Treat Madness The Final 4
Treat Madness continues! The elite 8 compete for Hannah's vote to move on to the final 4.
Treat Madness continues as we work from the sweet 16 down to the elite 8
Round 1 of our Treat Madness contest. Get a quick over view of the 32 competing treats and see which ones Hannah chooses to move on to the sweet sixteen.
Due to FB cutting my first video at 15 minutes I had to speed it up so helium voice it is. 🤣🤣
Whistle Recall
Klaus and Violet have quite a bit of land available to roam about, so we needed a recall sound that will carry the distance. They are picking it up quickly. Though Violet was pretty much velcroed to my hip and needed some food encouragement to stay back enough that we could practice her recall.
Tonight's Perch work session...minus the Perch. Raising criteria and moving into variable rate reinforcement schedule. And for me...working on my muscle memory to keep my treat hand in a neutral position. Can you catch the moment my hand placement threw him off?
Perch Work Session 4
Perch Work Session 4...We're getting there!! Still stronger towards my right side, so we will continue to tighten that up. But...Oakley is now making it all the way around from left to right and back again!
Perch Work Session 3
Perch work progress. Oakley and I have spent about 15 minutes per day for the past 3 days and his pivot to my left is getting much stronger. Yesterday I made a conscious effort throughout the day to reinforce him only on my left side. Today we used a food lure to help get his butt from 8 o'clock all the way around to 6 o'clock. Then faded the lure and added a cue. Still work to be done to clean it all up...including my mechanics, but we are getting there.
Working on backend awareness with Oakley. He has a strong rubberband pivot into a right-side heel. Our new goal is to get the same on my left side, so we started today with some perch work to strengthen his pivot in both directions.
Robotic Cats...because teaching Fido to live with Fluffy should never come at the expense of Fluffy's emotional or physical state.
Katie the Kitty has joined Oreo - my stuffed distraction dog, Lil' Yapper - my minnie barking walking distraction dog, and Hannah - my real life dog and training partner, as my latest training assistant.