Over this past weekend I had the opportunity to do liberty demos with my horses at the Marquette County Fair. As always, I learned a lot, had fun and made many memories but this was the big finale and the highlight of the weekend for me. It has been a goal to perform a choreographed routine with no whips or props and performing to this song meant a lot to me. Riley has had many setbacks and challenges over the last 2 years and I have also learned many things that I wish I could go back and make better for him and my other horses. I think we can all relate to that on our journey of learning and healing. "The Night We Met" encompasses that feeling of wishing I could go back in time as well as the feeling of having almost lost him.
It's safe to say I now have a lot of inspiration for our performance at Fall Phantasm. Please come see us (plus all of the amazing dancers, musicians, immersive actors and fire performers!) on October 5th at Lakenenland.