if anyone is able to help our dear friends at Heart of Glass Animal Rescue, they are in urgent need of assistance! Reach out to them directly, donate, like, share, or comment to help! It takes a village 🙏
CURRENT AND FINAL UPDATE: Thank you all so much! We have reached our goal for replacing our furnace and we can now get it taken care of ASAP to ensure the safety and warmth of the building for the rest of the winter!!
Unfortunately the problem with our furnace is more of a costly endeavor than we were hoping for. We are going to need a new unit asap which can be very expensive but with the help of some very generous folks, we are looking at an approximate cost of $1500. We have updated our instagram fundraiser to reflect this additional cost. Please feel free to donate through Venmo or PayPal instead of Instagram if you prefer! We appreciate our community so much for rallying around us right now!
UPDATE: We have an appointment scheduled! We will keep you all informed when we find out more about what we may be looking at financially. Thank you so much for all of the donations and shares!!
We are currently having some issues with our heating system. All the animals are being cared for and we have a contingency plan in place if we cannot get our system fixed. We are currently looking for anyone who may know how to fix the problem. Do you or anyone you know work in the HVAC industry? Please send us a message so we can explain further!
Regardless of who can take care of this issue for us, this fix will undoubtedly come at a cost and we hope to be able to cover it. Our fundraiser goal for this may shift and we will keep everyone updated. In the meantime, if you have anything you can spare for this unexpected expense, please feel free to donate to our instagram fundraiser or send us something through Venmo/Paypal (links in bio). If you cannot donate, sharing this post would also help!
Please know our animals’ safety is our first priority. Thank you all so much!