Day 2 of Tucker's self training lessons! I think he's doing really well! LOL 😉
This is a prime example of the natural hunting ability in a bloodline. Pine Valley Tucker has had absolutely no formal training on birds yet, but this reaction is bred into him. This is why my clients absolutely love Pine Valley GSPs, and of course, I'm very proud of my furkids! ❤️
Tucker is letting me know that he intends to be a bird dog, with or without my help! LOL 😆
Pine Valley Duke, the patriarch of our kennel, is still doing well (for his ripe old age of 16 years and 3 months). I hope we can enjoy his company for many months to come. 😍❤️
Another big birthday celebration here at Pine Valley Gundogs. Pine Valley Autumn Breeze turned 15 years old today. Knuckle bones for everyone! She's still happy, healthy and stubborn when she wants to be. I couldn't ask for anything more! ❤️❤️
Willow's intensity is awesome! That's what you call focused! LOL 😊
Pine Valley Tucker in his early stages of training. Remember to always make the training fun and a positive experience for your young dog! 😊
Today I took 9 year old Willow (out of Duke and Madison) with me to mend fencing in the conditioning pen and I guess she got a bit distracted! LOL 😀😉
Come on out to the WnW Outdoor Weekend and say hi to me and Koko's puppies!
What do you do when the weather's too hot for training? You let the boys do some water retrieves. Cooling down and getting some exercise! 👍
The whole indoor pack celebrating Dukey Boy's Sweet 16 birthday!
Dukey Boy got more comfortable lying down and eating. He actually ate a lot more when he went back in the house.