I woke up this morning alone, with my 3 dogs I have left out of 11. I lost the rest because it has become part of the price I'm to pay for freedom, freedom that God is preparing me for, for the rest of my life . I've been homeless for over 50 some odd days now, it's been cold, it's been lonely, and there were people that kick others while they are down, I have been shamed by having to wear the same clothes all this time, been told by some to leave my dogs somewhere , forget them and move on. Been told I can't go here or there because of these dogs. I've lost the only family I thought I had, but never had at all. Been treated like a person that just got out of prison with a chip on my shoulder, yet the decisions I made there has gotten me where I am today. I got out of prison that I served 12.9 years on a 15 year sentance wanting to give not take, I wanted to make others feel like I felt the first time in almost 13 years some one was kind to me. Ya see in prison they keep you down, they call you names, they never treat you with respect. If they don't make you feel like the scum they say you are.
So like my family I've lost, prison is a place that your past is made to identify who you are, they don't encourage change, they judge you by what you were sent there for , even if you didn't.
I went in a Christian, I stayed a Christian, and because of that decision I truly believe God is letting me go through what I'm going through in order to rid myself of the ones in my life that cannot because they will not change, and place me on that road that will be the very best I could have ever prayed for.
God was in prison with me, saved my life several times, took people out of my life there,and stuck with me every step of the way, I'm determined to keep him in every thing I do, He has protected, directed, and corrected, AND I want to publicly today his birthday thank him for all the difficulties he has lead me through, and for the last part of my life being the happiest I have ever seen, .
People have all kinds of reasons they want to judge others by, God sees it all yet he sticks closer than a brother, and if you stick with him, like he always sticks with you in every thing you do. And you to will be able to thank him for all the problems he has let you go through, and the pay off is undescribable.