Sugar Creek Carriages has alleged complaints against it's competitors many times over the years regarding leaving their horse unattended and how unsafe it is, when in reality they were taking still shots and editing the "evidence" and the driver was actually nearby, or had posted someone to watch the horse for them. Here you see a video of a Sugar Creek Carriages driver leaving his horse standing while he engages in an already ongoing, apparently very heated discussion. More from the self-proclaimed safest!
Maybe we should ask Maggie in Alaska, who he repeatedly beat, and harassed to the point she fled from Nashville back to Alaska, if Johnny Smith has ever caused her any harm. Or how about Donald Lentz who he punched in the mouth and chased with an axe handle, which seems to be one of his weapons of choice as there are multiple accounts from different people of Johnny Smith chasing them with an axe handle. Maybe we should ask Robert Heath who was beat in the head with a rock if Johnny Smith has ever caused him any harm! Then there's the horses that he beats with a 2x4. Many witnesses have testified to this. Nashville Animal Advocacy, did he not tell you about that when you visited him, and while you're working hand in hand with him against his competitors? Maybe we should ask Melody Robinson and Paul Morrison and all of their drivers if Johnny Smith has caused any harm to their income and work environment! Both testify that the income to their businesses has suffered major blows over the past several years because Johnny Smith can't stand competition! Let's ask Clint Lemoine if Johnny Smith caused any harm to him when he had his attorney stand before the TLC and FALSELY ACCUSE him of running over someone's foot which resulted in a suspension of his permit, therefore a 90 day loss of income!! Multiple drivers, including Mr. Lemoine at the same meeting where he was suspended for false accusations, also testify to the hostile work environment of being constantly followed, harassed, and having cameras pointed at them while they simply try to share the city with visitors. So, once again, Mr. Blackburn, maybe you should CHECK YOUR FACTS before you open your lying lips! In fact, there are MANY MULTITUDES of people, and animals who Johnny Smith has harmed, and continues to harm!
10 years later, they still haven't learned the definition of peace. Gary Blackburn stated at the Dec. 13th, 2018 meeting the attempt at peace between "these entities" and to notice how there are no new complaints, and the very next agenda contained complaints by Sugar Creek Carriages employees and affiliates against other companies, filed only 3 days after this meeting, and the other companies were NOT EVEN WORKING DOWNTOWN!!! Sugar Creek Carriages had downtown Nashville completely to themselves, and yet sought out the competition in a stalker-like manner specifically to harass the other drivers and companies by following, photographing, videotaping, and turning in MORE COMPLAINTS and using a group called Nashville Animal Advocacy, who they are affiliated with to file even more complaints. Clearly, these so called attempts at peace are more blatant lies.
Gary Blackburn; Documented LIE
In the TLC meeting held on 10/26/2017, Mr. Russell Bassett brought charges against Sugar Creek Carriages for repeated imprudent and non-courteous behavior, all of which he demonstrated with video documentation of their actions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImE81-N8gG8
In the TLC meeting held on 11/16/2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9QBBL_Szco Gary Blackburn appeared before the board to plead for mercy for Sugar Creek employees, as the commission had ruled that the company be suspended for 6 months. In his pleas, as well as in the writ that he filed so that Sugar Creek never missed a day of work, Gary Blackburn states several untruths, one of which is that there is no evidence. As you will see for yourself in the first meeting, there is certainly evidence, and the court also ruled that there was sufficient evidence, and a "pattern of behavior by Sugar Creek Carriages....." and a "disregard for public safety." So then... why does the TLC overturn their original decision to place Sugar Creek Carriages on a 6 month suspension?? Does this not place them in a position of liability??
Yet another instance of these evil people trying to destroy someone's character and credibility, when they are the ones with a record of lies. As Mr. Bassett states here, though they accuse someone of inappropriately touching one of their drivers, there is no police report! These people are the absolute first to call the police frivolously, so they most certainly would have filed a police report if this supposed incident had actually happened. Add this to the pile of lies.
Another blatant LIE straight from the lips of Attorney Gary Blackburn who represents Sugar Creek Carriages!!! He says if the commission will have mercy on his client, they will voluntarily not pursue the writ of certiorari they filed. Case number 17-1169-IV proves that this man's word is NO GOOD!! You will see that they did in fact pursue the case to the end, even though Metro requested repeatedly that the motion be dismissed as "moot" because the TLC did not uphold their own original ruling that Sugar Creek Carriages be placed on 6 months suspension. The best part of this is that Sugar Creek Carriages and Gary Blackburn LOST this case and the courts upheld the commission decision. The worst part is that Sugar Creek Carriages did not have to serve a single day of said suspension. Corrupt.
Referring to the same meeting where Mr. LeMoine was falsely accused of running over someone's foot, Attorney Gary Blackburn talks about the police report and expected charges. Interestingly enough, Mr. LeMoine, the real victim on this case, was never questioned by an officer, and never served with a warrant, or given a police report!!! Gary Blackburn, check your facts!!
This is the link to the TLC meeting on 10/27/2016. I strongly encourage anyone interested in investigating the truth for themselves to watch this meeting, beginning from 1:08:00 (one hour and 8 minutes in). You will hear a complaint brought by Sugar Creek Carriages against Clint LeMoine. Mr. LeMoine has been driving a carriage in Nashville longer than anyone else who currently does. As you watch through the video of the complaint, please note that on the video shown of him supposedly running over this man's foot, the carriage never "bumps" as you would expect if it had actually run over anything. Another interesting question is WHY is the person standing in the carriage stand and not on the sidewalk!? Why is this person standing close enough to any carriage that it would be possible for his foot to supposedly be run over?? Also, notice you will hear NO REACTION whatsoever from the so-called victim!!! A carriage weighs approximately a thousand pounds plus, and that is not including the weight of the driver on the seat, and the car batteries which would be under the seat which are used to power the lights on the carriages at night. IF this much weight runs over your foot, how would you react? Most importantly, WHY DOES THE COMMISSION NOR BILLY FIELDS, THE DIRECTOR OF THE COMMISSION NOT ASK ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS?? Note that the attorney when asked what they are seeking, states that they want Mr. LeMoine's driver permit to be revoked (no mercy) because he is a "danger". Please also note that the people recording Mr. LeMoine are standing very close to this supposedly dangerous person. Why?? The recording with this post is of a person who at the time worked for Sugar Creek Carriages.
In this video, he's been pulled over by the police after sitting at Riverfront Park taunting and staring down carriage drivers. Even with the officer behind him, he thinks it was a good idea to flip someone off and sound like a jackass as the carriage driver passes him by. Again, really professional.
Check out the demeanor, and stance of a typical bully! Video obtained from someone attending a Metro Nashville TLC meeting. Notice his wife in the right corner, point out to Kam that he's being filmed.