This is a statement from Classic Paws:
I have really been trying to figure out what to say in response to my public stoning.
This is why appointment times matter: I was grooming a difficult dog, the owners know that he is. He tries to bit, hates to be brushed, or combed. So yes, I talk to them, sometimes stearn. I was telling him if he'd let them brush him at home, and me here, it would make it easier on all of us. I may have said seems like everyone is in a hurry. Dogs act up when someone is in my very small shop. If she had come at her 1:30 appointment time, I would have had the dog I was working on back in his kennel, my workspace cleaned up and ready, for the nail trim. Yes, I was frustrated, but I would never hurt a dog on purpose. I did quick a few on the left rear paw, quicks were long and I said it would need to come sooner. I quicked one on the right rear and one on left front. I cleaned it good, shaved paw pads out, to get better traction on smooth floors. I smoothed the ones without the quick stop and cleaned its ears. I gave the owner some quick stop to take with incase they started to bleed. I should have told her to carry the dog out so the quick stop wouldn't get rubbed of. That was my fault. She asked how much, I said 10, she handed me a 20 and said just give me five back. I thought all was well. I wish she had handled it privately with me instead of publicly about me.
Now I have ( friends and family of this compantant)and other groomers dragging me through worse than mud.
I have giving people their names and locations for grooming and how to find on Facebook. Back in the day that's how it was with groomers, we'd have their numbers on a list so people wouldn't have to look them up.
I mat have been going through things, but Praise the Lord that storm has subsided. He will take care of me. I'm in a better place now. My eyes have been open, I always thought " you without sin cast the first stone. I'll try to be a better a better person.
And no more threats please, trying to run me off.
I would like to say thank you, to those who took time to reach out you are wonderful people, I appreciate and love you all!
I would also like to with all the new Groomer all the best!