Honey 🍯 is a beautiful palomino paint mare pony. She is 6 years old and 10 hands tall. She is as sweet as they come. She loves being brushed all over, stands for baths and comes to you to be caught. A kid can jump on her where they catch her and ride off or she is easy to saddle and put a little tiny beginner on to lead or let her follow you all around. She neck reins and is easy to maneuver for kids. She will walk and trot easily. And will lope with a few good kicks or small whip. She has been hauled to horse shows and playdays, she stands perfect tied to the trailer all day and doesn’t mind a long day of babysitting kids. She has done all the events, mostly leadline events but will go through them individually. She isn’t fast but she is SAFE and will do what she is asked. She is super tolerate of kids sliding off her, picking up all 4 feet, etc. Honey can be led off of a big horse and gets along with any animal you put her with. She will go over small jumps and tarps. She has been rode around dogs, cattle and sheep and all through the pasture and down the road. She has never offered to kick or bite. She is very willing to please. She is has the looks and sweet kind temperament that everyone looks for in a pony. She would look really good under the Christmas tree too… 🎅🏼🎄
Asking $700 for her
Located in Ohio
I can deliver for a fee
I can hold
Serious inquiries please!