It’s bout to get real wild over here. Bee season is just moments away
Beeks-are you ready?!? Buckle up. Here we go 👏👏
Wanna come visit us?!! 😀😀😀
Over ten years ago I was working for the federal government, splitting my time between Washington DC, Austin, and Afghanistan, when I took a chance beekeeping class. To say I was hooked immediately is an understatement. I quit my job within the year, and channeled that passion into what is now Two Hives Honey. Now I get to help make that same magical dream a reality for so many others! From online classes, our immersive apprenticeship program, and my now book, For the Bees, it is my life’s work to find ways to bring some of the joy of bees to you as well.
If this is the year you’ve wanting to get into beekeeping, comment below or message me. The best part of my week is when I get to talk with real folks and help them find a way forward. Lets make 2025 your year!
#beekeeper #beekeepersofinstagram #beekeeping #twohives #twohiveshoney #urbanbeekeeping #experiencesoverstuff #beelife #beekeepinglife #fortheloveofbees #beekeeping101
This gal fell into it, didn’t she?
Yup. That’s right. With the right tools and skills we can artificially inseminate queen bees. Once reserved for labs and scientific studies, we are starting to see more and more of this activity in breeding programs.
Got questions?! I bet you do 😛😛. Give ‘em to me In the comments.
Got a few hives that are heading into winter a little light on honey stores? No shame! It was a HORRIBLE year for honey in Texas (and apparently a lot of the Southeast) and when the weather doesn’t cooperate to provide the resources bees need, this is just one way to provide nutrition to get through those winter months.
Bees can’t take sugar water in the colder months, plus breaking into colonies and opening propolis seals to reapply is not a great practice! Also, condensation in a colony in colder months = bad, so this is one way to ensure your bees have the carbs they need to make it through.
Have you tried mountain camp feeding before?!
My ladies. 🤩 (and Jared 🔥)
#beekeeper #beekeepersofinstagram #beekeeping #twohives #twohiveshoney #urbanbeekeeping #experiencesoverstuff #beelife #beekeepinglife #fortheloveofbees #beekeeping101
So many big thanks to all of you that showed up for our Holiday Bazaar last Saturday! The bonfire was so cozy and the lovely voices thanks to @lmschoir mccallumchoir @manormustangchoir MADE the event. (We will definitely hope for a repeat performance next yea!)
It wasn’t easy to get out and support small on that rainy dreary day, and yall DID. It was such a successfull event. Thank you again, and until next year!!
Thanks to all our vendors :
@txkeepercider @srslychocolate @sweetcharligirl @awkwardauntie @kbeaujewelry @honeysolcafe