Freya's Cat Rescue, founded in 2013, is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit group of volunteers dedicated to protecting the lives of outside cats, TNR and ethical recovery practices. Prior to forming this entity, we personally funded the cost of food, TNR, supplies, houses, feeding stations and care for our colony of cats at Pine Brook Care Center as well as other cat colonies twice a day for more than 16 years until we were cruelly evicted by a competitor rescue who decided to target me personally and the cats individually (more will be shared about who instigated the eviction and why). The reason for this is not because we did anything wrong, it is because we did something right and they had a need to cover up their own unethical corruption. We still need your help more than ever! With your tax deductible contribution, you can make a difference in the lives of outside and relocated cats.
Feed a stray, save a life!
Freya's Cat Rescue, PO Box 1299, McKee, KY 40447 effective May 24, 2019
#JustGive to cats in need. Feed a Stray, Save a Life
Members Give at American Express, donate points or charge a donation!
Donate for Charity, donate a car, boat or motorcycle you no longer want and it will be picked up free of charge and you will receive a tax-deduction!
Notice: This page was originally created by two animal activists JF Richards and Julie Dulak after learning about my Care2 Petition posted in the Manalapan Patch. They created and named this page “Saving the Pine Brook Care Center Cats from Extinction”. The petition involved the Township wanting to remove and destroy these cats after having received an innocuous (fake) complaint, that was never validated and we learned was completely fabricated. There has never been a complaint filed about cats on this property. Years later we learned the complaint was officiously reported by the "same" rival rescue “offering assistance” in attempt to take over our cats location and force us out (which did actually happen in 2017). When our story went viral around the World, that same rescue group, seizing the “financial” opportunity, without our permission, then blocking all contact, exploited our petition on their own page to solicit donations in 2013, still keeping her mailing address posted to receive donations for the cats in my care. We received no accounting of those funds when requested, nor copies of their 990’s, and donations were not returned to Freya's Cat Rescue for the benefit of the cats you generous gave to. Their page was once categorized as a non-profit then changed to a “Business”. In fact, due to unethical TNR practices, cats that were trapped, died, 2 were stolen, one right out of the vet’s office. We also didn't receive the microchips that were generously donated, or any other items gifted upon the colony of cats residing at Pine Brook. Instead, I was threatened in writing and over the phone by the individual who also threatened JF to remove photos on the page, which is why he handed the page over to me, months later.
A smear, slander campaign was initiated against me by the same threatening female and her corrupt cohorts as a projection and to cover up their horrific treatment of animals, theft of cats and supplies and immature jealousy. The colony was subsequently vandalized on a regular basis with dishes and food stolen or destroyed. Microchipped and licensed cats Odin and Smokey were stolen. Mabe and Fluffy were stolen. Sandy, Cassie, Peaches were murdered. If you donated to any group from 2013 onward that was not Freya's Cat Rescue, we did not receive those donations on behalf of the cats you see here. Donating to the colony of cats residing on the Pine Brook Care Center property was and is through Freya's Cat Rescue only. We had no control over the original FB page created as I was not made an Admin for many months after its creation. Thank you for understanding and your continued support. The cats deserve the truth spoken on their behalf and in memory of the stolen and murdered cat friends. (c) all rights reserved.
Freya's Cat Rescue is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit, all volunteer cat rescue. Our focus is to advocate and care for feral cat colonies of strays, abandoned, and homeless cats and rescued cats and kittens. We offer education about outside cat care and encourage new cat owners the importance of spaying/neutering pets for their health and to alleviate unwanted behaviors that may result in their future abandonment. We promote ethical TNR recovery practices. Sanctuary is offered to cats in need.
#cat #nonprofit #charity #rescue #fundriser #donate #Shop2Give #FreyaCat #BornPurrfect #FeralFreedom #crime #targetedtoo #corruption #ethics #animaltrafficking