🦜🪶🐦 Renowned expert Dr. Douglas Mader touches on the very important, and often neglected, condition of feather-picking of our beloved avian friends. This important information can help you understand and notice this sad condition in order to better enrich their lives. 🦜🪶🐦
Here at Marathon Veterinary Hospital, Dr. Aundria del Pino is our experienced avian veterinarian, and can help you with your beloved avian friend if they are experiencing this condition. Call us today if you are experiencing any of these issues, we can help!
🦜 What is feather-picking?
🦜 Feather-picking occurs when a bird plucks out or damages its feathers. It usually
progresses from feather-destructive behavior (where the bird may just chew on its
feathers) to a more severe form where the bird damages its skin. Sometimes a bird will
also damage the feathers and/or skin of its companion. Feather damage/plucking can
occur anywhere the bird's beak can reach, but most commonly affects the breast and
🦜 Why do birds pick their feathers?
🦜 Feather-picking can occur for a variety of reasons, but these all fall into two primary
categories: medical and behavioral. Medical causes of feather-picking can be related to
the skin and feathers, or related to stress from other illness. Medical causes of feather-
picking include poor diet, exposure to toxins, infection (which may bacterial, viral, or
fungal in origin), parasites, or other diseases. Your avian veterinarian will want to
perform a full physical examination and/or run laboratory tests to rule out medical
causes of feather-picking. If a medical cause of feather-picking cannot be identified, the
feather-picking is likely occurring due to behavioral reasons.
🦜 Behavioral causes of feather-picking may include stress from various sources, including
lack of stimulation (‘boredom’), sleep deprivation, and sexual frustration. Boredom may
result from lack of appropriate toys, not enough foraging opportunities, or not enough
interaction with other individuals (human or avian). Stressors may include other pets in
the house, unwanted attention from people, loud noises, changes in weather, new
people in the house getting more attention, or other environmental factors. Don’t forget
that stress from behavioral causes can bring about medical conditions!
( excerpt from the U.C. Davis School of Veterinary Medicine)
Thrive Pet Healthcare