Need a Serotonin boost? We’ve got you covered!
It’s been four years since Pixie came to Serenity after being rehomed over and over again during her life. We were very worried about her when she lost her pasture mate Odin, this last fall,  but we are overjoyed to report that she is now sharing space with our newest minis, Phantom and RJ. All three of them are getting on famously, and it’s so wonderful to see her interacting and playing with them. If you have not seen this video before this is her story.
There’s always that one horse 😂
Our poor sweet old mare JayJay was our 11th horse this week who received dental care. She had to have two extractions, and is pretty sore tonight because one of the teeth broke in half. 😥
People often forget that proper dental care is just as important to horses to maintain good health as it is in humans. We are so lucky to have a great vet team!
Our ordinarily spicy mare, Radish, was somewhat subdued after having dental work today 😂
Horraaayyy!! we have power again! Thank you to all the hard-working lineman! We are so grateful for you!
We have power!
Thank you to all the hard working linemen out there!! We appreciate you!!
When there’s no one near by for belly scratch, a rose bush will help in a pinch! 😂
5 Days with out power! Ugh! Thankfully we have a generator for our well so we still have running water!
We are happy to report that we made it though the bomb cyclone unscathed and the horses are up to their usual antics! Keeping those still affected in our thoughts and prayers!