Does you vet serenade your pet as if it's his own baby? If not, bring your pet to Dr. Pressly as he has been known to do this from time to time.....🍼🎵❤️
If your pet isn't being spoiled like this at their current Boarding and Daycare then they are at the wrong place! Bring them to Pressly Playcation Station and let our team treat them like the King or Queen they are.
#dogboarding #pps #veterinarianowned #doggydaycare #staycation #dogdaycare #playcation
Chichi and Copai can't praise our boarding and daycare location @presslyplaycationstation Pressly Playcation Station enough. They sing their praises to everyone that will listen.
Give them a call to see what makes them so different from other facilities. 704-776-4237
Nothing like goat kisses.