy
b. Crusty
c. Snowball
d. Itchy

No Cheating! Answer tonight at 7pm

To clear up some things on food we feed our pets.When looking for what's best to feed our animals there are a lot of mis...

To clear up some things on food we feed our pets.
When looking for what's best to feed our animals there are a lot of mis-informants out there.
Outside of raw feeding we are left with Kibble options. Duh right!
When someone tells you to look for real ingredients such as Chicken, Beef, Lamb ect. did you know that what you are looking for isn't real chunks of chicken, beef or lamb... Those are found in freeze dried meals or raw but when looking at kibble its Chicken meal or beef meal! What you do NOT want is a Chicken-by-product or beef-by -product listed at top of ingredients.

Chicken meal (Absolutely OK to have at top of ingredients)
A dry, rendered product made from clean chicken flesh, skin, and sometimes bone. Chicken meal is considered a higher quality protein source than chicken by-product.

Chicken by-product (Do NOT want at top of ingredients)
A term that refers to the parts of a chicken that remain after the meat is removed, such as the organs, feet, neck, bones, and undeveloped eggs. Chicken by-product
meal is made by grinding down and rendering these parts at a high temperature to create a dry powder.
The rendering process used to make chicken meal removes liquids and microorganisms, but also many of the nutrients found in fresh chicken. This can negatively impact the nutritional value of the final product.

Another thing to look for is COLOR- Color is NOT good for your cats. Just like food coloring is NOT good for humans. It's colorful and makes us feel good but it's awful for our fur kids.

Tis the season! Pet safe sidewalk salts are best for ANY home that has pets. Why? Sidewalk salt, often called rock salt,...

Tis the season!
Pet safe sidewalk salts are best for ANY home that has pets.
Sidewalk salt, often called rock salt, is harmful to animals because it can irritate and damage their paw pads when they walk on it, and if ingested, it can lead to serious health issues like dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, and even potential organ damage due to its high sodium content; essentially causing salt poisoning if consumed in large quantities.
So how does this effect indoor animals (cats).. Cats can ingest or walk through the mess that is left behind from your shoes and then a cat does what a cat does and licks paws clean. Even that small amount on paws can be dangerous.
So, it's important to use a pet safe salt to keep your babies' cat and dogs safe!

Any pet safe salt is recommended I just like the Looney Tunes, so I pick image for that!

Whoot Whoot! Trivia Day!What cat is called the "tree tiger" in Indonesia?a. Siberian Catb. Clouded Leopardc. Egyptia Mau...

Whoot Whoot! Trivia Day!

What cat is called the "tree tiger" in Indonesia?
a. Siberian Cat
b. Clouded Leopard
c. Egyptia Mau
d. Toyger

The answer is: b. Clouded Leopard
Thanks for playing!

Whoot Whoot! Trivia Day!What cat is called the "tree tiger" in Indonesia?a. Siberian Catb. Clouded Leopardc. Egyptia Mau...

Whoot Whoot! Trivia Day!

What cat is called the "tree tiger" in Indonesia?

a. Siberian Cat
b. Clouded Leopard
c. Egyptia Mau
d. Toyger

Not Cheating! Answer tonight at 8pm!

I got a few questions lately asking for advice on Potty issues and cats not using litter boxes. So here are some things ...

I got a few questions lately asking for advice on Potty issues and cats not using litter boxes.
So here are some things to try, and or when to head to the vet. Also some of these problems listed below under medical issues (crystals ect.) Are most likely from the food you are feeding your cat. Cats need a Low Starch, Low Phosphorus foods, too much of these can cause the health issues listed below.

Cat Peeing Outside the Litter Box FAQs
1. Why is my cat p*eing outside of the litter box suddenly?
Most cats urinate outside the litter box due to an underlying medical issue. Behavior issues and the sanitation, location of, and litter chosen for the litter box are things to consider if your cat is cleared medically by their veterinarian.
2. Why is my cat p*eing over the edge of the litter box?
Cats often urinate over the side of the litter box if the box is full or not clean enough for them. This can also be a behavior to mark territory.
Cats normally squat low to empty the bladder, so if they have pain, weakness, or other mobility issues, they will go over the side of the box to avoid this posture.
3. Should I punish my cat for p*eing outside the litter box?
Never punish your cat for urinating outside the litter box, as most sudden changes in urination habits are due to a medical issue. Punishment can make the behavior worse, and it might even cause the issue to persist longer than necessary.
Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside the Litter Box?
1. Your Cat Has a Medical Issue
When you’re dealing with litter box issues, the first step will always be to call your vet. Most medical conditions can be ruled out through urine and blood tests.
“Anything that changes a cat’s feeling of well-being can create a change in behavior, and in cats, that means litter box habit changes,” says Dr. Cathy Lund of City Kitty, a feline-only veterinary practice in Providence, Rhode Island. “This behavior could be the result of a urinary tract infection, kidney disease, or diabetes. Other health problems that are painful, or simply make your cat feel ‘off’ also could be to blame. For example, an older cat with severe arthritis might have trouble getting into a box with high sides or a cover,” says Lund.
Medical issues that can cause your cat to p*e outside their litter box include:
• Urinary tract infection (UTI): Bacteria in the urine can affect a cat’s bladder and/or their kidneys, leading to inflammation. Straining to urinate, frequently urinating small amounts, and/or blood in the urine can be signs of UTI in cats.
• Crystalluria (urinary crystals in the urine): Crystals can form in a cat’s urine due to abnormal urine pH, which can be genetic, caused by certain diets, or come from lack of water intake. These crystals can cause microscopic inflammation in the bladder wall, eventually leading to bacterial overgrowth (UTI) and/or bladder stones.
• Cystic calculi (bladder stones): Stones in the bladder can roll around and cause inflammation of the bladder wall, which then leads to an urgency to go. This inflammation can also put cats at a higher risk for bacterial invasion, leading to a UTI. These stones can also cause blockage of the urinary tract in severe cases, which is a medical emergency.
• Hyperthyroidism (hyperactive thyroid gland): The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormone, which affects metabolism. Cats are prone to hyperthyroidism as they age (though it can occur in younger cats), causing them to lose weight/muscle mass, vomit chronically, and vocalize more, as well as drink and urinate more frequently.
• Degenerative joint disease (arthritis): Pain in the joints may cause cats to avoid their litter box, especially if they have to climb or jump into it. Discussing cat joint supplements and pain medications with your veterinarian can be helpful for your cat’s quality of life.
• Kidney disease: Kidney disease can affect young and old cats, though it’s seen most commonly in aging cats as a chronic, progressive disease process. The most common signs are increased thirst and urination, decreased or “picky” appetites, vomiting, and weight loss.
• Feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC): This condition is caused by stress or a change in the environment. Cats are creatures of habit, so any minimal change—even the location of their litter box or type of cat litter—can lead to stress. When cats get stressed, they will often urinate in odd places or more frequently in small amounts, and they can even get blood in their urine in severe cases. FIC can lead to both urinary tract infections and potentially life-threating urinary obstructions.
2. The Litter Box Isn’t Clean
“I use the analogy of a Porta Potty,” Dr. Lund says. “Who wants to use one of those when it’s dirty, and you can smell it before you see it?” The same is true for litter boxes. If you are lax in keeping the litter box clean, your cats will find somewhere else to go.
Dr. Neil Marrinan, DVM, of the Old Lyme Veterinary Hospital in Old Lyme, Connecticut agrees that the litter box “experience” is almost always a reason for cats p*eing outside of the box. “The trick is making the litter box the first and only place they go,” he says.
Scoop the litter every day, or multiple times a day if you have multiple cats in your home. Refresh the litter and do a deep cleaning of the box every one to two weeks.
Keep in mind that the feline sense of smell is much stronger than ours, so a box that seems “clean enough” to you might still smell disgusting to your cat. This is especially true in multiple-cat households.
3. The Litter Box Is Hard To Reach
In addition to litter box cleanliness, the placement of the boxes could cause your cat to go elsewhere. For example, “a box that is in a basement can be a problem for an older cat that has trouble with stairs or their eyesight,” Dr. Lund says.
The litter box should be in a relatively active area of the house. While you might not want a litter box in the living room, moving it too far away from social areas may make the box hard to find or unappealing to your cat.
“Generally, you want litter boxes that are out of traffic but not at the end of a scary, trappable tunnel,” says Dr. Marrinan. Along the same lines, litter boxes that are next to machines that make loud noises or odd vibrations—such as the spin cycle of the washing machine—might not be ideal for your cat.
Try placing the box in a nearby hallway, bathroom, or office. The proper litter box setup will offer your cat privacy and peace and quiet, but still be easy for your cat to find.
Keep in mind: Most cats do not like when the location of the box is moved too often (or at all!) and this can cause them to inappropriately urinate as well.
4. Your Cat Doesn’t Like Their Litter
Not every type of litter will work for every cat. Some types of litter may not “feel good on the foot” for a particular cat, says Dr. Lund.
Dr. Lund also says that kittens learn what type of litter they prefer from their mothers at about 3 weeks old. Switching to a different litter when your cat is older could be at the root of litter box problems.
You may have to try a few different types of litter to find the one that works best for your cat. If you’re looking to switch, set up three litter boxes with different litter types to see what your cat prefers.
5. There Aren’t Enough Litter Boxes
“Peeing outside the litter box happens more frequently in a household with multiple cats, particularly if one is a bully that prevents another cat from getting to the box,” Dr. Lund says.
This is why you should have one more litter box than the number of cats, and they should be placed in different rooms. For example, if you have two cats, you need three litter boxes.
If you have a timid cat in your home, devote a space—and a litter box—to them that other cats cannot access easily. Dr. Lund says you may also want to avoid covered litter boxes if you have multiple cats. Covered boxes may make some cats uneasy because they can’t see if another cat is around.
6. Your Cat Is Stressed or Anxious
Cats don’t like changes in their environment. Any change—big or small—can affect them substantially, like loud noises near their litter box or moving the box to another spot in the house.
“An anxious cat might p*e elsewhere as a way to relieve their anxiety because the smell of their own urine makes them feel safer,” Dr. Lund says.
Try to make changes gradually and ask your veterinarian about good options to keep stress to a minimum when you know that a major change is coming. Preventing stress is easier than treating it later. You can also use calming pheromones to help your anxious kitty.
When To Go to the Vet
If your cat is suddenly urinating outside the litter box, consult with your veterinarian to rule out medical problems first. If your cat’s health checks out, you may also want to call on a cat behaviorist to help you work through the problems.
There is no quick-fix solution to litter box problems, but they can be solved. Each instance must be addressed based on your cat and your home. “You really have to treat these things holistically and make sure you are covering all the bases,” Dr. Lund says.
With a little bit of time and energy, you’ll restore harmony to your home and stop your cat from p*eing outside of the box.

Just want to remind you all I have a donation day going..  if you can donate please reach out.. we have had a few donati...

Just want to remind you all I have a donation day going.. if you can donate please reach out.. we have had a few donations.. and I can't thank those people enough... I know humans need donations but so do our furry friends.

In light of the holidays ShallowCreek will be doing a donation drive for a Local Cat Sanctuary located in Faribault. I didn't write full name of place as I want this to be Suprise.
All Items or cash, gift cards will be delivered to the Sanctury on January 3rd as that is what I have available with my own personal and work schedule. This Donation will be recorded (video) to show you all your gifts and donations went where they were meant to go.
Items that will be helpful:
Any Bags of food
Any litter
cat treats
Amazon gift Card (to order things they need)
Visa gift Card
Blankets or towels (New or Used) (I'll disinfect)
Cat Shampoo/brushes/nail clippers
pet carriers (new or used) (I'll disinfect)
Dawn Dish soap
OdoBan Disinfectant (pet friendly) (found at Home Depot) (Walmart) (Pet Stores)
Laundry Soap Dreft for kittens) (any for adults)

All donations can be dropped off at my home. If you would like to make a cash donation, I'll be using my CashApp account and get donations cashed out to go along with delivery.
I'll be purchasing a card to put gift cards/money in.
If this is something you would like to donate to please message me for drop off directions or CashApp information.
It is the season of giving let's not forget our Fur Ball friends.
It's not always people who need random help; our world would be a very sad place without animals to show us love when humans can't.

I appreciate all of you who follow my page! Thank you, Danica,

Rahyvn (Retired)Pm for details

Rahyvn (Retired)
Pm for details

I don't know how much truth there is in what cat colors mean, but I know I'm in luck as I have all these except Siamese ...

I don't know how much truth there is in what cat colors mean, but I know I'm in luck as I have all these except Siamese coloring in my home!

So glad I got more than one Ginger! LOL

Share with us, what you think your cat would pick as their Dating Profile photo!Photo'd is my Boots with the Fur, showin...

Share with us, what you think your cat would pick as their Dating Profile photo!

Photo'd is my Boots with the Fur, showing off his GUNS! Yeah Baby!

Can't wait for the laughs!

Our Mayhem Alpha is just absolutely so handsome!

Our Mayhem Alpha is just absolutely so handsome!

Trivia Day!What % of people identify as cat people?a. 8%b. 11.5%c. 20%d. 23.5%Answer: b. 11.5%       Come on people that...

Trivia Day!

What % of people identify as cat people?
a. 8%
b. 11.5%
c. 20%
d. 23.5%

Answer: b. 11.5% Come on people that's a little LOW! Here Kitty Kitty!

Trivia Day!What % of people identify as cat people?a. 8%b. 11.5%c. 20%d. 23.5%No Cheating! Answer tonight at 8pm!LOL I c...

Trivia Day!

What % of people identify as cat people?
a. 8%
b. 11.5%
c. 20%
d. 23.5%

No Cheating! Answer tonight at 8pm!

LOL I can't believe Cat people is a Movie.. and there is more than 1! HAHAHAHAH

Enrichment Day!For days you will be away from home at work or away overnight, Motion sensor toys are a great way to make...

Enrichment Day!

For days you will be away from home at work or away overnight, Motion sensor toys are a great way to make sure your kitty(s) do not get bored and destroy your home. There are lots to choose from on Amazon! The best part is they are USB plug in, so no batteries needed!

Training Day!Catnip spray is a great tool to help train your new kitty to items that will belong to them!There are lots ...

Training Day!

Catnip spray is a great tool to help train your new kitty to items that will belong to them!
There are lots of brands of catnip spray so you can't go wrong with any of them!
How to use:
Any bed, cloth toy, tower posts and especially scratch tower spray daily for 1st week so that they learn this is a safe place to scratch and IT'S MINE!


SynLee bird watching with me!


20123 State Highway 22
Mankato, MN


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