William A. Monroe LPI, CCDI, CFSI
Qualified Manager/Director of Investigations
Mr. Monroe is the Director of Investigations/Qualified Manager of W.A. Monroe & Associates Security Consulting and Investigations. Mr. Monroe was born in Connecticut, and after graduating high school began a career in the Security Police Career field with the United States Air Force. During his time with the Air Force, Mr. Monroe served in several law enforcement and Security capacities including canine handler, trainer, kennel master, Security force supervisor, Patrol supervisor, Desk Sergeant, Federal executive and dignitary protection detail supervisor, Special Investigations Joint Drug Enforcement Team member, Anti-Terrorism response team leader, and Department of Defense vulnerability and risk assessment team leader. Mr. Monroe is a diligent and highly skilled Security, Law Enforcement, and Investigations professional with a broad understanding of the criminal justice system. Mr. Monroe is a consummate professional, with a proven track record investigating criminal, family law, and plaintiff negligence cases. His passion for the Constitution and the legal process, coupled with his strong desire to seek out the truth in every case are unparalleled.
Mr. Monroe is a California Licensed Professional Investigator with over 10 years of professional investigative experience, ranging from insurance fraud investigations, felony three strike cases, to capital murder cases. Mr. Monroe is an expert in Criminal Defense Investigation and specializes in capital case mitigation, police procedure and use of force, K-9 search and seizure, and K-9 narcotics and explosives detection. He has superior investigative abilities coupled with comprehensive skills in forensic interviewing, forensic photography, crime scene examination, blood spatter detection, recognition, and analysis, and preparing and presenting accurate facts.
Mr. Monroe is a Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council (CDITC) board trained and certified Criminal Defense Investigator CCDI. He is also a CDITC board trained and certified Forensic Science Investigator (CFSI). He is currently pursuing his certification CDITC board trained and certified Forensic Interviewer (CFI-FTER). Mr. Monroe completes 12-24 Continued Learning and Education (CLE) credits per year.
Mr. Monroe serves on the faculty and training advisory board as the CDITC Western Regional Director and is a faculty cadre Instructor for the Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council (CDITC), Center for Investigative Studies.
Mr. Monroe is a highly motivated individual, who is extremely effective in the most stressful situations. He possesses well-developed administrative and organizational skills and has an unparalleled ability to effectively prioritize, and manage a broad range of litigation/Investigation related responsibilities and functions. He will ensure that objective, fair, and legal methods are utilized to facilitate his clients cases through honest and procedurally sound investigations.
Mr. Monroe holds an Associates of Science degree (AS) from the Community College Of The Air Force in Police Science/Industrial Security. He holds a Bachelors of Arts (BA) degree from Ashford University in Social and Criminal Justice. Mr. Monroe is currently pursuing a Masters of Science degree (MS) in Criminal Justice with a specialization in Forensic Science from Ashford University with 22 credits remaining.
Mr. Monroe's experience, knowledge, leadership, and work ethic make him your obvious investigative choice for success.