Énergisant 3 month old with his feed bag Take II since I clearly forgot how to work video vs still shot yesterday 😑
I still find it entertaining that he takes after his cousins Echo and Cassian with how he likes to throw the bag around while eating and he's never met them to learn it.
#stonewallsporthorse #stonewallsantiago #sugarbush #ashda #rockinthedots #sugarbushharlequindraft
Énergisant coming 3 months old, taking to the feed bag quicker than many food motivated adults.
Poor Rabbit says "can't I just eat my breakfast in peace?"
***these are feed bags, they are on only for the meal to be eaten then removed.
They have 24/7 hay and grass this area is their high traffic area and is sand.
These are not twins, theres 2 mommas with a foal each. Just the foals like to test the waters with the wrong mare on occassion.***
What is this personal space you speak of?
Payton x Rockin' Mighty Belle
Hopefully this will post.
This..right..here..is just so remarkable to me.
Payton has putted around on Belle but never with Michelle very far away. She did some of the big kid classes today.
This class she brought home one of her 1st Place Blue Ribbons in!!! It was her first class without Michelle too. We are just so proud of both Payton and Belle for today!
Cassian thinks he can take on a roll of hay lol then there's so sweet slaw just waiting for scratches.
Slaw, RTD's Sugarbush YouNeedIt
and Cassian, RTD's Sugarbush HowLucky
Decided to make their own version of derby day this afternoon. Foal version of singing in the rain.
Compilation of these results for the horses shown by us and a couple that used to be ours that were needed to complete a category.
2020 Conformation:
1st Place – RTD’s DanceWithTheDevil owned by Terri Nutter
2022 Colts Conformation:
1st Place – RTD’s RealLifeFantasy owned by Terri Nutter
Heritage Conformation:
2nd Place – RTD’s LookAtThat owned by Terri Nutter
Conformation Stallions:
2nd Place – RTD’s StillARockstar owned by Terri Nutter
3rd Place – Aego de Fermes Boisvert owned by Terri Nutter
Liberty Stallions:
2nd Place – RTD's StillARockStar owned by Terri Nutter
Conformation Mares:
1st Place – RTD’s BringinBootyBack owned by Terri Nutter
5th Place – RTD’s HotStickySweet owned by Terri Nutter
Liberty Mares:
2nd Place – RTD’s BringinBootyBack owned by Terri Nutter
4th Place – RTD’s HotStickySweet owned by Terri Nutter
Get of Sire:
1st Place – Aego de Fermes Boisvert owned by Terri Nutter
Produce of Dam:
2nd Place – Un Peu Dingue owned by Terri Nutter
RTD’s BringinBootyBack owned by Terri Nutter
Conformation Heritage:
1st Place – RTD’s GonnaFunkYouUp owned by Tom Nutter
Liberty Heritage:
2nd Place – RTD’s GonnaFunkYouUp owned by Tom Nutter
Get of Sire:
1st Place – Rorschach’s Hextatic owned by Terri Nutter
I'm going to spare everyone from the graphics.
Belle decided she didn't want a heel bulb on her outside front left, yesterday afternoon.
I left work a little bit earlier than my typical yesterday, I'm not even sure why.
This happened shortly after I got home and had just brought the dogs out to go potty.
She sliced fairly deep from the top of the heel bulb and down several inches.
She's been a rock star through the bandage changes.
As of the last bandage change she still had a geyser coming out of the sliced artery.
I will be doing another bandage change at day break. The one she's in right now looks like I may have managed to stop it or at least slow it down.
She's currently modeling gauze, hand towel folded triple and then wrapped around so 6 layers at the bulb, some special tape, then 3 rolls vet wrap in this video.
She's got a few weeks of this and the vet will revisit the damage to see if anything further needs done.
Keep her in your thoughts please.
Arriving home, yesterday, after work. Looks like momma Sombra is OK now without Cassian always being underfoot. Maybe this is the weekend the shenanigans will begin!!!!
Once they got done, being scared of a little with a big hat, their curiosity won
Heading a mare and trying to hurry to US machine and snap a pic while vet is doing his Thang proves Terri to fail at checking picture quality before turning said mare out.
That being said Sombra foal is growing well, right on track for her 114 day mark.
I learned my lesson after sombra and video taped the screen for Miracle. Baby Slaw is also growing well and right on track for 114 days.