Mary Kehoe McCarthy Dressage

Mary Kehoe McCarthy Dressage Mary McCarthy Dressage

Clinics - Training - Instruction - Competition

FEI Trainer & Instructor
USDF Bronze, Silver & Gold Medalist

Through classical training methods, Mary imparts on both her horses and riders a confident, relaxed, and harmonious partnership. These methods encompass the gradual progression of skills, physical and mental development, and continual review of the training scale in both daily and long term work. Mary's own philosophy has evolved from her experiences and education. She has consistently worked with

top level instructors who have drilled home the importance of a correct seat and effective aids, as well as the patient development of the horse. She has found consistency in the training methods shared with her, and has achieved success with the horses she rides and the students she trains by following those methods. In addition to her regular instruction with Steffen Peters, she also takes advantage of clinic opportunities such as working with Conrad Schumacher twice per year, and educational events such as the CDS & USDF symposiums, and is currently enrolled in the L (Learner's Judge) Program. Mary continually works at expanding and honing her own skills, and therefore is able to bring the methods imparted to her by some of our best riders and instructors into her daily lessons and training sessions for her students. She encourages her students to ride in clinics and participate in various events which broaden their personal experiences, and bring home consistent themes in their own work. There is ALWAYS more to learn! For the riders, she emphasizes a correct seat in order to deliver effective aids and communication. Many of her riders spend a great deal of time with lunge / seat lessons, and have made wonderful breakthroughs that their horses immediately let them know about. For the horses, she encourages responsiveness to subtle aids, and daily work through the training scale relative to their level of accomplishment at that time. While working up the levels, the horse and rider should never lose sense of the most basic requirements. A grand prix horse should still be able to perform a stretchy trot and simple trot-canter-trot transitions as easily as he can do the very difficult extended trot-passage-piaffe transitions. Mary also encourages her riders to cross-train. She has found yoga to be extremely complimentary to riding dressage, creating a quiet, relaxed state of mind, and a supple and strong body. As most of her current students are Adult Amateur professional women, Mary understands that riding time can be limited while sitting behind a desk and in the car can dominate their schedules. Yoga is an additional way to achieve harmony with horses. Mary also continually works together with each student to determine and assess short term and long term goals, making the most of their often limited time. Most importantly, the horse's welfare comes first. Skilled veterinarians and farriers are used, in addition to chiropractic/accu-pressure care, and educated saddle-fitters. Mary will question training challenges or sudden changes in a horse by first addressing any possibly physical causes such as dental, feed, soreness or injury. Caution and patience are taken to address these challenges. Feel free to contact Mary Kehoe directly at [email protected] for more information on her training philosophy.

Such a bummer ... they were having such a beautiful test!!!

Such a bummer ... they were having such a beautiful test!!!

Unfortunately, Marcus Orlob and Jane were eliminated today during the FEI Grand Prix when a small nick on Jane's hind fetlock started to bleed during the test. Due to the FEI Blood Rules for Dressage, the pair were eliminated. We believe Jane accidentally stepped on herself going into the arena, which caused the minor cut. She is currently back in stabling, relaxing in her stall, and the cut is no longer bleeding.

Adrienne Lyle & Helix and Steffen Peters & Suppenkasper will now compete as individuals in the Grand Prix and look to earn a qualifying spot in the FEI Grand Prix Freestyle on Sunday.

Dancing our way to the palace 💃🕺

The U.S. Olympic Dressage Team will be represented by the following combinations during the 2024 Paris Olympics in Versailles, France.

🇺🇸 Adrienne Lyle (Wellington, Fla.) and Helix, a 2012 Dutch Warmblood (Apache X Zeester T) gelding owned by Zen Elite Equestrian Center and cared for by Marina Lemay

🇺🇸 Marcus Orlob (Loxahatchee, Fla.) and Jane, a 2014 Dutch Warmblood (Desperado x Zandra) mare owned by Alice Tarjan and cared for by Allison Nemeth

🇺🇸 Steffen Peters (San Diego, Calif.) and Suppenkasper, a 2008 KWPN (Spielberg x Upanoeska) gelding owned by Four Winds Farm and Akiko Yamazaki and cared for by Eddie Garcia

The following combination has been selected as the traveling reserves.

🇺🇸 Endel Ots (Wellington, Fla.) and Bohemian, a 2010 Westphalian (Bordeaux x Sunshine) gelding owned by Zen Elite Equestrian Center and cared for by Caroline Hoerdum

The final countdown!

The final countdown!

Almost nine months of qualifying a USA dressage team for the Paris Olympics finally comes to an end this week with seven riders and nine horses on the short list entered to compete at two European events.

One more day!!NEDA Spring show!!!

One more day!!
NEDA Spring show!!!

Another beautiful day at the NEDA spring show!!Much success and qualifying scores in yesterday’s tests!!

Another beautiful day at the NEDA spring show!!

Much success and qualifying scores in yesterday’s tests!!

Show time!!!NEDA Spring Show

Show time!!!
NEDA Spring Show

Wise words!

Wise words!

Detach yourself from the outcome

If you’ve been around for a while you’ll know I love to talk about how as riders we put so much of our self worth or how good we are as riders on that mark we get at a competition and it’s always frustrated me that so many of us struggle to see past that score and struggle to see the good parts of those bad tests and that perspective. But I’ve always struggled to word how I feel about this subject until I heard someone on a podcast talking about a completely different topic.

They said

We need to detach ourselves from the outcome and attach ourselves to the process

Detach your self worth from that final score

Detach your decision of whether you are a ‘good rider’ on that final score

Detach your conclusion of whether it was a good day or not on that final score

Instead attach it to the process. The progress you’ve made over the last few months or years, the journey you’re on, how much you enjoy riding your horse, how happy and healthy your horse is and how much they enjoy their work.

Let this be your guide instead and I promise you you’ll enjoy everything from training to competing to life so much better


Congratulations to my clients on a very successful, first of the season, outing at the Mystic Valley Dressage show this ...

Congratulations to my clients on a very successful, first of the season, outing at the Mystic Valley Dressage show this past weekend.

Jillian and her new partner, LG, debuted at 2nd and 3rd Level, achieving scores toward her Bronze Medal. More to come at 3rd Level as she works to qualify for regional finals!!

Jennifer and her long time partner, Shrek, entered their first rated dressage show ever! A successful debut at 1st Level in large, competitive classes. Jen really went for it and achieved qualifying scores toward the regional finals!

Catherine and her adorable Lou also entered their first rated dressage show ever! A fantastic outing at Training Level and dipping a hoof into First Level in some very competitive classes!! Looking ahead to advancing their First Level work and going for qualifying as well!!

We lucked out with great weather all weekend, well settled and happy horses in a busy show environment!!

Thanks to everyone around us, friends and family members, who support our endeavors!!

Looking forward to this event!!

Looking forward to this event!!

The New England Dressage Association (NEDA) is thrilled to announce that British team member, World Equestrian Games and European Championship medalist Gareth Hughes will headline the 2024 Absorbine/ NEDA Symposium. The Symposium will take place October 19th and 20th at the Mount Holyoke College Equestrian Center in South Hadley, Massachusetts. The format of the Symposium will follow Gareth’s successful masterclass formula from his European, Australian, and British National Convention appearances and highlight training of the horse and rider through the levels.

About Gareth Hughes
Gareth Hughes has represented Great Britain on numerous award-winning teams that have made the UK soar to the top of international dressage along with his teammates Carl Hester and Charlotte Dujardin. He is a clear precise teacher with the ability to make concepts reachable step by step. Gareth is probably most gifted at creating a harmonious partnership with the horse that makes the work look easy and in self-carriage. He is recognized as a master in training the pirouettes.
Tickets get released to members June 9th, for more information check out our website:


Treasure Hill Farm is pleased to welcome back International 5* Eventer Dom Schramm for our Summer Series clinics on May 25th and 26th 2024

Hailing from the small outback town of Charleville, Australia, Dom first achieved international recognition as a member of the Australian Young Rider Eventing Squad. His passion for eventing took him all
over Australia, England, Germany, and ultimately to the United States. Among his recent accomplishments are completions of 5* events in Kentucky, Burghley, and Badminton aboard Naked Horse Syndicate Dutch warmblood, Bolytair B.

Leveraging his patience, experience, and knowledge with young horses, he continues to advance new eventing prospects while based in Cochranville, PA and Ocala, FL. Working with horses and riders of all ages and levels, Dom is effective in developing confidence and new skills for both horse and rider in a positive and
approachable environment. His enthusiasm for eventing, combined with his Aussie sense of humor, results in a fun and rewarding clinic experience that provides exercises that a rider can continue to use. This is an excellent opportunity to fine-tune your current skills, develop new skills, get comfortable with your current level, or reach your next goal.

Click on the link to register


Ever wondered how to take your test-riding up a notch, to gain those valuable extra marks? Carl Hester shares some golden nuggets of training advice that can help every rider pull in some extra points in the ring… 1. Focus on your own position “Sitting in the middle of the horse is important for...

Live from Florida ... watch the Grand Prix test of these top international riders.  Freestyles tomorrow evening!

Live from Florida ... watch the Grand Prix test of these top international riders. Freestyles tomorrow evening!



Spring Show! It is not too early to plan how you and your barn can help to make this a success. Rita Brown and Sally Davenport are pitching in to organize and train warmup and ring stewards, a longe monitor and runners. Virtual pre-show training will be provided before the date to ensure that everyone is comfortable with their position, know exactly what to do .

Because the show will be three days instead of two, It is critical that we have every vital position filled with responsible, competent people. This can include stints of only a couple of hours at a time as well as half-day and full-day assignments. Although many positions have been filled, we definitely need more so step up and volunteer! Riders who ware willing tovolunteer but don’t know their availability will be accommodated after ride times are assigned. Let us know who you are and we’ll contact you after ride times come out.

Contact Sally Davenport, [email protected], 781-854-2547 or Rita Brown , [email protected], 617-688-3711,

Great opportunity to audit these educational events here in CT!

Great opportunity to audit these educational events here in CT!

CDA is running 3 seminars for this program We very much hope that this program is well-attended, as it is designed to educate dressage riders of all levels–both amateurs and professionals who…


Sometimes my team and I are really rolling, with lots of horses and humans showing and getting somewhere and grinding it out. Other times, the youngsters are all youngstering, and I didn’t book a lot of clinics in January and February because the weather usually stinks, and we’re mostly just log...

Balance is an on-going topic with many of my students and their horses.  Such a long curve leaning process, both for hor...

Balance is an on-going topic with many of my students and their horses. Such a long curve leaning process, both for horse and rider!

"[C]ollection creates better balance while performing harder tasks, which then also creates greater cooperation from the horse due to having the ability to stay balanced while performing these tasks." This week's article discusses balance, the terms used to define it in its various iterations, and w...


Pat them. Pat them pat them pat them. If your horse even thinks about thinking about how to think about the thing you want him to think about, PAT HIM. Praise every right thing, all of the time.

DO NOT ‘make the right thing easy and make the wrong thing hard’.

JUST MAKE THE RIGHT THING EASY, and forget about any botched efforts or wrong answers. Don’t take it personally if the horse doesn’t get it right first time. He doesn’t speak your language. He doesn’t understand your ambitions. He doesn’t understand conflict through the lens of human interpretation. He just knows how to horse, yet he is willing to learn, adapt and change for YOU. Make sure you do the same for HIM.

Horses are the only animal on the planet willing to try for us and to give us everything they have, for absolutely no return for themselves whatsoever.

If you do not foster the horse’s desire to try, you will lose this most precious gift.

Changing one's perspective has a huge influence on the horse....

Changing one's perspective has a huge influence on the horse....

Psychologist Jane Karol explains a helpful mental approach to becoming a better rider.

Great information about the progression and why we do these movements ...

Great information about the progression and why we do these movements ...

"What almost everyone has forgotten, or may have never learned, is that dressage is a training system, based on the European cultures and horse types of antiquity, and it was created over centuries to develop horses for war and for ceremonial purposes." This week's article takes a look at the traini...

As we head into show season ....

As we head into show season ....

Now is a good time to familiarize yourself with the USEF bit rule changes. They were last updated on June 8th 2023, and will be in effect for the 2024 show season. I’ve had a few questions regarding turtle tops; those are still dressage legal, but notably, the baucher version is under review. I also met a few riders recently who didn’t know that their French links were banned… that happened in 2022! As usual, if your bit shows as ‘under review’ on annex A, it’s not to be used.

Please also make sure your bit is the right way round! This is something that is increasingly being checked. If it has an arrow, the arrow should be to the left side of your horse’s mouth, pointing forwards. Think of it as, you should be able to glance down and see the arrow as you approach the mounting block, it’s on the same side you lead and mount from 😉 For turtle tops, make sure the turtle on the lozenge is the right way up; don’t put your turtle on its back!
Your 2024 USEF bit and bridle rules can be found here:—bits-saddlery-equipment

*edit to add as someone brought it up:
this is a stock photo. I did not fit this horse. It looks like a poor fit, but most are. Especially in the double…*

Crucial to being more effective on your horse!  Focus on core strength, overall strength / fitness, or yoga / mobility a...

Crucial to being more effective on your horse! Focus on core strength, overall strength / fitness, or yoga / mobility are part of my daily routine.
For those not knowing where to start, the Dressage Rider Training series is a good one.

What forms of exercise will best complement your riding? In this reprint from USDF Connection magazine, dressage professionals Sabine Schut-Kery, Allison Brock, & Ali Calkins share their secrets for rider fitness, & which exercises you can add to your routines to improve your strength & balance in the saddle. Read it here:

Pictured: US Olympic dressage team silver medalist Sabine Schut-Kery Dressage (pictured riding her Tokyo 2020 partner, Sanceo) in the saddle & in the gym. Photo by Terri Miller

When we're stuck inside on Sunday due to the snow storm, we can still be training!!

When we're stuck inside on Sunday due to the snow storm, we can still be training!!

The latest education session in the USDF Virtual Education Series is now available on-demand on the USDF website. ‘The Purpose of Movement’ was originally held October 24. Join Certified Instructor, Instructor/Trainer Program Faculty Member, and USEF Senior Judge Bill McMullin and Certified Instructor, Instructor/Trainer Program Faculty, USEF Senior Judge and FEI Level 3 Judge USEF Senior Judge Sarah Geikie, as they discuss the purpose of the movements from and Judges and Trainers perspective.

Check out this session, as well as the other available sessions in the Virtual Education Series, here:

Each session is free to USDF members and is USDF University accredited.


These are excellent programs to audit!! They will also require a lot of volunteer riders / horses, which is another fabulous way to participate and gain some great education.

The most powerful, simple and trusted way to gather experience data. Start your journey to experience management and try a free account today.


10 Quinn Road
Marlborough, CT


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Our Story

Through classical training methods, Mary imparts on both her horses and riders a confident, relaxed, and harmonious partnership. These methods encompass the gradual progression of skills, physical and mental development, and continual review of the training scale in both daily and long term work. Mary's own philosophy has evolved from her experiences and education. She has consistently worked with top level instructors who have drilled home the importance of a correct seat and effective aids, as well as the patient development of the horse. She has found consistency in the training methods shared with her, and has achieved success with the horses she rides and the students she trains by following those methods. In addition to regular instruction with Steffen Peters over many years, she also has regularly taken advantage of clinic opportunities such as working with Conrad Schumacher, and educational events such as the CDS & USDF symposiums. She also completed the L (Learner's Judge) Program. Mary continually works at expanding and honing her own skills, and therefore is able to bring the methods imparted to her by some of our best riders and instructors into her daily lessons and training sessions for her students. She encourages her students to ride in clinics and participate in various events which broaden their personal experiences, and bring home consistent themes in their own work. There is ALWAYS more to learn! For the riders, she emphasizes a correct seat in order to deliver effective aids and communication. Many of her riders have spent a great deal of time with lunge / seat lessons, and have made wonderful breakthroughs that their horses immediately let them know about. For the horses, she encourages responsiveness to subtle aids, and daily work through the training scale relative to their level of accomplishment at that time. While working up the levels, the horse and rider should never lose sense of the most basic requirements. A grand prix horse should still be able to perform a stretchy trot and simple trot-canter-trot transitions as easily as he can do the very difficult extended trot-passage-piaffe transitions. Mary also encourages her riders to cross-train. She has found yoga to be extremely complimentary to riding dressage, creating a quiet, relaxed state of mind, and a supple and strong body. As most of her students have been Adult Amateur professional women, Mary understands that riding time can be limited while sitting behind a desk and in the car can dominate their schedules. Yoga is an additional way to achieve harmony with horses. Mary also continually works together with each student to determine and assess short term and long term goals, making the most of their often limited time. Most importantly, the horse's welfare comes first. Skilled veterinarians and farriers are used, in addition to chiropractic/accu-pressure care, and educated saddle-fitters. Mary will question training challenges or sudden changes in a horse by first addressing any possibly physical causes such as dental, feed, soreness or injury. Caution and patience are taken to address these challenges. Feel free to contact Mary (Kehoe) McCarthy directly at [email protected] for more information on her training philosophy.

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