Recently there have been posts put up at the dog park where someone has listed rules. While some of the rules are listed on the sign by the main gate, some of the rules are new. Please do not post your own rules on the message board or in the park. Whether I agree or disagree with new rules, no individual gets to create them because the Marietta Community Dog Park is a municipal park. The process for getting a rule added is that you take a suggestion to the city council and they vote on it. The notice had the name that I created for a volunteer group that helps with dog park maintenance added to the bottom of the page. This group is always looking for new members, but we vote on the actions taken by the group at meetings and the current acting members were surprised to see our group name at the bottom of this paper. I am extending a sincere personal invitation to the author to come and join our group.
That being said, I am sure that the author of the above mentioned letter has the best of intentions. It feels like a few of the people who are taking advantage of our municipal park have forgotten about the idea of community. Community is so important to the safety and enjoyment of a dog park that we added it to our dog park name. Please be a responsible dog(s) owner and a good community member. In the comments, I will include a picture of all the approved park rules and will remind you that if there is a safety issue in the park, you should call the police department. Their phone number is included on the list of approved park rules.